1.In Taishan, to buy things he could buy a car, but where the adults have to go to work, similar to the pedestrian street of the business district of Taishan, in my living here, we should take the bus and then change to red line subway to reach, full 45 minutes or so, so under normal circumstances, if we buy something, will go to the nearby stores, and shopping malls are huge here, and everyday goods can buy. Shopping for a week of activities will be engaged in price reductions, when is the best time to buy something because it would be much cheaper price than usual, the quality is also very good2.The beach here is especially lively in the summer, the Americans like the sun, I have been to three times as a result, all black, but I do not understand why they are like this because more than sun drying on the skin bad , most Americans have stained his face bar is for this reason. Some of them direct sun on the grass, the United States, greening works quite well done, because the grass in the park, he will not be labeled "Do not walk on the grass," the words, he is totally free and open, but I think the reason for China to do so, one of the reasons is that China has just started, people to be improved the quality bar.3.Here a lot of things are manufactured in China, each time understanding a foreigner, I have used to him / her something about China, and they say they are like Chinese culture, but those few people can not been to China .
翻译句子 急 在线等
1. 据说他有一个美国笔友。(It)It is said that he has an American pen pal.2. 我们正忙于为下月举行的歌咏比赛做准备。(be busy)We will be busy preparing for the Singing Competition next month.3. 为了你的家庭幸福,务必遵守交通法规。(Do)For the happiness of your family, you must obey the Traffic Laws. 4. 我们必须养成早起的好习惯。(habit)We must get into the habit of rising early.5. 题目越容易你就应该越仔细。(the more…the more)The more difficult the question is, the more careful you must be.1. Unless we help protect rare wild life in positive ways, they will disappear for ever.如果我们不保护稀有动物,它们就会永远消失。2. Some young people think that the more expensive the dress is, the more fashionable it will be.有些人认为裙子越贵越时尚。3. No doubt China is becoming one of the most important countries in the world in the 21st century.在二十一世纪,中国毋庸置疑将成为世界上最重要的国家之一。4. China has entered the WTO, which brings us great challenges and opportunities.中国在加入世界贸易组织的同时也迎来了更大的机遇与挑战。5. He stayed up for several nights doing this project, so he understood how he should spend the hard-earned money.他熬夜了好几天做这个课题,所以他懂得要如何使用这笔来之不易的财富。1. 我们已经决定明年去澳大利亚。(decide)We have decided to go to Australia next year.2. 他建议我们尽可能经常讲英语。(as…as possible)He suggests that we speak English as often as possible.3. 昨晚我在南京路碰巧遇到我的一位老同学。(happen)Last night, I happened to meet with one of our old friends/class mates.4. 上海越来越漂亮。(become)Shanghai has become more and more beautiful.5. 这个包裹要一个星期左右才能到达德国。(take)This package will take about one week to get to Germany.1. We would like you to join us in the game.我们希望你跟我们参加这个游戏。2. Many people enjoy walking on the Bund in their free time.许多人喜欢在闲暇时间走在外滩上。3. Please try using another way and maybe you can work out the math problem.请试试其他的方法,也许你会解出来这道数学题。4. I remember seeing you somewhere two years ago.我记得我两年前曾在什么地方见过你。5. They couldn’t help jumping when they heard the good news.当他们听到了好消息的时候,他们怎能不欢呼雀跃。-------------------希望对你有帮助~天~
1. we help others to show our love and care我们帮助其他人以显示我们的爱和关心。 2.we feel good when we are showing kindess to others我们感觉很好,当我们对其他人很好(仁慈)的时候。 is pleasent for me to help anyone who needs help我很乐意帮助每个需要帮助的人。 4.the best and the most beautiful thing in the world is love世界上最好的最美好的是爱。(那个提问者我不知道你那个hast到底是原本是什么单词,暂时先用best代替了) 5.there are many thing we can do to help people around us我们可以做很多事帮助我们周围的人。 is like a light in the dark爱就像是黑暗中的一盏灯。 7.let us draw courage,confidcnce and happiness form love让我们从爱中获得勇气,自信和快乐。 8.fiendship is love without his wigs友谊是没有斥责的爱。 9.the best way to how to love is to people who are more unfortanate than we are怎样去爱的最好办法是帮助奈希尔比我们更不幸的人。 10.volunteers make the world nicer ang warmer志愿者让世界更美好更温暖。(这些句子有很多错误,我只能这样翻译了,你看看就好,O(∩_∩)O谢谢)
You take me seriously, your thing is my things!
