感恩节英语对话(英语日常会话: 美国感恩节)
- 英语日常会话: 美国感恩节
- 关于节日的英语对话简洁
- 关于感恩节的英语对话
- 求一篇关于感恩节帮母亲买礼物时与导购员的英语对白,最好有中文意思,22句左右就好!不好意思!
- 小学六年级英语口语对话
- [关于母爱的英语对话阅读] 关于母爱的英语作文
- 关于感恩节的英语对话阅读
- 人教版六年级英语happy thanksgiving原文
- 感恩节英语对话有哪些
英语日常会话: 美国感恩节
Jana: It was so nice of Professor Palmer to invite us all over for Thanksgiving. Lee: And it’s the first Thanksgiving in the U.S. for all of us. Peter: I’m really happy that part of Dr. Palmer’s Thanksgiving tradition is to volunteer with his family at a local community center. Lucía: I’m glad he invited us to that too, and not just to his family’s Thanksgiving feast. Ajay: It’ll be good to get off campus regardless. I’m thankful for many things, including that! Akinyi: I’m thankful to share this day with all of you. I couldn’t ask for better people to meet and become friends with this year. Lee: Agreed! Hey, what do you think the food will be at the Palmers’? Lucía: Dr. Palmer told me he was planning to have a turkey with all the trimmings and three kinds of pie. Jana: Well, we’d better get a move on if we’re going to get there on time. 让我们来学习一些词语(也可阅读英文解释): 在美国,Thanksgiving Day——感恩节——是在每年11月的第四个星期四。这是美国的一个主要节日,根据传统,全家人相聚在一起庆祝,并吃火鸡。 A tradition:传统 To volunteer :在这里是动词,意思是义务或志愿做某事。 A community center:社区中心,即供同一居民区的人使用的活动或服务场所,有些也举办讲课。 A feast,餐宴,往往是为庆贺,菜肴丰富。 Off campus :校园外 习惯表达语 couldn’t ask for (something) 的意思是,无法要求更好的了,即已经再好不过了。I couldn’t ask for a better friend的意思是,你是我再好不过的朋友了;我无法想象能有更好的朋友。 Turkey with all the trimmings:火鸡和(传统感恩节大餐上的)所有配菜 Get a move on:快点走,快点行动起来 有兴趣听更多英语对话吗?请浏览“英语学习”专题网页。 American English 网站提供可供英语学生和教师免费使用的多种英语资源。American English Facebook网页提供每天更新的英语学习资料。 “日常会话”由美国国务院教育与文化事务局英语语言项目处(Office of English Language Programs, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs)资深项目官员海蒂·豪兰(Heidi Howland)编写。Six students from around the world meet. What do they have in common? They are all exchange students studying at a U.S. university for a semester. Throughout the semester, they learn more English, learn about U.S. culture, and learn more about their fields of study. This series of Everyday Conversations is about these six students and their experiences during a semester at a university in the U.S. These conversations are for intermediate-level English-language learners or higher. ***隐藏网址*** In this conversation, six students talk about their first U.S. Thanksgiving holiday. Jana: It was so nice of Professor Palmer to invite us all over for Thanksgiving. Lee: And it’s the first Thanksgiving in the U.S. for all of us. Peter: I’m really happy that part of Dr. Palmer’s Thanksgiving tradition is to volunteer with his family at a local community center. Lucía: I’m glad he invited us to that too, and not just to his family’s Thanksgiving feast. Ajay: It’ll be good to get off campus regardless. I’m thankful for many things, including that! Akinyi: I’m thankful to share this day with all of you. I couldn’t ask for better people to meet and become friends with this year. Lee: Agreed! Hey, what do you think the food will be at the Palmers’? Lucía: Dr. Palmer told me he was planning to have a turkey with all the trimmings and three kinds of pie. Jana: Well, we’d better get a move on if we’re going to get there on time. Now let’s review the vocabulary. In the U.S., Thanksgiving Day is celebrated each year on the fourth Thursday of November. It is a major U.S. holiday. Families try to spend the holiday together and often eat a meal that includes turkey. A tradition is a belief, custom or way of doing something that has been used by a particular group of people for a long time. To volunteer means to offer to do something without being paid to do it or without being asked to do it. A community center is a building where people from the same area can take classes, participate in activities, etc. A feast is a special (and often large) meal, often to celebrate something. Off campus means anywhere that is not within the college campus. The phrase couldn’t ask for (something) means that this is the best you can imagine of the thing mentioned. I couldn’t ask for a better friend means that you are the best friend I can imagine having. Turkey with all the trimmings means a turkey plus all of the other foods one traditionally eats at a Thanksgiving meal. Get a move on means to hurry up. Ready to learn more English? Our materials can help. The American English website offers a variety of free resources for learners and teachers of English. The American English Facebook page posts learning materials for English-language learners daily. Everyday Conversations are developed by the State Department’s Heidi Howland, a senior program officer in the Office of English Language Programs, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
A:Merry Christmas, Bill!
