- 雅思写作小作文
- 雅思作文提高:7分写作范文之Job Change
- 雅思写作生活类话题范文汇总
- 2015年9月26日雅思写作范文
- 雅思g类大作文范文
- 雅思作文高分范文:旅游类
- 雅思作文高分范文——流程图
- 雅思写作范文及素材:animaltest
- 雅思写作范文集锦:教育类
separate line graphs answer
The first chart below gives information about the money spent by British parents on their children’s sports between 2008 and 2014. The second chart shows the number of children who participated in three sports in Britain over the same time period.
Here’s my full answer:
The line graphs show the average monthly amount that parents in Britain spent on their children’s sporting activities and the number of British children who took part in three different sports from 2008 to 2014.
It is clear that parents spent more money each year on their children’s participation in sports over the six-year period. In terms of the number of children taking part, football was significantly more popular than athletics and swimming.
In 2008, British parents spent an average of around £20 per month on their children’s sporting activities. Parents’ spending on children’s sports increased gradually over the following six years, and by 2014 the average monthly amount had risen to just over £30.
Looking at participation numbers, in 2008 approximately 8 million British children played football, while only 2 million children were enrolled in swimming clubs and less than 1 million practised athletics. The figures for football participation remained relatively stable over the following 6 years. By contrast, participation in swimming almost doubled, to nearly 4 million children, and there was a near fivefold increase in the number of children doing athletics.
’waste graph’ answer
The line graph compares three companies in terms of their waste output between the years 2000 and 2015.
It is clear that there were significant changes in the amounts of waste produced by all three companies shown on the graph. While companies A and B saw waste output fall over the 15-year period, the amount of waste produced by company C increased considerably.
In 2000, company A produced 12 tonnes of waste, while companies B and C produced around 8 tonnes and 4 tonnes of waste material respectively. Over the following 5 years, the waste output of companies B and C rose by around 2 tonnes, but the figure for company A fell by approximately 1 tonne.
From 2005 to 2015, company A cut waste production by roughly 3 tonnes, and company B reduced its waste by around 7 tonnes. By contrast, company C saw an increase in waste production of approximately 4 tonnes over the same 10-year period. By 2015, company C’s waste output had risen to 10 tonnes, while the respective amounts of waste from companies A and B had dropped to 8 tonnes and only 3 tonnes.
(192 words, band 9)
pie charts report
The charts below show the results of a questionnaire that asked visitors to the Parkway Hotel how they rated the hotel’s customer service. The same questionnaire was given to 100 guests in the years 2005 and 2010.
The pie charts compare visitors’ responses to a survey about customer service at the Parkway Hotel in 2005 and in 2010.
It is clear that overall customer satisfaction increased considerably from 2005 to 2010. While most hotel guests rated customer service as satisfactory or poor in 2005, a clear majority described the hotel’s service as good or excellent in 2010.
Looking at the positive responses first, in 2005 only 5% of the hotel’s visitors rated its customer service as excellent, but this figure rose to 28% in 2010. Furthermore, while only 14% of guests described customer service in the hotel as good in 2005, almost three times as many people gave this rating five years later.
With regard to negative feedback, the proportion of guests who considered the hotel’s customer service to be poor fell from 21% in 2005 to only 12% in 2010. Similarly, the proportion of people who thought customer service was very poor dropped from 15% to only 4% over the 5-year period. Finally, a fall in the number of ‘satisfactory’ ratings in 2010 reflects the fact that more people gave positive responses to the survey in that year.
(193 words, band 9)
;雅思作文提高:7分写作范文之Job Change
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
People have different expectations for jobs. Some prefer to stay in the same job for the same company while others change jobs frequently. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both views.
You should write at least 250 words. You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.
People have different expectations for jobs. Some prefer to stay in the same job for the same company while others change jobs frequently. In my opinion, both have their own advantages and disadvantages.
Those who prefer to have a job lasting from cradle to grave are usually steady typed. Many recruiters prize prospective employees who have stayed at the same job for several years because they are thought loyal and credible. They are also felt to have commitment and devotion to the job. However, the greatest risk for this type of employees is that they many acquire a reputation as “dead wood” or “lifers” people. They may be thought too lazy or not talented enough to change a new job. Once losing the present job for any reasons, they will find it difficult to seek a new one for the lack of experience.
Job hoppers, on the other hand, have no such worries. They possess a wider variety of experience to fit many job situations. Job-hopping seems to be looked upon as a way to move upward in responsibility quickly and keep skills fresh and up to date. Many employers will often hire the person with a wide range of short-term experience over one who has spent many years with one employer. However, there are two sides to the issue. If one moves from job to job in a couple of years, people may question his or her integrity and loyalty. They may be thought unstable or untrustworthy. Some recruiters prefer someone with solid experience related to their particular field.
Right or wrong, at the moment employers are more forgiving of people who have had several jobs. To stay or to leave, it is your own choice. (287 words)
正确使用雅思写作 范文 ,可以帮助我们有效提高自己的写作水平~下面我·为大家收集整理了雅思写作 生活类 话题范文汇总。
Task:Many people fail to achieve a balance between work and the other parts of life. What causes the situation? How to overcome this problem?
