一,国际航空机构 1 国际航空运输组织International air transport association IATA 要求必须国际民用航空组织成员国颁发的定期航运班机运输许可证的航空公司。总部加拿大 蒙特利尔。执行总部在瑞士日内瓦,设有清算所,在全球设有7个办事机构。 组织机构设置: 全体会议,执行委员会,专门委员会 主要工作: 行业协会活动,运价协调,在运输服务上建立统一的程序, 代理人事务(合理确定代理人和航空公司之间的关系),法律工作,制定各种服务规则,技术规范(航空电子,电信,工程环境,机场,航行,医学,保安 2,国际民用航空组织International civil aviation organization ICAO 是政府性的国际航空运输组织。,总部: 加拿大蒙特利尔。常设机构: 理事会! 下设:7个委员会 二,航空运输: 1,航空运输的特点: 运送速度块,破损率低,安全性好。空间跨度大,节省生产企业的相关费用,运价高,易受天气影响。 2,航空集中托运的服务过程 1)集运商CONSOLIDATOR提供的服务:把货物集中起来作为一票货物交付给承运人,用以按低价运输货 物。货物到达目的展,由分拨代理商(BREAK BULK AGENT )统一办理海关清关后分交不同的收货人。 2)航空运输的主要文件: 分运单(HAWB)主运单(MAWB) 不得集中托运的货物:贵重货物,活体动物,尸体,骨灰,外交信件,危险物品。 4)直接运输(Direct Cargo)集中托运 三,空运输地理和时差的计算: 1,世界航空区域划分 1)TC1( 加勒比次区)(墨西哥次区)(远程次区)(南美次区) 2)TC2(欧洲次区)(中东次区)(非洲次区) 3)TC3(南亚次大陆次区)(东南亚次区)(西太平洋次区)(日本和朝鲜次区) 标准时间和时差计算:理论市区和区时:本初子午线,15度经度一个市区。 四,民用航空运输飞机 1,飞机的分类:窄体飞机(Narrow aircraft)宽体飞机(wide-body aircraft) 2,飞机的结构:主舱(main deck)下舱(lower deck) 3,飞机的用途:全货机,全客机,客货混用机 五,飞机的装载限制:重量限制:容积限制,舱门限制,地板承受力限制" 六,集装器: 1,集装器的特点: 减少了货物装运的时间,提高工作效率。以集装运输代替散件装机,减少地面等待时间。减少货物周转次数,提高完好率。减少差错事故,提高运输质量。节省货物包装材料和费用。有利于组织联合运输和门到门服务。 2,集装器的种类:注册集装器,非注册集装器,集装板,网套。集装箱,(海空联运,主货舱集装箱,下货舱集装箱)) 3,集装器的代号组成:第一位字母,集装器的类型,第二类字母底板的尺寸,第三位字母外形和适配性,第四五六七位数字序号,第八九位字母所有人,注册人。 国际航空货物运输的业务流程: 1,航空出口运输代理业务程序 市场销售:委托运输:托运书(SHIPPERSLETTER OF INSTRUCTION –SLI)3审核单证,预配舱,指定预配舱方案 预订舱 接受单证,填制货运单证8接受货物,标记和标签。 配舱 订舱 出口和报关 出舱单 提板箱与装货 签单 交接发运 航班跟踪 信息服务 费用结算。 2,航空公司出港货物的操作程序 1)预审CBA(cargo booking advance ) 国际货物订舱单,-- 估算本航班的可利用的货邮业载和舱位―——预划平衡——了解相关航线上待运货物的情况。 2)整理单据:已经入库的大货单据,检查入库通知单,交接清单,运单的一致性,核对CBA,做好货物实际到达情况记录 ,现场收运的货物单据,根据代理人提供的报关单,货物清单对运单进行审核, 3)中转的散货单据:检查货物板,询问货物到达情况及所在仓库区位,寻找并清点货物,决定组装方式。 4)过磅和入库:检查货物板,箱组装的情况,高度,收口等是否符合规定,将货物送至电子磅,记录重 量,并挂吊牌,对预轻泡货物查看货物运单,做好体积记录。在电脑中输入板箱号码,航班日期,将货物上码放在货架上 5)出港:制作平衡交接单,(注明航班,日期,机型,起飞时间,板箱号,重量,总板箱号,总重量)鲜活,快件,邮件及特殊物品作出标识,标明高中低板。交接单一式四份,一份交平衡室,一份交外场,一份交内场出舱,一份交接后留底。)制作舱单(对航班所配载货物的运单整理核对,将运单和货物组成的情况输入电脑,制作舱单)舱单(每一架飞机所装载货物,邮件的清单,每一航班总申报单的附件,向出境国,入境国海关申报飞机所载货物,邮件情况的文件,承运人之间结算运费的依据之一)转运舱单(由交运承运人填写,承运人之间交接货物,文件的凭证,承运人之间结算运费的依据之一) 3,航空公司进港货物操作程序 1)进港航班预报:填写航班预报记录本,以每个航班进港到达之前从查询部门拿去航班的FFM,CPM ,LDM ,SPC,了解到达航班的货物装机情况及特殊物品的处理。 2)办理海关监管手续 3)分单业务:在每份货运单的正本上加盖或者书写到达航班的航班号和日期,认真审核货运单,注意运单上所列的目的港,代理公司,品名和运输保管注意事项。联程货运单交中转部门。 4)核对运单和舱单:若有分批货物,则应该把分批货物的总数标在运单号之后,并且注明分批标志,2把舱单上列出的特种货物,联程货物圈出。根据分单情况,在整理出的舱单上标明每一票运单的去向,核对运单份数与舱单份数是否一致,做好多单,少单记录,将多运单号码加在舱单上,多单运单查询部门。 5)电脑输入:根据标好的一套舱单,将航班号,日期,运单号,数量,重量,特种货物,代理商,分批单,不正常情况输入电脑,打印出国际进口货物航班交接单。 6)交接: 中转货物和中转运单,舱单交出港操作部门。邮件和邮件路单交邮局。 4,航空货物进口运输代理业务程序 1)代理预报:注意中转航班,中转点航班的延误,注意分批货物, 2)交接单,货。(国际货物交接清单,总运单,随机文件,货物)要求:单单核对,单货核对。做好空运进口分批货物登记表,检查货物破损情况。 5,理货与仓储 理货的内容:逐一核对每票货物的件数,按货物的性怔做好货物的分类码放。登记每票货物存储区号, 并输入电脑。