B:Merry Christmas. Steven!
A:What do you want to do to celebrate Christmas?
B:I’ll have supper with my girlfriend and go shopping. What about you?
A:I’ll go to church first and then go to a Christmas party. Would you like to come?
B:I’d love to. But I am going to meet my girlfriend right now. See you later.
A:See you.
A:When do you celebrate Thanksgiving?
B:On the fourth Thursday of November.
A:What do you eat on that day?
B:People cook turkeys for Thanksgiving dinner.
A:Anything else?
B:Besides the turkeys, we’ll also have other delicious food. Such as pumpkin pies, puddings, mashed potatoes, bread, a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables.
A:I’m almost hungry.
A:Bill, Happy Halloween!
B:Happy Halloween! What creature are you going to dress up as?
A:I will dress up as a vampire with big fangs.
B:May I have a look at your costume?
A:Sure. Wait a moment. (Several minutes later) Here you are.
当然可以。等一下。(几分钟后) 给你。
B:I like your black clothes and your fangs are cool.
A:I will bite many beautiful girls on the neck tonight. Maybe I will suck their blood.
B:Haha. Wish you good luck.
The fourth Thursday in November is called Thanksgiving Day. In the United States, it is an annual (每年的) occasion to show thanks to God for his goodness. As a historical, national and religious holiday, Thanksgiving Day began with the English in Plymouth Colony. As far back as 1621, after a long bitter winter and the gathering of the first harvest, these early settlers shared a feast with the local Indians and offered prayers of thanksgiving. President Washington proclaimed (宣布) the first national Thanksgiving Day to be celebrated on November 26, 1789. President Lincoln revived the custom in 1863. It was not until 1941 that the US Congress adopted a resolution, setting the fourth Thursday of November as an annual Thanksgiving Day. Thus what began as a religious celebration of the harvest has since become a nationwide holiday.Today Thanksgiving Day is usually a family day, celebrated with a traditional turkey dinner and a happy reunion. Schools are closed on Thanksgiving Day and the day after. Many people, including students studying in another state, often travel long distances to spend the holiday at home.6. The passage is mainly about ___________.A. how the Americans spend their Thanksgiving DayB. what the Americans do on Thanksgiving DayC. Thanksgiving Day is an American holidayD. how Thanksgiving Day became a nationwide holiday7. Thanksgiving Day was first celebrated in 1621 by ______ of the Plymouth Colony.A. English settlers B. American settlersC. the local Indians D. President Washington8. What is the meaning of the underlined word “feast” in paragraph 2?A. gathering B. harvest C. meal D. prayer 9. In 1941 __________________________.A. the first national Thanksgiving Day was celebratedB. the custom of Thanksgiving Day was brought back to the Americans. C. the date for Thanksgiving Day was set by law D. people began to celebrate Thanksgiving Day by spending the day at home 10. Which of the following statements is true about the celebration of Thanksgiving Day?A. Thanksgiving Day started as an occasion for family members to show thanks for one another. B. On Thanksgiving Day, school children usually have a couple of days off. C. The celebration of Thanksgiving Day was a European custom introduced to America. D. The most popular way of celebrating Thanksgiving Day is travel with friends.