1. 根本的原因之一在于,巨大的工作竞争和压力让人们变成工作狂。为了保住饭碗,他们不得不长时间的加班,开会,来确保他们在工作上有一个好的表现,也表现出他们对于公司的贡献和忠诚。
2. 另外一个原因在于,科技不断地提高着人们的工作量和工作预期。举例,电灯的发明让员工们在晚上加班成为可能;手机也模糊了工作和休息的界限,让人们在私人时间,周末,甚至是出门旅游的时候,也总是接到关于工作的短信和指示,这让他们无法顾忌自己的休息和照顾家庭。
3. 如何恢复工作和生活的平衡,取决于如下几个方面:首先,公司应该提供终身的工作合同,这能减少员工对于下岗的恐惧和压力,也让他们能把一些注意力用于个人生活。此外,工作时间应该被严格控制,禁止深夜和周末的加班。此外,人们在私人时间的时候,也应该远离那些通讯工具,不然自己被工作信息所困扰。
Nowadays, there has been a heated social trend that the whole life of people tends to be surrounded by work, so that they are lack of time for the personal lives. In the following words, I will give possible relevant causes and solutions to this social issue.
This phenomenon stems from many causes, and the first one is about employment. In fact, limited job positions, in conjunction with the overpopulation and a declined economy, make the job competition increasingly fierce. For the security of jobs, all employees have to devote themselves into work to keep a good performance. Besides, working hard also represents their loyalty and values to the companies.
Another direct cause is driven by new technologies which serve a function of enhancing the working expectation among employees today. For example, the invention of electronic lights has made working at night available for workers, thus prolonging the work time. Similarly, the wide application of cell phones blurs the border between working and living. In leisure time of weekends and holidays, calls and messages from the companies, leaders of workplaces and clients frequently interrupt and even cancel the leisure plans of employees, as well as stealing their private time that could be spent on the family, children, and parties with friends.
In order to recover a balance between working and living, I think there should be combinative efforts of social laws, companies and individuals. Firstly, it is the responsibility of the government to strictly enact and carry out the laws of limiting the number of working hours in all positions of companies, which can ensure that employees have enough private time for leisure, exercise and family. Secondly, on the level of companies, they should provide life-long contracts, instead of temporary ones, to staff. Under a long-term security of employment, workers would get rid of the fear of losing jobs, and can devote themselves into working in moderation, rather than becoming workaholics. Lastly, employees should change a work-oriented lifestyle after a hard day at work, for example, ignoring emails, text messages and instructions sent from companies, which is a good way helping them to shift their concentration from working back to living.
(361 words)
Task: Young people are often influenced in their behaviors and situations by others in the same age. This is called “peer pressures”. Do the disadvantages outweigh the advantages?
1. 首先,同龄人的压力会消除个性。举例,在这种压力下,年轻人总是关注,模范和跟随他人,包括了衣着,口味和行为。这种一致性让孩子们慢慢失去自我认知(self identity)。
2. 同龄人的压力还会导致年轻人犯错。举例,如果有同伴有着糟糕的生活习惯,如吸烟,喝酒和吸毒的话,那么这个年轻人就会忍不住去尝试,并最终上瘾。此外,为了服从某个团体的所谓规矩,天真的年轻人会被迫使加入一些团伙犯罪活动之中,如偷窃,抢劫等。
3. 当然,某些适当的同辈压力也会给年轻人的进步带来动力。举例,在学校学习中,来自其他同学的良好的学习表现是一个天然的压力,会刺激一个年轻人更努力的听课,思考和完成作业。此外,如果朋友们有着去图书馆的习惯,那么这个年轻人也会被鼓励去学习和阅读。
Peer pressure refers to the influence exerted by a peer group in encouraging a person to change his or her attitudes, values, or behavior in order to conform to group norms. In my view, peers bring more negative influences on a youngster than the positive ones, and my reasons would be explored as below.
Individuality is removed. Actually, for the purpose of receiving the social acceptance, young people might consciously compel them to approve of and comply with ideas, views and behaviors of other peers, instead of obeying their inner hearts. One typical example is lifestyle. As living in groups, unconditionally catering to even-aged students and students around is the main way of young people to avoid being labeled as eccentrics, such as by blindly following their tastes of food and clothing, hairs, music and amusements like sheep.
The high vulnerability to peer pressure is a reason of youth violence and crimes. In fact, if companies have poor values and illegal behaviors, the youth would be brainwashed by the evil. For example, gravitating to young friends abusing alcohol or drugs, a youngster is very likely to try these new things, thus trapped in the addictions of unhealthy and unlawful habits. Similarly, in order to succumb to rules of a gang, a teenager would engage in social crimes, like thefts, school bullying, vandalism, arson and rape. Consequently, the ill influence from peers will ruin the life of youngsters.
Admittedly, to some extent, the influence of peers is valuable, because a moderate peer pressure can sharpen good qualities of the youth. For example, in school education, the pressure of classmates is a natural motivation for a young student to study hard. In addition, when a child knows his or her friends have a habit of reading books in library regularly, he or she will feel tempted to do so. Therefore, a positive impact of peers can help to keep a child on a right track.