(注意:防雨,防潮,防重压,防温升变质,防危险品危及人员和其他货物的安全。 6,理货与到货通知: 1)理单:集中托运,总运单项下拆单,分类理单,编号,编配各类单证, 2)到货通知:要求(早,快,妥,). 3)正本运单处理(进口货物的入舱单,一式五份) 7,制单,报关 1)制单的形式:货运代理公司代办,货主自行办理,货代办理,货主自己运输,货主办理报关,货代运输,货主制单,货代报关和运输 2)进口报关:初审――审单,征税,验放, 8,收费,发货。 9,送货与转运 包板包舱运输: 1,包舱运输:可以在一定时期内或一次性包用承运人在某条航线或某个航班上的全部或部分货舱,包运运输必须签订包舱运输合同, 1)注意事项: 除天气或者其他不可抗力双方应当按合同履行包舱运输合同的规定的义务和权利。包舱保证没有托运违禁物品。无论何种原因,一方不能如期履约,应当通知对方。 2)运输凭证:货运单和包舱合同作为包舱运输凭证,货运单收货人只能填写一个收货人的名称,并且在储运注意事项中,注明“包舱运输”. 2,包板(箱)运输:有固定货源且批量大,数量相对稳定的托运人在一定时期,一定航线或航班上包用承运人一定数量的集装箱或集装板运输的货物。双方签订包板运输合同 1)注意事项:包板运输的货物只能装载在托运人包用的集装箱(板)上,多余的货物只能按照正常的运输手续办理,每件货物必须粘贴或者算挂货物识别标签,识别标签上的货运单号必须与货运单一致。包板人应按照约定的时间将货物送到指定的机场,并且办好检验检疫手续后办理托运手续。 3,包舱包板运输的意义与问题: 1)意义:减少承运人的运营风险,有一个稳定的收入,能充分调动包板人的积极性,和主观能动性,限度的挖掘市场潜力。有利于一切新开辟的航线,冷航线的开发,对于承运人营销能力量比较薄弱的回程,中间站航线有利 2)问题:打乱了航空货运市场的价格市场,不利于承运人的收益变化,助长了不正之风的蔓延。 特种货物运输: 一,易腐烂货物: 1,鲜活易腐烂货物的定义:在一般条件下易于死亡或者变质腐烂的货物, 1)收运条件:有必要的国家检验合格证明和卫生检疫证明,符合有关国家的进出口和过境规定。书面货物的最长运输时间的证明,必须有适合这种货物特性的包装,除加贴识别标签外,货物的外包装上还应该挂上“鲜货易腐烂”的标签和向上标签。 2)需要的文件: 货运单,“nature and quantity “应注明”Perishable”和注明以订妥的各航班航段班号和日期、在“handing information “中注明其他文件的名称和注意事项,并将装有各种卫生检验检疫的信件定在货运单的后面,随货运单寄出。 3)运输: 必须符合“TACT规则”尽力使用直达航班,需要订妥航班,应由航空公司或其代理人立即通知收货人来机场收货。而且必须优先安排带有调控温功能的飞机! 2,鲜花的运输处理:集装箱运输,托运人在飞机起飞前的最后期限内到机场缴获主要天气的变化。 3,蔬菜运输处理:要于其他货物分开放置, 4,肉类,鱼(冷冻):保持舱内干净清洁,消毒处理,人员要健康。 5,干冰:要有供气体出的孔 6,运输不正常的处理: 1)班机延误,衔接脱班,及时通知收货人或者托运人征求处理意见并经可能按照对方的意见处理,对货物进行妥善保管。 2)在运输过程中货物腐烂变质的处理:在运输过程中腐烂或者在目的站由于收货人未能提货而变质,交由海关和检疫部门处理。同时编写运输事故记录。 二,活体动物 1,一般规定:IATA《活动无规则》(Live animal regulations LAR):收运活体动物应以LAR为依据,装卸动物时必须谨慎,以确保动物和人的健康及安全,应该避免污染其他的货物。 2,收运条件:交运的动物必须健康,五传染病,并且有卫生检疫证明。托运人必须办妥海关手续,按照国家的有关规定办理进出口许可证。妊娠期的动物,不做托运。无不良气味。包装要防动物破坏,逃走,同时要注意通气。及污损飞机。有足够的饲料和饲养设备 3,所需文件:活动物证明书,货运单,其他文件(卫生检验检疫证明,国家进出口许可证) 4,运输:必须订妥全程舱位之后方可收运,动物运输不办理运费到付,动物运输应尽量利用直达航班,应注意动物到达目的站的日期,尽量避开周末和节假日,以免动物运达后延误交付,造成动物死亡。要考虑部分机型的运输条件。动物在运输过程中,由于自然原因而发生的病,伤或者死亡,承运人不负责任,除非证明由于承运人造成的责任。由于托运人的过失或违反承运人的运输规定,致使动物在运输过程中造成对承运人或者第三者的伤害或损失时,托运人应负责全部责任。动物在运输过程中达到目的地后死亡所产生的一切费用,应由托运人或收货人承担。 5,对于几类动物运输的包装要求: 1)运输凶猛动物:容器必须牢固,安全,需用坚硬木料制作,容器前部应用粗钢丝网或铁栏杆制成,门上栏杆的距离,能防止动物前抓外伸。容器后部应有一活门必须有安全开关,以防止动物逃逸而发生事故。容器地板应做成铁筐型,使得动物的排泄污能落到下面的托盘。容器内必须保证空气流通,不致于使得动物窒息。通风口直径为2,5 公分,通分口外面应有希麻布或铁砂保护。为了便于地面人员的安全,动物容器上应由便于搬运装置。有供动物饮水的装置。 3)一般动物:用木质或者轻金属容器,容器两侧和顶部可以用抛光的木料制作,或用麻布,帆布(内刨花或纤维)做衬垫。容器两侧的木板不低于动物站立时两肩的高度。 6,危险货物的运输: 1,危险物品: 指在航空运输中,可能危及人身健康,安全或者对财产造成伤害的物品或者物质。 2,危险货物的分类: 危险货物手册(Dangerous goods regulations DGR)
考试题目及答案一律采用英文。考试科目有虚袜:1. 国际货运代理基础理论(包括外贸专业知识)外贸专业知识(考试时间2小时30分钟);2. 国际海上货运代理及多式联运和现代物流专业知识(考试时间3小时);3. 国际航空货运代理专业知识(考试时间2小时30分钟)。凡已参加过喊败前三次CIFA组织的国家货代资格证书培训和考试、并已获证的优秀考生,年度考试总分达150分或150分以上,并且单科达75分或75分以上者,可免试上述2、3科目的任选一科。复试上述考试合格者,在通过后一个月内,考生还须通过“案例分析”郑誉颤或“航线设计”或“货运最佳方案设计”及有关企业管理等方面的复试,并接受证书评审专家的面试。复试及面试成绩是考生最终能否获证的依据之一。