我把礼物选定了,你可以改成别的: Thanksgiving Day—— ——Welcome to our store.(欢迎光临) ——Thanks. ——May I help you find anything?(需要帮忙么?) ——Yes.I’m looking for a present .(恩,我想要买份礼物) ——What kind of present?(什么样的礼物呢?) ——Hummm,you know the Thanksgiving Day is coming,so...(唔.你知道的感恩节快到了,所以.) ——Oh,for your parents or...(哦,是给您父母买的或是.) ——Yeah.I want a gift for my mother.(恩,是给我妈妈的) ——I see,for your mum,ur...how about the wallet?(我知道了,给您母亲,恩.这个钱包怎么样?) ——Humm,that’s a good idea.But I don’t like the style.(恩,好主意,不过我不喜欢这款) ——What about this one?(那这款呢?) ——Yes,I like this one,thanks.How much is it?(恩,不错,多少钱?) ——This one is ***dollars.(这款是***钱) ——That’s a little expensive.Do you have anything less expensive?(这个有点贵了,有稍微便宜点的么?) ——Okay,what about this one ,sir?It costs less.And that’s a nice style.(这个怎么样,先生?这个便宜点,也很漂亮) ——Yes,it’s also very nice.Tell me how much is it?(是啊,也挺好看的,这个多少钱?) ——This one is ***dollars.(这个**钱) ——Great.I will take it.(不错,我就要这个了) LZ看看满意否,
英语口语 对话:新年
新年快乐!Happy New Year!
What are you going to do on New Year’s Eve?
你对于新的一年有什么计划吗?What’s your plan for the new year?
Would you like to celebrate the New Year together with me?
I’d like to wish you every success in whatever you do。
Hope things go well with you in the new year。
Please convey my best wishes to your family。
愿快乐永远伴随着你!May happiness follow you wherever you go!
祝你和你的家人新年快乐。Happy New Year to you and your family。
I’d like to offer you my best wishes on this special occasion。
愿您在新的一年里快快乐乐。Much joy to you in the upcoming year。
Wish you happiness now and throughout the year。
我也同样祝福你。Same to you。
英语口语对话: 感恩节
Do you have any plans for Thanksgiving Day?
感恩节快乐!Happy Thanksgiving Day!
我们祈求健康和快乐。We pray for health and happiness。
I’m thankful for having the best wife and children in the world。
May your Thanksgiving be bountiful and the coming year be full of many blessings。
I’m going to invite my friends over to enjoy the feast with us。
All my friends are going home, and so am I。
英语口语对话: 万圣节 前夕
Do you want to help me make a jack-o’-lantern?
我要穿件黑衣服。I’m going to put on a dark suit。
你要带面具吗?Are you going to wear a mask?
我给你们些糖果吧。Let me give you some candies。
多么可怕的晚上啊!What a horrible night!
我们的面具可以把幽灵吓走!Our masks will scare off the spirits!
我的心一直跳得厉害。My heart keeps pumping。
我们用灯笼为骷髅、魔鬼、女巫、鬼魂和死去的朋友和亲戚照路,他们要来人间。We use the lantern to light the way for skeletons, devils, witches, ghosts, and the dead friends or relatives, for they will visit the earth。
我还是单身。I’m still single。
我无“家”一身轻。 I have no family to tie me down。
她很年轻时就结婚了。She (was/got) married young。
我喜欢单身而不是结婚。I prefer being single to being married。
他们将在8月喜结连理。They will tie the knot in August。
她与一个法国人结婚了。She’s married to a Frenchman。
他们结婚一年后就离异了。They split up after one year of marriage。
她再婚了,嫁给了一位有钱人。She is married again to a wealthy man。
I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time。
谁将要主持婚礼?Who will officiate at the wedding?
They’re playing the Wedding March。
The groom and bride are perfect for each other。
我为这幸福的一对举杯?,愿你们白头偕老。I raise my glass to the happy couple, wishing you a long life together。
我希望你们蜜月愉快。I hope you have a great honeymoon。
恭喜你们喜结良缘!Congratulations on your marriage!
你们能喜结连理真是太好了!It’s great for you to tie the knot!