In conclusion, risks from peer pressures are over the benefits. Although children can be driven by pressures of classmates to work hard in school education, the adverse effects of such pressure on depersonalizing teenagers and forming ill behaviors and illegal minds among them should never be underestimated.
(371 words)
Task:Many parents use punishment to teach the different between right and wrong to kids. Many think punishment is necessary to help children learn the distintion. What degree do you agree or disagree?
体罚的好处 :
1. 及时制止孩子的危险行为。
2. 有效防止以后的类似行为。
3. 传达社会法则:做错事就要受惩罚。
1. 导致伤残。
2. 导致家庭亲情破裂。
3. 培养了暴力至上的错误价值观。
When it comes to children education, parents usually expect too much for their children, and most of them let temper flare out of control by executing physical punishment to their children. Some people think this behavior it is necessary for children’s self discipline and self reflection. However, others criticize it seriously because it is naturally violent. In my opinion, I am in favor of the latter view, and I will explore possible reasons as below.
On one hand, there are a lot of benefits of corporal punishment in moderation. Firstly, the threat of punishment gives children to think twice about the made up in their minds patterns of behavior whether the pattern is considered to be normal or deviant. Secondly, punishment disciplines children’s hard-to-control ego. Keeping in mind so called "stick" restricts a child from being irresponsible and violent towards his/her family, friends, neighbors and just occasionally met people. Thirdly, punishment partially plays the part in creating a concept of respect in children. To be able to respect something, you have to learn how to love something and keep it safe. Being so carefree, children tend to forget to keep the toys safe or to put away the clothes or make the bed. The reminding of punishment is the first signal in their heads to fix the situations.
In spite of positive effect of punishment, negative ones always remain. Punishment is not the only and first means to teach children how to be a part of society. Side effect of the punishment can be low self-confidence in a child and consequently lack of motivation in studying, in having hobbies, in creating new games or activities. In many cases, this poor parenting skill can exert a bad impact on children by experience of serious reprocessing, with its evident contribution to children’s mental illness. Several studies showed that most frequent physical punishment with maltreatment maybe lead to depression, juvenile crimes and even suicide. What is more, Children might be afraid of the punishment so much that it prevents them from making new friends, sharing their ideas and being themselves after all.
In conclusion, I consider physical punishment should be applied in a very proper and cautious way, on which it can well correct children’s misbehaviors and thoughts, as well as build up positive personalities like respectfulness, mindfulness and modesty. However, what its overuse come with is unacceptable, including child abuse, broken family ties, aggressive tempers and low self-esteem.
(408 words)
Task:The speeding up of life in areas such as travel and communications is negatively affecting the society at every level --- individual, national, and global. Do you agree or disagree?
1. 个人层面:生活的加速会增大人们的压力,因为它破坏了生活的平衡。举例,飞机大大加速了人们的出行,但是也带来了更高的工作预期和更紧凑的时间计划。在太多例子中,企业员工被要求在早上乘坐飞机抵达另一个州,甚至是国家,来参加会议和谈判,然后又搭乘午夜的航班飞回家,中间没有任何的休息时间。结果是,人们会感觉筋疲力尽,喘不过气。
2. 国际层面:快速的运输和通讯系统的建立会进一步破坏环境。举例,飞机的频繁使用会排放大量的尾气。同样的,为了满足无线通讯的需求,如手机,数不清的基站被建立在山区和森林里,这破坏了生态圈。
3. 国家层面:便利的旅游和通讯会破坏一个国家的 文化 。举例,飞机增强了国家之间的联系,如贸易和旅游,但这也把国外文化引进到国内,这会导致文化竞争,并很有可能杀死本土文化。同样的,互联网的兴旺也把人们暴露在一个全球的流行文化之下,如流行音乐,电影,游戏,这让年轻人失去对于本国文化的兴趣。
Nowadays, modern technologies have sharply speeded up people’s traveling and communication. Some people argue that there are many negative results behind this fast-paced trend, personally, nationally, and globally. Personally, I strongly agree with this view, and my reasons will be explored as below.
Firstly, on the personal level, an accelerated life pace make individuals stressful, due to it breaks the balance between working and living. For example, airplanes, the fastest transportation nowadays, can largely shorten the time of people’s long-distant traveling, while its high efficiency also causes higher work expectancy and tighter work schedule. For example, in a single day, a manager of multi-national companies is asked to take plane to go for a meeting in another region and country far away in the morning, and fly back to the home at night. This fast and exhausting lifestyle not only damages people’s health, but also alienates them from families, because of the lack of time spent on exercise, rest, or dinners with spouse and children.
In addition, on the international level, fast systems of global transportation and communication worse the environment. For one thing, an increasing number of cross-border air flights mean more fossil oil is burned and more waste gas is emitted, such as smog. As a result, this kind of discharge further deteriorates the global warming. Similarly, for the purpose of building up a modern seamless communication system for cell phones and the Internet, new base stations are installed in mountains and forests, new cable ropes are buried under the seabed. These constructions make an overall destruction to the global ecosystem, thus leading to the extinction of species.