【Ⅰ 卷】 一、单项选择题(每题1分,共15分。单项选择题的答案只能选择一个,多选不得分) 1、The scope of freight forwarder’s service on behalf of consignors includes ( ). A.booking space with consignee B.paying the freight to the insurer C.arranging import customs clearance D.booking space with carrier 2、According to INCOTERMS 2000,which group of the following trade terms mean that the seller must contract for the carriage of the goods to the named port (or place) of destination.( ) 宴腔A.FOB、CFR、CIF B.FCA、CFR、CIF C.FOB、FCA、CIP D.CFR、CIF、CIP 3、Under the CFR term, the risk of loss of or damage to the goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer when the goods pass the ship’s rail in the ( ). A.port of destination B.port of discharge C.port of shipment D.port of delivery 4、According to UCP500,游洞the terms “end” of a month in the letter of credit shall be construed as( ). 晌磨衫 A.from the 1st to the last day of the month B.from the 11th to the last day of the month C.from the 15th to the last day of the month D.from the 21st to the last day of the month 5、A document signed by the Chief Officer acknowledging the receipt of cargo on board ship, and later exchanged for a B/L is called ( ). A.seaway bill B.booking note C.mate’s receipt D.bill of lading 6、The booking note is issued by the( ) requesting allocation of shipping space. A.carrier to the agent B.carrier to the shipper C.shipper to the carrier D.carrier to the consignee 7、A container with several consignments from various shippers is normally called ( ) shipment. A.FCL B.LCL C.D/R D.M/R 8、Which of the following costs are payable by the charterer under a time charter party. ( ) A.capital cost and demurrage B.hull insurance and port charges C.port charges and bunker costs D.wages of crew and hull insurance 9、Which of the following charter forms is used in a voyage charter. ( ) A.GENCON B.BALTIME C.NYPE D.BARECON 10、The CMR convention has been ratified only by countries in ( ). A.Europe B.Asia C.Africa D.America 11、Piggyback is a system of unitized multimodal land transport by ( ). A.road and sea B.road and rail C.road and air &nbs,p; D.road and road 12、In air cargo transportation, ( ) are rates which are applicable to named type of air cargo. A.General Cargo Rates B.Class Rates C.Bulk Unitization Rates D.Specific Commodity Rates 13、Which of the following risks are covered by the All Risks coverage of PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses. ( ) A.war and fire B.strike and delay C.aflatoxin and on deck D.heavy weather and fire 14、Which of the following coverage does not cover partial loss or damage resulting from natural calamities. ( ) A.WA B.FPA C.Institute Cargo Clause (B) D.Institute Cargo Clause (A) 15、Which of the following organizations is the largest non-governmental organization in the field of freight forwarding industry ( ). A.IATA B.FIATA C.MTO D.UIC 二、判断题(每题1分,共15分。