Can I help you?
Yes,I want a hat!
What color do you like?
Okay,how about this one?
Oh,it’s too small!
Sorry,try this one.
Yes,I pay for this one!
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[关于母爱的英语对话阅读] 关于母爱的英语作文
Ann: Do you know what day it is on the 26th,Nov.?
Lily: Of course, Thanksgiving Day.
Ann: On that day, who do you want to thank?
Lily: It is my Mum.
Ann: Why?
Lily: You know, my family is poor, I wanted to find a job instead of going to ununiversity three years ago,but my mother insisted on affording me to the ununiversity.She said further education is the way to the better life.
Ann: What a great mother!
Lily: Yeah, I will not let her down.
Ruth: So, Akane, tell me about your family. Who do you get on well with in your family?
Akane: Well, I think I get along the best with my mother, I would say.
Ruth: So, why is that?
Akane: Well, I think it probably has to do with the fact that we’re both female. I mean the only other people in my family are my father and my brother.
Ruth: So, what does your mom look like?
Akane: Well, she’s actually taller than me. She has dark hair and a pretty firm build. Um, she’s not too thin and not too fat, and yeah!
Ruth: And what does you mom do? Does she have a job?
Akane: Oh, good question. She’s actually a hair dresser. (Wow) Yeah, so she does my hair and she’s also an aesthetician as well so I get free skin care products from her.
Ruth: Oh, that’s fantastic.
Akane: Yeah.
Ruth: So what does your mom like to do when she is not working?
Akane: Well, she used to take sewing lessons, so she really likes to sew things like her own curtains and she even made me some clothes a few times.
Ruth: Wow, so she’s talented.
Akane: Yeah, she’s quite artistic.
Ruth: So when did you last see your mom or speak to your mom?
Akane: Well, the last time I saw her was this spring. I stayed at my parents house for about a week and, yeah, that’s when I saw her.
Ruth: Was that a couple of months ago?
Akane: Yeah, a couple of months ago, that’s right.
Ruth: And what was the last thing your mom bought for you?
Akane: Actually, just before I came here, we went shopping together and because I have to fly away to a new country she bought me some new clothes. She bought me a new coat actually.
Ruth: Wow, that’s really nice. Well, thanks for that Akane.
Akane: Thanks.
Jeff:You look a little tired this morning,Joan.
Joan:I know.I got up at 4AM to make breakfast for my mother.
Jeff:You really are a great daughter,Joan.
Joan:Not really.It is my mother who is wonderful.She gave me life and brought me up very well.
Jeff:So you try to re-pay her on Mother’s Day?
Joan:Right.But she has given me so much that it would take hundreds of years to re-pay her.
Jeff:Maybe we should have Mother’s Day everyday instead of just once ayear?
Joan:It’s a good idea Jeff,but I can’t get up so early to make breakfast for her everyday.
Jeff:But we should tell our Mom’s how much we love them more often.
Joan:I agree!I will tell my children your great idea!
琼:我同意!我会把你的好主意告诉我的孩子们! 祝您步步高升
ASo what are you doing for Thanksgiving?
BNot much really. It’s more of an American tradition, so back home we don’t really celebrate it. In fact, I am not even sure of what exactly is being celebrated!
AWell you know, it’s a time to get together with all your family and be thankful for everything!
BYeah but, how did this holiday come to be?
AWell, the first settlers of Massachusetts arrived there because of religious persecution from England and King James. Once in the New World, they befriended an native named Squanto, who taught them how to harvest food from the area such as corn.
BAnd then what did happen?
AWell, they had enough havests for the next winter and celebration。They decided to have a big feast for the natives, giving thanks the land, and everyone for the foods, healthy and new lives.
BInteresting! I am amazed how big and delicious thanksgiving dinners are!
ACome to my house for Thanksgiving! We are having turkey, pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes with gravy, and lots of stuffing!
BCount me in!
杰克: Have a nice Thanksgiving!
凯特: Same to you!
杰克: Are you going anywhere?
凯特: I thought about going to my sister’s. How about you?
杰克: Oh, I’ll probably just stay at home.