Finally, on the national level, the thriving of fast long-distant traveling and communication would destroy cultural identities of a country. For example, fast airplanes bring more foreigners to a region or a country for cross-border meetings and tours. In order to meet the needs and tastes of these new comers, local old buildings are replaced by modern skyscrapers, and traditional cuisines are replaced by western fast food like McDonald. What is more, advertisements and videos of a pop culture on the Internet, from Hollywood movies to rock music, from Paris fashions to online games, draw all attention of the public in any local area. In other words, under the influence of the Internet which plays a role of cultural invader, people will lose the interests and respects in their local culture.
In conclusion, adverse consequences of a fast-paced world are undeniable, including an unbalanced lifestyle, environmental problems caused by airplanes and telecommunication, and the disappearance of a local culture.
(435 words)
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10. 2019年雅思写作大作文预测及参考范文
In many countries, there is not enough recycling of waste materials (e.g. paper, glass, cans).
What are the reasons and solutions?
The vast wealth of resources on our planet, including raw materials and energy, are finite and will eventually run out. As global citizens, our actions not only affect our individual lives but also the natural environment, signifying the dire importance of reusing, reducing and recycling materials.
Initially, numerous citizens simply fail to pay attention to separating their rubbish, let alone their cities providing the option to compartmentalize their trash with the use of distinctive recycle bins. Education about recycling and waste management is lacking in a variety of nations and once people throw away garbage, they consider that is the end of their contribution. On the contrary, the waste is either shipped to landfills or burnt in incinerators, either way leading to an unnecessarily large amount of toxic soil and water pollution that can harm ecosystems.
In order to resolve these large-scale issues, government needs to improve infrastructure and provide methods for citizens to incorporate recycling into their daily lives. Moreover, education systems ought to considerably enhance awareness and teach the importance of merely placing recycled materials in their proper bins, particularly at a young age whereby youth could develop these habits early. Ad campaigns may be placed in the media or volunteers could educate residents on how to recycle in order to engrain these concepts into their lifestyles.
To preserve and protect natural resources for future generations, it is evident that inhabitants need to make essential alterations to their recycling habits. By making small changes in how waste is handled, the positive consequences could magnify on a global scale and it would lead to having a significantly better environment.
The last years has witnessed the increase in the awareness of environmental protection. However, there are still a lot of waste materials that have not been recycled. This essay will mainly analyse the reasons of this problem and suggest some solutions.
One main reason of this problem may be that the public haven’t realized the importance of recycling wastes. As economy develops, people have high incomes and can afford a large number of items. At the same time, they don’t know how to deal with what they have used and haven’t realized that their buying habits will cause the consumption of energy, crease waste and increase pollution.
This problem can also be attributed to the lack of recycling sites in the public places. In some countries, the government is not be able to purchase enough recycling sites due to poor financial conditions. As a result, people are likely to find it difficult to place their rubbish into the dustbins.
In order to address this problem, the government and citizens should make joint efforts. First of all, the government ought to provide free education of recycling lectures for the public. This is because many citizens haven’t received decent education and are not well informed of how to recycle and reuse waste items. What’s more, the recycling industry needs to be financially supported. If the government does not pay attention to the establishment and development of this industry, the problem will continue to exist in our society.
As mentioned above, the neglect of recycling and the shortage of recycling sites are the main factors leading to the increase of waste materials. To solve this problem, both the government and the public should collaborate.
雅思写作是很重要的一部分,重在阅读积累和练习,下面雅思就为考生们带来一篇有关社会类之旅游类的雅思写作范文《 雅思作文高分范文:旅游类 》,考生们可以参考一下写作思路,改善自身写作方式,希望能给考生们一些帮助。
Compare and contrast:taking a trip by oneself and taking a group tour with guidance
In the modern world, relaxation becomes an increasing demand after a hard-working day. Traveling seems to be the best alternative. There are a variety of perspectives on the question of whether traveling taking a trip by oneself or taking a group tour with guidance is more comfortable. Traveling alone and traveling in group is quite different in terms of the expense, safety and experience.
Firstly, one of the major distinctions between traveling alone and traveling in group is the expense. It is an indisputable fact that expense is a weighty matter in the era of economic crisis. The money when traveling in group is spread evenly to each member. Thus, the cost covered when traveling with others may be the solution to the problem since it is based on shared values. Conversely, traveling by oneself sounds convenient for those who enjoy the feeling of loneliness. Yet, the journey might cost an arm and a leg, in other word, it would be costly.
Even more importantly, though, safety seems to be at the heart of the matter when determining to travel with others or travel by oneself. Traveling to a new place will inevitably result in a great deal of unexpected trouble. For instance, misunderstanding language, culture, behavior or traffic system gives rise to certain issues. Indeed, language differences may create an invisible barrier between travelers and the citizens; culture differences may trigger social problems; traffic system differences may result in horrific accidents. Therefore, in these situations, the assistance of a guidance who fully understands the place by all means useful for those who travel in group. On the other hand, getting lost or taking a wrong bus in a big city will become a challenge for solo traveler. Even more, as a new comer, being stolen is the one of the worst disasters. Imagine how terrible when someone enter to a new place without money, passport as well as visa. Accordingly, if problem comes up, perhaps, a group is capable of handling more efficiently than an individual. Nevertheless, there are different kinds of people in different places. Some are good but some are not. Living with a stranger is not simply normal. Carelessly, traveler might be a victim of street crime or petty theft. According to a report by Today published last month, tour guides in Rome have considered going on strike in response to a 24-percent increase in muggings throughout the city. In this case, traveling alone sounds safer than traveling in group. Thus, the matter of safety seems equally in both approaches to traveling.