答案为“是”的,请在答题卡上涂“A”,答案为“否”的,请在答题卡上涂“B”。两个都涂的不得分) 16、If the L/C stipulate that the expiry date is July 31st without a shipment date, then the latest shipment date is also July 31st.( ) 17、Cargo insurance contract is not a contract of indemnity. ( ) 18、Consolidation can only benefit both shippers and consignee. ( ) 19、General Cargo Rates are normally higher than Specific Commodity Rates in air cargo transportation. ( ) 20、General average and salvage charges are covered both in FPA and WA coverage. ( ) 21、If the shipment date is “ second half of May ” in the credit, then the goods must be shipped before May 20.( ) 22、The freight forwarder takes delivery of the goods from the carrier and issues the Forwarders’ Certificate of Receipt. ( ) 23、The objective in inventory strategy is to achieve desired customer service with the minimum inventory commitment. ( ) 24、The port charges are payable by shipowner during the period of voyage charter. ( ) 25、The charge for a telex is not based on the distance the message has to travel and the time spent in transmission. ( ) 26、Institute Cargo Clause (C) does not cover risks of war, strike, but covers loss of or damage to cargo caused by earthquake. ( ) 27、 Time chartering means that the charterer hires the vessel for a period of time without crew. ( ) 28、Time of Shipment refers to the time limit for loading the goods at the port of shipment. ( ) 29、LCL/LCL denotes the container service where the shipper is responsible for stuffing and the carrier is responsible for stripping. ( ) 30、Documentary credit means payment against goods instead of against documents. ( ) 三、多项选择题(每题2分,共20分。多项选择题的答案多选、少选、错选均不得分) 31、Which of the following services are performed by the forwarder on behalf of the consignee. ( ) A.Taking delivery of the goods from the carrier B.Packing the goods for export C.Arranging export customs clearance D.Arranging import customs clearance 32、Institute Cargo Clause (B) covers loss of or damage to cargo caused by ( ). A.earthquake B.grounding C.lightning D.fire or explosions 33、Which of the following words applying to any date or period in the credit referring to shipment will be understood to include the date mentioned.