Li Lei has no idea of Thanksgiving and Steven is telling him something about it.
Li Lei: When do you celebrate Thanksgiving?
Steven: On the fourth Thursday of November.
Li Lei: What do you eat on that day?
Steven: People cook turkeys for Thanksgiving dinner.
Li Lei: Anything else?
Steven: Besides the turkeys, we’ll also have other delicious food. Such as pumpkin pies,puddings, mashed potatoes, bread, a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Li Lei: I’m almost hungry.
人教版六年级英语happy thanksgiving原文
Sam: Out of bed, sleepyhead. We need to go get a good spot. Ann: Wha-what? The sun’s not even up yet! Sam: We’re going to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade! To see all the floats and balloons. Ann: Can’t we just watch it on TV? Sam: Nope. I promised Jenny we’d go so she can finish cooking. Ann: OK, I’m coming already! God, this is like getting up for Confucius’ Birthday Ceremony! (During the parade) Ann: What a prime spot! I’ve never seen balloons this big! Sam: This parade is about eighty years old. It’s a New York tradition. Ann: Is that Santa Claus on that float? Isn’t Christmas still a month away? Sam: Hah, yeah, that’s true. But, Macy’s is a department store, so they want to get you thinking of Christmas early. Ann: So you’ll shop? That’s crazy! Sam: Yeah, and remember Jenny’s dad? He’s probably already got his Christmas lights up! Ann: Speaking of Jenny, shouldn’t we head back to help?讲解:1. 对话中Sam要带Ann去看梅西百货感恩节游行,也就是the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade。梅西百货是美国最大的百货公司,它在感恩节当天举行的大游行,已经成了美国人过感恩节的传统节目之一,有数以万计的人会一大清早,甚至带着睡袋彻夜在路旁等候,就是为了抢一个好位子。get a good spot,就是“占一个好位子”。2. 嗯,这也就是为什么Ann觉得像参加祭孔大典了,this is like getting up for Confucius’ Birthday Ceremony! Confucius就是孔子。如果感恩节当天没去现场看梅西百货游行的人,也会习惯一早打开电视,看电视的现场直播。3. 1927年,当时纽约梅西百货公司的员工发起了在感恩节当天以化妆游行的方式来庆祝,多年下来就成了传统,甚至后来还加入了超大型的气球玩偶,成了梅西百货感恩节游行的一大特色。时至今日,每到感恩节的早上,从纽约中央公园西侧的77街到梅西百货所在的34街沿路都挤满了来自各地的游客,观看各式各样有几层楼高的大型气球人偶游行。float,这里是指“游行的花车”。4. Ann还没有睡醒,想在家收看电视直播,Sam不同意,他说Nope. I promised Jenny we’d go so she can finish cooking. 不行,我答应过Jenny我们会去,好让她做完感恩节大餐。Nope.用在口语中,跟no是一样的,表示“不,否定的答复”。那么yep就跟yes一样,用在口语中,表示“是,肯定的答复”。finish doing something,做完某事。6. Ann没有办法,只好说I’m coming already! 就是“我来了”。如果有人催你快点来,你也正在动身了,这个已经从起点出发而尚未到达终点的过程,我们就可以说I’m coming already!同时,这句话还带点不耐烦的感觉。例如: ---What’s taking you so long? --- I’m coming already! ---你在干什么?还不来? ---来了来了!7. 当然,如果你正准备动身离开,也可以说成I’m leaving already. 例如:--- I need you to go home right now!--- OK, OK, I’m leaving already. ---你现在就回家。---好了好了,我这就走。现在Sam和Ann来到了游行的现场,Ann很兴奋,她说What a prime spot! I’ve never seen balloons this big! 真是个好位置!我从来没见过这么大的气球!prime表示“极好的;第一流的”。8. Ann突然发现了在一架花车上有圣诞老人的人偶,很奇怪,因为离圣诞节还有一个月呢。Isn’t Christmas still a month away? 这虽然是一个问句,但是并不要求别人来回答,有强调的意味,比如说,Isn’t it beautiful? 很漂亮,是不是?其实也就是“太漂亮了”的意思。9. Sam解释说,虽然离圣诞节还有一个月,但是梅西百货已经开始做广告了,让人们早点想到圣诞节。get someone/something doing 让某人某物开始做某事,例如:Get your imagination going! 开动你的想象力!10. 这样人们就会很快开始为圣诞节购物了,这也是商家一种很有效的宣传方式。这让Sam想起了Jenny的爸爸,也许他已经在挂他的圣诞节彩灯了。说到Jenny,Ann想起也许他们应该赶回去帮Jenny准备感恩节大餐了。speaking of,说到,谈起。head back,回去,相当于go back。