By the way of conclusion, I would contend that traveling by oneself or traveling in group has its own expense, safety and experience. It is totally based on
the particular interests of each traveler to take into account what kinds of traveling are entirely appropriate for them.
***隐藏网址***为了帮助参加雅思考试的朋友们能够掌握更多题型的答题特点,小编整理了雅思作文流程图的高分范文希望大家能够有所收获。雅思考试中作文部分的流程图写作考察常被考生认为是难点之一,所以考生们都不希望在雅思考试时遇到此类题型。其实,只要掌握流程图题型的特点,就能轻松应对了。The diagram shows the stages in the process of making chocolate.(所有的小作文第一句话都要用一般现在时。流程图必备三个词:process整个过程;stage阶段;step步骤)Chocolate comes from the cacao tree, which is grown in parts of South America, Africa and Indonesia.(开头不能一上来就直接介绍cacao tree,而是通过主题词chocolate引出,否则显得太唐突)流程图特点之1:介绍过程要使用一般现在时流程图特点之2:大量使用定语从句,将有关联的两句话连接。流程图特点之3:大量使用被动语态The tree produces large red pods which contain white cocoa beans.流程图特点之4:使用一些表示顺序的连接词when the pods are ripe, they are harvested, the beans are removed and they are fermented for several days in large wooden boxes.(三个句子的并列:“句子A,句子B and 句子C”。)During the fermenting process, the beans turn brown.流程图特点之5:要适当地添加个别图中没有交代但能从图片中直接读出来的一些内容,否则可能达不到字数要求。但是一定要把握尺度,千万不要加上自己的主观观点,否则会扣分Next, the brown beans are spread in the sun to dry. They are then put in large sacks and transported by train or lorry. After this, the beans are taken to a chocolate factory where they are roasted in an oven at temperatures of between 250 and 350 degree Celsius.After being roasted, the beans are crushed and the outer shell is removed. This part is not needed for making chocolate. Finally, the inner part of the bean is pressed and liquid chocolate is produced.流程图特点之6:一般不需要写总结满分范文:The process by which bricks are manufactured for the building industry can be outlined in seven consecutive steps. First the raw material, clay, which was just below the surface of soil in certain clay-rich areas has to be dug up by a digger.Then the lumps of clay are placed on a metal grid in order to break up the big chunks of clay into much smaller areas, which fall through the metal grid onto a roller, whose motion further segregates the bits of clay. Sand and water are added to make a homogenous mixture, which is then either formed in moulds or cut into brick-shaped pieces by means of a wire cutter.Those fresh bricks are then kept in a drying oven for at least 24 and a maximum of 48 hours, several dozens if not hundreds of bricks at a time. The dried bricks are then transferred to a so-called kiln, another type of high temperature oven. First they are kept ata moderate temperature of 200 ℃ -1300 ℃. This process is followed by cooling down the finished bricks for 48 to 72 hours in a cooling chamber.Once the bricks have cooled down and have become hard, they get packaged and delivered to their final destination, be it a building site or storage.(215 words)考官评语:Band 9This response fully satisfies the requirements of the task. All key features of each stage of the process are appropriately and accurately presented. An excellent overview is given at the beginning of the response and this skilfully incorporates part of the rubric, changing the grammatical function, to give a brief summary of the whole process. The message is very easy to read, with seamless cohesion that attracts no attention. Paragraphing, linking and referencing are all skilfully managed. The language used is very fluent and sophisticated. A wide range of vocabulary and structures are used with full flexibility and accuracy. Only rare minor ‘slips’ can be found and these do not detract from the high rating.***隐藏网址***
雅思考生们在练习雅思大 作文 的时候,不仅仅要掌握各类技巧以及一些用词,还应该看看满分作文,寻找到自己的差距,加以改进。以下便是我整理的雅思写作animal testing 范文 及素材。
雅思写作满分范文animal testing
Nowadays animal experiments are widely used to develop new medicines and to test the safety of other products. Some people argue that these experiments should be banned because it is morally wrong to cause animals to suffer, while others are in favor of them because of their benefits to humanity. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
It is true that medicines and other products are routinely tested on animals before they are cleared for human use. While I tend towards the viewpoint that animal testing is morally wrong, I would have to support a limited amount of animal experimentation for the development of medicines.
On the one hand, there are clear ethical arguments against animal experimentation. To use a common example of this practice, laboratory mice may be given an illness so that the effectiveness of a new drug can be measured. Opponents of such research argue that humans have no right to subject animals to this kind of trauma, and that the lives of all creatures should be respected. They believe that the benefits to humans do not justify the suffering caused, and that scientists should use alternative methods of research.