( ) A.until B.from C.after D.to 34、Which of the following trade terms can be used irrespective of the mode of transport, including multi-modal transport. ( ) A.CIF B.CIP C.FCA D.CPT 35、The L/C stipulates that shipment date: on or about May 20,2003,it means that the goods can be shipped on board the vessel between ( ). A.May 15 to May 25 B.May 20 to May 25 C.May 20 to May 30 D.May 10 to May 20 36、The Air Waybill number is the identification of each consignment and comprises three parts: ( ) A.the main portion identifying the consignment B.a three-digit prefix identifying the carrier C.the main portion identifying the carrier D.the last check digit for accounting and security purposes 37、The marine cargo insurance premium rates may vary depending on factors such as ( ). A.type of goods B.value of the goods C.mode of transportation D.the type of risks covered 38、Logistics is the process of planning, implementing and controlling the efficient, effective flow and storage of ( ) from point of origin to the point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements. A.facility B.goods C.services D.information 39、E-commerce involves exchange among ( ). A.customers B.vendors C.business partner D.corporate infrastructure 40、The principles of writing business letters are ( ). A.correct grammar B.no punctuation C.appropriate layout D.suitable style 四、完型填空 (每题1分,共10分。每题答案只能选择一个,多选不得分) In container cargo transportation, the bill of lading serves as a receipt for goods, an evidence of the contract of carriage, and a document of title to the goods. The carrier issues the B/L according to the information in the 41__. The shipped B/L must indicate that the goods have been loaded on board or shipped on a named vessel, and it must be signed by the carrier or the 42__ or the agent on behalf of the carrier. The originals are marked as "original" on their face and all have equal value, that is, all have the same validity. The original B(s)/L are 43__ , one of which must be surrendered to the 44__ at destination, duly endorsed in exchange for the goods or the delivery order. When one of the originals being surrendered to the carrier, the others become 45__ . 41、A.dock receipt B.delivery order C.cargo manifest D.sea waybill 42、A.crew B.master C.tallyman D.chief officer 43、A.evidence of the contract of carriage B.a receipt of goods C.proof of ownership of goods D.the contract of carriage 44、A.shipper B.consignee C.carrier D.importer 45、A.valid B.effective C.invalid D.be returned to the shipper The 46__ is the party who requests and instructs the issuing bank to open a letter of credit in favor of the beneficiary. The 47__ usually is the importer or the buyer