Dialogue Script 3 对话原文 3Jenny: The turkey’s stuffed and has been cooking for about three hours. Sam: OK, and that’s asparagus and that’s cranberry sauce, but what’s that? Jenny: Candied yams. With lots of butter and brown sugar and marshmallows on top. Sam: Wow, you made a ham, too? Why is it covered with pineapple slices? Jenny: That’s decoration. It’s a honey ham with a sweet glaze. Those whole cloves are keeping the pineapples on the ham. Sam: It all looks delicious, Jenny. What can I do to help? Jenny: Finish the deviled eggs. Then baste the turkey! (An hour later, as people begin to arrive) Jenny: Help yourselves to the spinach dip and other appetizers. We can eat in about thirty minutes. Sam: Can we put the rolls on now? Jenny: Sure can. And it’s time to get dad to come carve the turkey for us. Sam: I’ll finish whipping the mashed potatoes! Jenny: We can set the table, too. I just wish we had good china to serve on. Sam: Don’t worry. No one came here for the fancy dishes!讲解:1. Jenny在厨房里忙的热火朝天,Sam进来帮她的忙。火鸡已经填好了作料,而且已经烤了3个小时了。stuff做动词表示“填充,装满”,例如:His head is stuffed with silly notions. 他满脑子的愚蠢想法。那么在烤火鸡时塞在火鸡肚子里的面包、蔬菜等“填料”就叫stuffing。2. cranberry sauce是感恩节餐桌上必不可少的食物,美国每年9、10月份盛产小红梅,所以小红梅酱也成了感恩节大餐中的一个配角,但它可不是当果酱来吃,而是用来蘸食火鸡或其他肉类的。还有一种酱汁是gravy,虽然美国人不爱吃动物内脏,但是处理火鸡的时候,会把火鸡的内脏切碎,混入烤火鸡时滴下的鸡汁和油,在加上奶油、胡椒、芹菜等作料做成肉汁。gravy可以在烤火鸡时涂在上面,也放在餐桌上,蘸火鸡肉来吃。3. 还有candied yams,蜜番薯,上面盖满了奶油、红糖和软糖。pumpkin pie,南瓜派,也是感恩节大餐的必备甜品。Jenny还做了蜜汁火腿,honey ham with a sweet glaze,并且加上了糖汁,用菠萝片把火腿包起来做装饰。4. clove,丁香,一头圆,一头尖,做蜜汁火腿时,会用尖的那头插进还没有切开的火腿肉内,而圆的那头露在外面,可以支撑贴在火腿上的一片片菠萝。看起来真的是很美味呀。Sam问有什么能帮忙的,Jenny说先把芥末蛋弄完,芥末蛋就是deviled eggs。然后再把火鸡涂上肉汁,baste the turkey,baste,就是在烤肉或烤鱼时为防止烤干而在上面涂抹由油脂、料汁等制成的肉汁。5. 一个小时之后,客人们来到了Jenny家,Jenny招呼大家说Help yourselves to the spinach dip and other appetizers. 大家不要客气,自己来拿菠菜蘸酱和其他开胃菜。help oneself to something,随便吃某种食物。spinach dip,菠菜蘸酱。appetizer,是开胃菜,通常饭前食用来刺激食欲的食物或饮料。6. 三十分钟内就能开饭了。Can we put the rolls on now? 就是“我们现在可以上面包卷了吗?”。Jenny说也该叫爸爸来为大家切火鸡了。传统上,在烤好的火鸡上动第一刀的人,都是一家之主,尤其是男主人。7. 这里还要给大家介绍一个吃火鸡的传统,就是在切开火鸡之后,鸡胸的部分会有一个叉骨,两个人可以先许愿,然后分别拿着叉骨的一端一起折断,传说中谁手上剩的骨头比较大,谁的愿望就可以实现,所以这块骨头叫做“许愿骨”,也就是wishbone,那折许愿骨的赢家,就是wishbone pull winner。8. 听起来很有意思。Sam的土豆泥也快搅好了,whip,指“搅打鸡蛋,奶油等”。set the table,把餐具等摆上饭桌。那吃过饭后收拾桌子就是clear the table。9. Jenny非常希望能有好的瓷器可以端上去,Sam安慰她说No one came here for the fancy dishes! 没有关系,没有人是为了精致的餐具而来的,而是为了美味的感恩节大餐。在这里还要说一下,大部分的美国家庭是在下午吃感恩节大餐,而不是晚上。这样的话午餐、晚餐就都省了,晚上肚子饿的时候,再吃大餐的剩菜,或者用剩下的肉做成火鸡三明治。10. 看来每年感恩节的时候呢都会有数百万的火鸡被杀,为了纪念这些火鸡的牺牲,白宫每年感恩节都会特赦一只火鸡,让它安养到老,也是一个很有意思的传统。Part 4 Some Recipes for Thanksgiving Dinner 感恩节菜谱现在给大家介绍一种小红梅酱的做法。Killer Cranberry Sauce1-1/2 C sugar 1 navel orange 1/2 t grated ginger 4 C cranberries 1/2 C (2 oz.) toasted pecans Grate the orange peel and add to a pot with the sugar and ginger. Add the juice from the orange into the pot and simmer over medium heat until the sugar is dissolved. Add cranberries and cook until they pop - about 5 minutes. Add pecans and cool sauce.How to Cook A Turkey This turkey is work... it requires more attention than an average six-month-old baby. There are no shortcuts, as you will see. Get a HUGE turkey-- I don’t mean just a big, big bird, but one that looks as though