On the other hand, reliable alternatives to animal experimentation may not always be available. Supporters of the use of animals in medical research believe that a certain amount of suffering on the part of mice or rats can be justified if human lives are saved. They argue that opponents of such research might feel differently if a member of their own families needed a medical treatment that had been developed through the use of animal experimentation. Personally, I agree with the banning of animal testing for non-medical products, but I feel that it may be a necessary evil where new drugs and medical procedures are concerned.
第三段说明目前还没有什么 方法 去代替动物实验,尤其是在医药方面。
In conclusion, it seems to me that it would be wrong to ban testing on animals for vital medical research until equally effective alternatives have been developed.
最后 总结 全文,重申立场
雅思Simon考官9分大作文wild animals范文
Wild animals have no place in the 21st century, so protecting them is a waste of resources. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Wild animals野兽
no place出版处不明,无地址,地址不详
21st century21世纪
protecting防护; 保护( protect的现在分词 ); 投保; 关税保护
a waste of浪费…
resources来源; 勇气; 才智; 谋略; 有助于实现目标的东西; 资源( resource的名词复数 ); 物力; 办法
extent程度; 长度; 广大地域; 扣押
do you你愿意吗
agree同意,赞同; 一致,符合; 商定,约定; 意见相合; 适宜; 同意,承认; 使和谐一致; 认为正确无误
disagree不同意; 不一致; 不适合; 不符
Some people argue that it is pointless to spend money on the protection of wild animals
because we humans have no need for them. I completely disagree with this point of view.
In my opinion, it is absurd to argue that wild animals have no place in the 21st century. I do not believe that planet Earth exists only for the benefit of humans, and there is nothing special
about this particular century that means that we suddenly have the right to allow or encourage the extinction of any species. Furthermore, there is no compelling reason why we should let animals die out. We do not need to exploit or destroy every last square metre of land in order to feed or accommodate the world’s population. There is plenty of room for us to exist side by side with wild animals, and this should be our aim.
I also disagree with the idea that protecting animals is a waste of resources. It is usually the protection of natural habitats that ensures the survival of wild animals, and most scientists agree that these habitats are also crucial for human survival. For example, rainforests produce oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide and stabilise the Earth’s climate. If we destroyed these areas, the costs of managing the resulting changes to our planet would far outweigh the costs of conservation. By protecting wild animals and their habitats, we maintain the natural balance of all life on Earth.
In conclusion, we have no right to decide whether or not wild animals should exist, and I
believe that we should do everything we can to protect them.
(269 words, band 9)
Describe a time when you saw an interesting animal.
You should say:
- what animal it was
- where you saw it
- what happened when you saw it
and explain why you thought it was interesting.
Part 3
Do you think zoos are good or bad?
Do you think it’s cruel to keep wild animals in zoos?
Why do you think so many cities have zoos?
In your opinion, what features should a good zoo have?
Do you think zoos might disappear in the future?
What future developments do you think we will see concerning zoos?
The Protection of Wild Animals
Why do you think wild animals should be protected?
In what ways does human activity result in the extinction (or near extinction) of some animal species?
At present, many animals are already facing extinction. How do you think average citizens could (help) protect wild animals?
Why do you think films or books for children so often include animals?
I found there was a bat nest in my balcony recently, and one night I happened to see they flew across the patio under our apartment and hover in the sky. I was shocked, because it was dark outside but they knew exactly where to go without mistakes. Moreover, they went out only at night.
I thought bats are interesting not because they can fly in the dark since I know they are nocturnal animals. I always think the ability which aids bats fly and prey capture is their unusual eye-sight, like another nocturnal animal, owls. But the truth is because of their echolocation. Bat echolocation is a perceptual system where ultrasonic sounds are emitted specifically to produce echoes. By comparing the outgoing pulse with the returning echoes the brain and auditory nervous system can produce detailed images of the bat’s surroundings. This allows bats to detect, localize and even classify their prey in complete darkness.