of goods and/or services. The 48__ is the party in whose favor a letter of credit is opened by the issuing bank. The 49__ usually is the exporter or the seller of goods and/or services. The issuing bank opens a letter of credit in favor of the beneficiary, at the request and on the instructions of the applicant. The issuing bank usually is located in the applicant’s country. The advising bank advises the beneficiary that a letter of credit opened by the issuing bank is available to him/her and informs the 50__ about the terms and conditions of the L/C. The advising bank is not necessarily responsible for the payment of the credit which it advises. 46、A. beneficiary B. applicant C. exporter D. shipper 47、A. beneficiary B. applicant C. issuing bank D. advising bank 48、A. beneficiary B. applicant C. importer D. consignee 49、A. beneficiary B. applicant C. importer D. consignee 50、A. beneficiary B. applicant C. exporter D. shipper 【Ⅱ卷】 一、英汉互译题(每题0.5分,共20分) 1、英译汉 (1)Grain capacity (2)BIMCO (3)Business correspondence (4)Constructive total loss (5)Subject matter insured (6)Measurement ton (7)Time charter (8)non-vessel operating common carriers (NVOCC) (9)Document of title (10)Contract of affreightment (11)General cargo rates (12)Finished product (13)Foreign exchange transaction (14)Financial activity (15)Import manifest (16)Inherent vice (17)Inland waterway transport (18)Natural calamities (19)Utmost good faith (20)Insufficient packing 2、汉译英 (1)保险利益 (2)供应链管理 (3)清洁提单 (4)商业伙伴 (5)银行汇票 (6)通知方 (7)水渍险 (8)记名提单 (9)救助费用 (10)信用证 (11)包装容积(舱容) (12)保险费 (13)价值链 (14)开证行 (15)贸易术语 (16)平安险 (17)清关 (18)提货单 (19)装货单 (20)直达提单 二、英文单证操作题(共20分) 根据下列所提供的信用证条款的主要内容及有关制单资料,填制集装箱海运托运单中(1)至(15)项内容和商业发票中(1)至(5)项内容。 Irrevocable documentary credit Number: LC123-268866 Date: January 2,2003 Date and place of expiry : February 20, 2003 China Advising bank: Bank of China Beneficiary: China AAA import and export corp. Applicant: Japan BBB corp. Shipment from: Shanghai to Kobe,Japan not later than February 10,2003 Partial shipments: Not allowed Transshipment: Not allowed Description of goods: 100% Cotton Towel as per S/C No. CH2006 Total amount: USD10000 (SAY US DOLLARS TEN THOUSANDS ONLY) Total quantity: 40000 pieces packing in 200 Cartons Total gross weight: 20000 KGS Total measurement: 29CBM Price term: CIF Kobe,Japan Following documents required: +Signed commercial invoice in triplicate +Packing list in triplicate +Full set of clean on board ocean bill of lading made out to order of shipper and endorsed in blank and marked “freight prepaid” and notify applicant. +Insurance Policy in duplicate for full CIF