it gave the farmer a hard time when he did it in. It ought to weigh between 16 and 30 pounds. Have the poultryman, or butcher, cut its head off at the end of the neck, peel back the skin, and remove the neck close to the body, leaving the tube. You will want this for stuffing. Also , he should leave all the fat on the bird. When you are ready to cook your bird, rub it inside and out with salt and pepper. Give it a friendly pat and set it aside. Chop the heart, gizzard, and liver and put them, with the neck, into a stewpan with a clove of garlic, a large bay leaf, 1/2 tsp coriander, and some salt. I don’t know how much salt-- whatever you think. Cover this with about 5 cups of water and put on the stove to simmer. This will be the basting fluid a little later. About this time I generally have my first drink of the day, usually a RAMOS FIZZ. I concoct it by taking the whites of four eggs, an equal amount of whipping cream, juice of half a lemon (less 1 tsp.), 1/2 tsp. confectioner’s sugar, an appropriate amount of gin, and blending with a few ice cubes. Pour about two tablespoons of club soda in a chimney glass, add the mix, with ice cubes if you prefer. Save your egg yolks, plus 1 tsp. of lemon -- you’ll need them later. Have a good sip! (add 1 dash of Orange Flower Water to the drink, not the egg yolks) Get a huge bowl. Throw into it one diced apple, one diced orange, a large can of crushed pineapple, the grated rind of a lemon, and three tablespoons of chopped preserved ginger (If you like ginger, double this -REB). Add 2 cans of drained Chinese water chestnuts. Mix this altogether, and have another sip of your drink. Get a second, somewhat smaller, bowl. Into this, measuring by teaspoons, put: 2 tsp hot dry mustard2 tsp caraway seed2 tsp celery seed 2 tsp poppy seed1 tsp black pepper 2 1/2 tsp oregano 1/2 tsp mace 1/2 tsp turmeric 1/2 tsp marjoram 1/2 tsp savory 3/4 tsp sage 3/4 tsp thyme 1/4 tsp basil 1/2 tsp chili powder In the same bowl, add: 1 Tbsp poultry seasoning 4 Tbsp parsley 1 Tbsp salt 4 headless crushed cloves 1 well-crushed bay leaf 4 lrg chopped onions 6 good dashes Tabasco 5 crushed garlic cloves 6 lrg chopped celery Wipe your brow, refocus your eyes, get yet another drink--and a third bowl. Put in three packages of unseasoned bread crumbs (or two loaves of toast or bread crumbs), 3/4 lb. ground veal, 1/2 lb. ground fresh pork, 1/4 lb. butter, and all the fat you have been able to pull out of the bird. About now it seems advisable to switch drinks. Martinis or stingers are recommended (Do this at your own risk - we always did! -REB). Get a fourth bowl, an enormous one. Take a sip for a few minutes, wash your hands, and mix the contents of all the other bowls. Mix it well. Stuff the bird and skewer it. Put the leftover stuffing into the neck tube. Turn your oven to 500 degrees F and get out a fifth small bowl. Make a paste consisting of those four egg yolks and lemon juice left from the Ramos Fizz. Add 1 tsp hot dry mustard, a crushed clove of garlic, 1 Tbl onion juice, and enough flour to make a stiff paste. When the oven is red hot, put