1. vivisection 活体解剖
2. perform. experiments on animals 在动物身上做试验
3. test animals 用于实验的动物
4. be subjected to experiments 被迫接受试验
5. animal rights 动物权利
6. clinical research 临床研究
7. cruel 残忍的
8. extremist 极端主义者
9. medical research 医学研究
10. origin of species 物种起源
11. alternative method 替代的方法
12. biological diversity 生物多样性
13. natural balance 自然平衡
14. equilibrium of ecosystem 生态平衡
15. coexistence 共存
16. endangered animals 濒危动物
17. diversity of species 物种多样性
18. shameless 令人羞愧的
19. barbaric 野蛮的
20. live and let live 活着就是与万物共存
21. meaningless 没有意义的
22. dominant species 优势物种
23. laboratory 实验室
24. vaccine 疫苗
25. infringement 践踏
26. right to live 生存权
27. torture 折磨
28. anti-science 反科学的
29. life-threatening diseases 危及生命的疾病
30. scientific gains 科学成果
31. an ever-lasting theme 一个永恒的主题
32. evolution 进化
33. computer simulation 电脑模拟
34. groundless 没有理由的
35. humane 人道的
36. medical technology 医疗技术
37. anatomy 解剖
38. equal 公平的
39. unreliable 不可信赖的
40. valid 有效的、正当的
Animal rights
1.Arguments for Animal testing 动物实验的争议
Animals are used in important scientific research
It is necessary to do medical tests on new drugs
Animal testing helps to advance medical and scientific knowledge
Many important medical discoveries involved experimentation on animals
Researchers aim to minimize the suffering that animals experience
Testing for the cosmetics industry is now banned in many countrie
2.Arguments against Animal Testing 反对动物实验
The benefits of research using animals do not justify the suffering caused
There are alternative methods of research
The lives of animals should be respected
Humans have no moral right to do experiments on animals
3.Arguments for Vegetarianism 素食主义者争论
Vegetarians do not eat foods that are produced by killing animals
Many people choose a vegetarian diet for moral or health reasons
A healthy diet is possible without eating meat
It is unnecessary to kill animal for food
A vegetarian diet may reduce the risk of disease like cancer
Many people question the treatment of animals in factory farms
4.Arguments against Vegetarianism 反对素食主义
Vegetarians do not eat a balanced diet
In many cultures, meat is the main ingredient in traditional meals
Meat-eaters argue that animals are below humans in the food chain
It is completely natural for us to kill them for food
Our aim should be improve farming methods
Farms should produce organic food
5.Positives of Zoos 公园的积极影响
Zoos paly an important role in wildlife conservation
They can help to protect endangered species
Zoos allow scientists to study animals and their behavior
Zoos are educational, interesting and fun
Children, in particular, enjoy learning about animals
Zoos provide job opportunities.
6.Negatives of Zoos 公园的消极影响
Zoo animals are kept in artificial environments
They are kept in cages or have limited space
Zoo animals rely on humans
They lose the freedom to hunt for food
They best way to save endangered species is by protecting natural habitats.
Some people believe that zoos are unethical
Zoos exhibits animals with the aim of making money
We have no right to use animals for entertainment and profit.
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静观这几年, 教育 类的写作话题深受雅思君的喜爱,下面我给大家分享一些雅思写作 范文 集锦:教育类,希望可以帮助大家备考。
Nowadays children are joining extra coaching classes apart from the school studies. Some think it is important for their future, others think the extra time should be spent playing. Do you agree or disagree? 现在孩子加入额外的培训课程除了学习。一些人认为它是重要为他们的未来,别人都认为这些额外的时间应该用来玩耍。你赞成还是反对?
In order to improve their education, children are participating in extra classes after school instead of spending time playing. This has raised a heated debate around the world whether it is a positive or negative development. Some people believe extra coaching classes lead to good job prospect, whereas others hold a distinctive view and think that children should spend their spare time on leisure activities. In my opinion, I believe that students should join extra classes if they are poor in particular subjects.
In fact, many students have difficulty to keep up with other students in their class, so going to extra classes is an ideal way to fill in the part of lessons they do not understand. In addition, as extra coaching classes generally specialize in a particular subject, the teaching method is much more better than at school and students are able to practice solving exercise problems from a variety of resource. Although self-study is also an effective way to improve their study, some students find it hard to practice this method because the lack of resource for practice problems solving and someone to explain to them.
Furthermore, in the extra coaching classes, students can also improve their social skill, which is very important in their lives and usually requires in almost every career. Even though spare time after school studies should be spent on playing or other leisure activities, children can also do these activities at the weekend and spend the weekdays studying hard. Besides, the break time between classes allows students to play games and do some leisure activities such as reading books or listening to music.
To sum up, participating in extra classes can help students in their study a great deal and they will get result after studying extra time. However, students should not overwork themselves and should spend the weekend on some leisure activities apart from study so as to refreshing their mind and relax.
雅思教育类写作高分范文:大学是否应该为大学生提供 职场 技能
Nowadays, some university offer graduate students skills that assist to find employment, but some people believe the main function of university should be to access knowledge for its sake. What is your opinion?
As university education is the last stage before the starting of career, many people believe that it prepares students for employment only, but the fact is that it serves a lot many purposes. In this essay I shall discuss the various functions of a university.
Universities provide specialised education in fields such as medical, engineering, commerce etc. They provide library facilities, which support the curriculum. They provide laboratory facilities for science and technology related subjects. They send students to factories and industries so that they get practical experience. This job-oriented training helps them to understand the working conditions and also gives them an idea about competition in the market. They also create job opportunities for the students by arranging campus interviews.
On the other hand, universities also perform other functions which help the students in their personal life. They organise co-curricular activities such as cultural programmes, sports, debates, fairs etc. They gain many qualities such as self-confidence and positive attitude, which help them in their future life. Moreover, some people just go to university for gaining knowledge just out of interest for the subject. For example, a doctor may want to learn French language just for interest in the language.
Furthermore, a university is a place to know more about the world because there are students from across the globe in a university. For many, who may never travel abroad, this may be a chance of a lifetime for them to broaden their horizons and know more about the different cultures of the world. For example, in LPU ( Lovely Professional University), there are 200 students from Malaysia, Korea and other parts of the world.