value plus 10% covering Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses All Risks and War Risk Clauses of The People’s Insurance Company of China and stating claims payable in Kobe, Japan in the currency of the credit. Information: Ocean Vessel: “Blue sky” Voy. No.: 003E B/L No. 0028 Container No.: COSU8001215 Marks & Nos: CT KOBE -200 _________________________________ D/R No: Shipper (1)______________________________ 集装箱货物托运单 货主留底 Consignee (2)______________________________ Notify Party (3)______________________________ Pre-carriage by Place of Receipt _________________________________ Ocean Vessel Voy. No. Port of Loading (4)_________(5)_________(6)_________ Port of Discharge Place of Delivery Final Destination for Merchant’s Reference (7) Container No. Seal No. No. of containers Kind of Packages: Gross Weight Measurement Marks & Nos or P’kgs Description of Goods (8)_________(9)________(10)________(11)________20000 KGS 29CBM TOTAL NUMBER OF CONTAINERS OR PACKAGES SAY ONE CONTAINER ONLY (IN WORDS) FREIGHT & CHARGES Revenue Tons Rate Per Prepaid Collect (12)_________________________________ Ex. Rate. Prepaid at Payable at Place and date of Issue _________________________________ Total Prepaid No. of Original B(s)/L THREE _________________________________ CHINA AAA IMP. & EXP. COP. 18 ZHONG SHAN ROAD, SHANGHAI, CHINA COMMERCIAL INVOICE To: (1) Invoice Number: AAA2003-015 Contract Number (2)________________ Date of Invoice FEB.1, 2003 From SHANGHAI To KOBE, JAPAN
考货运从业资格证,由区、市运输管理部门统一组织每月考1次,考1次有1次补考机会。1年内完成学习和考试《关于国际货运代理人员资格培训的通知》(44号)文件的精神,全国国际货运代理从业人员资格培训工作有关培训考试事项和工作要求通知如下: 一、报名条件 具有高羡斗兆中以上学历,有一定的国际货运代理实践经验,或已接受过国际货运代理业务培训并有志于从事国际货运代理业务的销慎人员。 二、组织培训 对参加培训的考生,各培训考试点(见附件)要按教学大纲要求系统地对应考人员进行培训和考前辅导,保证培训课时和培训质量。培训应结合考生自身条件和业务水平采取灵活方式,并且遵循自愿原则。 三、考试方式 闭卷考试,统一命题、统一时间、统一阅卷。 报名时应持身份证、单位介绍信(集体报名)按规定填写报名登记表,交纳报名兄租考务费(每科80元人民币,两科共计160元人民币)及本人同底的二寸免冠近照二张(背面写上姓名和准考证号)。补考单科考生,还须凭去年的考试成绩单,考务费按80元计收。 五、培训考试科目 (1)培训考试教材依据:中国国际货运代理协会组织编写的《全国国际货代行业从业人员资格培训考试》系列教材,即: 2003年出版的《国际货运代理基础知识》、《国际多式联运与现代物流理论与实务》、《国际 海上货运代理理论与实务》、《国际航空货运代理理论与实务》、《国际货运代理专业英语》及2004年出版的《国际货运代理资格考试应试指导及大纲》(5月中旬由中国商务出版社出版)。 (2)考试科目和及格分数: 考试分两科,即①"国际货运代理业务" ②"国际货运代理专业英语"(含英文单证) "国际货运代理业务"科目中《国际货运代理基础知识》及《国际海上货运代理理论与实务》内容各占30%,《国际航空货运代理理论与实务》占25%,《国际多式联运与现代物流理论与实务》占15%;英文单证在国际货运代理专业英语科目中占20%比例。 各科满分均为100分,及格分数为60分。单科及格者成绩可保留至下年度有效(只允许补考一次)。两科均及格者方可获得资格证书。 为了提高国内货代从业人员的业务水平,并与国际接轨,中国货代协会正在申请引进"国际货运代理协会联合会(FIATA)"的国际货运代理资格证书(FIATA Diploma In Freight Forwarding)项目。此证书项目的引进预计在今年9月份的FIATA年会上获得通过。从前一年的合格考生中选拔一批优秀学员,通过相应培训和考试,使其能够持有全球通用的"FIATA国际货运代理资格证书"。

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