the bird in, breast down on the rack. Sip on your drink until the bird has begin to brown all over, then take it out and paint the bird all over with paste. Put it back in and turn the oven down to 350 degrees F. Let the paste set, then pull the bird out and paint again. Keep doing this until the paste is used up. Add a quart of cider or white wine to the stuff that’s been simmering on the stove, This is your basting fluid. The turkey must be basted every 15 minutes. Don’t argue. Set your timer and keep it up. (When confronted with the choice "do I baste from the juice under the bird or do I baste with the juice from the pot on the stove?" make certain that the juice under the bird neither dries out and burns, nor becomes so thin that gravy is weak. When you run out of baste, use cheap red wine. This critter makes incredible gravy! -REB)The bird should cook about 12 minutes per pound, basting every 15 minutes. As the bird cooks, it will first get a light brown, then a dark brown, then darker and darker. After about 2 hours you will think I’m crazy. The bird will be turning black. (Newcomers to black turkey will think you are demented and drunk on your butt, which, if you’ve followed instructions, you are -REB) In fact, by the time it is finished, it will look as though we have ruined it. Take a fork and poke at the black cindery crust. Beneath, the bird will be a gorgeous mahogany, reminding one of those golden-browns found in precious Rembrandts. Stick the fork too deep, and the juice will gush to the ceiling. When you take it out, ready to carve it, you will find that you do not need a knife. A load sound will cause the bird to fall apart like the walls of that famed biblical city. The moist flesh will drive you crazy, and the stuffing--well, there is nothing like it on this earth. You will make the gravy just like it as always done, adding the giblets and what is left of the basting fluid.Part 5 Questions for You to Answer 我问你答 在节目的最后我们为大家准备了一些跟Thanksgiving有关的选择题,有兴趣的朋友可以做一下,我们会在下期节目当中公布正确答案。1. What year did the Pilgrims have their first Thanksgiving Feast? a.1619 b. 1620 c. 1621 d. 19352. What food was probably NOT on the Pilgrims’ Thanksgiving menu? a. Potatoes b. Corn c. Fish d. Dried Fruit3. In 1676, a day of thanksgiving was proclaimed to take place during what month? a. May b. June c. October d. November4. Which president first established the date of Thanksgiving as a national celebration? a. Jefferson b. Adams c. Lincoln d. Wilson5. Canada celebrates Thanksgiving on... a. 2nd Monday in October b. 2nd Thursday in November c. 3rd Thursday in November d. May 1
Thank your for imparting the knowledge and skills to me!
we must thank the teachers for giving us knowledge to getourselves well prepared;
Thank my teacher, for teaching me knowledge and how to conduct myself!
Our first Thanksgiving should be our best.
I wouldn’t want to spend Thanks-giving with anyone else.
What a wonderful time to be together.
Thanksgiving is the best holiday of the year.
I love to eat, so I love Thanksgiving.

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