To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that, universities do not simply prepare a person for employment, but also have many other functions.
雅思写作范文海外 留学 的利与弊
More and more students choose to move to other oversea countries to have the higher education. Does the trend bring more benefits than disadvantages? What is your opinion?
An increasing number of Chinese students choose to have their higher education abroad. A heated discussion is triggered by the benefits and disadvantages that overseas education brings. In my opinion, although pursuing higher education in other countries may have some drawbacks, it would bring us more benefits.
Firstly, the ability to master a foreign language and appreciate other cultures could make us more competitive in the face of a globalizing world. A popular theory states that the best way to learn a different language is to spend a lengthy amount of time in the surroundings where the language is spoken. The possibility of broadening foreign language skills increases greatly when forced to communicate in such a way as different from their own. In addition, students who live under the confines of foreign culture develop the sense of a greater perspective of the world around them, and the ability to understand societal differences.
Secondly, many universities in other countries enjoy renowned reputations that provide a substantially higher quality of education. If students immerse themselves into such academic environments, they are exposed to the greatest minds of a certain field and chances that may sparkle brilliant insights.
Last but not least, studying abroad removes you from the normal support network that you are accustomed to back at home. While being away from friends and family can seem daunting, it is also a chance for you to hone your own skills and gain some independence. One major aspect of being an independent adult is having the ability to manage your own finances. Furthermore, living in a new country also forces you to familiarize yourself with the various living expenses. Understanding how to manage your expenses will especially be beneficial when you no longer rely on the support of your family.
Despite of some challenges international students may face such as homesickness and financial burden, studying abroad could reward students with excellent chances that lead them to a brighter future.
雅思教育类写作范文之 儿童 早学外语利弊
雅思教育类写作范文之儿童早学外语利弊写作题目:Some people say that teaching foreign languages to children in primary school is good and the advantages of teaching foreign language early outweigh the disadvantages. What is your opinion?有人认为,儿童在小学学习外语很有利,并且早学习外语的利大于弊。你怎么看?
Language is the best means of communication. In the moder globalization era it is not enough to be able to speak one language to communicate with the outside world. I strongly support the idea that children should begin learning a foreign language at primary school than at secondary school. They faster become familiar with a strange language, improve their hearing ability to understand new words as time goes by and learn new words. In the following paragraphs I will list some reasons to support my position.
Firstly, there is no doubt that a young mind readily absorbs new information. Child psychologists often mention that the most most formative years of learning happen in the first few years of life. Therefore, what children are exposed to is very often retained and remembered. In this way, a child is in a good position to learn the new information associated with a new language.
Secondly, senior students are often afraid to make mistakes when they are speaking in a new language. This fear is one of the biggest barriers for a person in their efforts to speak freely. Primary school children are not afraid of making grammatical mistakes because basically they just repeat words and sentences in the way they hear them. So, they have a better chance to get used to the right pronunciation of the language.
To sum up, I think that it is very essential for children to begin learning a foreign language in their early ages. It is brings many benefits such as great pronunciation. Also, it helps a child develop and gain more knowledge which is good for a long run.
Today, teenagers in school nowadays have to study a wide range of subjects. Some people think the teenagers should learn all the school subjects, other think that the teenagers should concentrate in the subjects they are best at or they are interested in. Discuss both views and give your own points.
Nowadays, students are required to have a wide range of knowledge in order to seek a satisfied job or a higher degree. However, some still thinks that the quantity of subjects affect the quality of learning. They believe that it is better for the students to concentrate on several core modules. From my perspective, school is the place to provide students with general knowledge and to foster them a good habit of learning, so it is necessary to conduct the multi-disciplinary exploration.
The traditional view argues that students only need to focus on some major subjects, including English, math, P.E., etc. These subjects, to their understanding, are enough to foster the fundamental capabilities. Through learning the language, the teenagers can have better communication skills; through learning the math, the teenagers can have a clearer logic in thinking; through learning the P.E., the teenagers can build up their health. Apart from these, the other subjects may not contribute much. Instead, it is possible to distract the students from learning the core modules.
On the contrary, the opposite side has a wider consideration. They believe that it is the time for the teenagers to expand their vision at school. As a matter of fact, school is the place at which students spend most of their time and they acquire most of their education. So for them, a wider range of subjects provides them more opportunities. On the one hand, they are directly installed with more specialized knowledge. On the other, they may find their interests and foster their personal habits.
In summary, the limited amount of subjects contributes to a more concentrated type of learning experience and a higher ability in certain skills, while the multi-subjects exposure is beneficial for the teenagers’ personal hobbies and long-term development.
雅思写作范文集锦:教育类相关 文章 :
1. 雅思写作范文 教育类
2. 雅思考试大作文范文3篇 教育类
3. 雅思大作文高分范文 教育类
4. 雅思写作范文:8分范文鉴赏
5. 雅思写作话题五大分类及去其高分表达词组
6. 雅思书信类写作范文赏析
7. 雅思写作范文3篇 文化类
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9. 雅思写作大作文范文3篇 性别类
10. 雅思高分写作范文

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