在线翻译英语句子 ~一小时之内
1.The reason why the house has collapsed is because it has been raining these days.2.It seems that the young man is thinking about something very important.3.His thought about one should not be selfish was welcome by the Saint.4.The police brought forward the idea that adults should accompany their children on the meeting.5.We draw the conclusion:that the body-check before marriage is necessary.6.He is shy in the public. That’s why he always keeps silence on the meeting.7.You don’t have to go in person. They will finish it well.8.It is possible for them to lose in the game, but they are in their calmness.9.My request is that you must make yourselves understood by others.10. The news come that China has been rewarded by 4 gold medals.11.The fact is that we have many other things to do.12.Will them put off the wedding?13.Because his son loves playing computer very much.希望能帮到你
1.Respect guests and staff,this public house 6th floor occured fire danger,and we have controled it effectively,the fireman are dealing with it now.for your safety,please withdraw to the safe place quickly under the lead of staff.when withdrawing,please don’t take the lift,walk from the escapeway.thank you.2.Respect guests and staff,the fire happened just now has eliminated,i represent all the staff to apologize to you sincerely.
In the traditional marriage, the man worked at a job to earn money for the family. Most men worked in an office, a factory, or some other place away from the home. Since the man earned the money, they paid the bills. The money was used for food, -clothes, the house, and other family needs, the man made most of the decisions. He was the boss.在传统的婚姻中,男人扮演的是在外挣钱养家的角色。他们中大部分人都工作在离家很远的办公室,工厂或者其他地方。因为他们能够挣钱,所以他们要支付各种账单。家庭中的衣食住行及各种所需都离不开钱,所以男人在很大程度上掌握着大权,他们是一家之主。In the traditional marriage, the woman seldom worked away from the house. She stayed at home to care for the children and her husband. She cooked meals, cleaned the house, washed the clothes, and did other housework. Her job at home was very important.In recent years, many couples continue to have a traditional relationship of the kind. The man has a job and earns the money for the family. The woman stays at home and cared for the children and the house. Many Americans are happy with the kind of marriage. But some other Americans have a different impression of marriage and family responsibilities.传统婚姻中的女性很少离家到远地方去工作。女人通常在家照顾孩子和老公。做饭,清洁,洗衣以及其他的家务都是女人们要做的,因此这项工作也很重要。近年来,这种传统一直在众多夫妇中延续中,即,男人挣钱养家,女人在家照看孩子。大多数美国人都很乐意选择这种类型的婚姻。但也有一些人对婚姻及家庭责任持不同看法。There are two important differences in male and female roles now. One is that both men and women have many more choices. They may choose to marry or to stay single. They may choose to work or stay at home. Both men and women may choose roles that are comfortable for them.当今在男性和女性中存在着两种重要的分歧。一个是男女双方都有多方面的选择,要么结婚要么单身,或者在家或者外出工作。所以他们所选的角色对他们来说是很适合的。A second difference in male and female roles is that within marriage many decisions and respon¬sibilities are shared. The husband and wife may choose to have children, or they may not. If they have children, the man takes care of them some of the time, all of the time or not at all. The woman may want to stay at home and take care of the children, or she may want to go to work. Men and women now decide these things together in a marriage. Many married people now share these deci¬sions and responsibilities of their families.另一个男女双方要共同承担婚后的决定的家庭责任。夫妻二人可以选择有小孩的生活,也可以选择丁克一族。如果他们有了小孩的话,男人要或多或少多花去一些时间来看孩子。女人们也许更愿意在家看孩子,也许更想出去上班。不管男人还是女人,他们现在都能够在一场婚姻中一起做出合适的决定。大部分的已婚人已能共同作出决择,共同承担家庭责任。
英语翻译句子 在线等
1.I looked at my watch,and found ithat it was twenty minutes slow.2.The whole class burst into laughter.3.A crowd of people gathered at the gate of the lift.4.The watch was made in Switzerland in 1988.5.The watch belongs to me mang years.6..I tried hard to help you ,but nothing happened.7.The wall of my house was being painted.8.It is not allowed to smoke here.
1.他想周游世界 He wants to travel around the world/throughout the world.2.我看电视的时间很少 I spend little time watching TV.It takes me little time to watch TV.3.北京是一个很好的参观的地方,因为那里有许多名胜古迹 Beijing is a good place to visit/travel to,as here are many great places of interests. 4.对中国参观的时间是6月份 It is in June that we visit China.5.当春天到来的时候,天气开始变的凉爽,树开始变颜色 When spring comes,the weather becomes cool and trees turn its colour/green.6.带上你的照相机是一个好主意,因为你可以拍照秋天的落叶和野生动物 It’s a good idea to take your camera,so that you can picture/take photos of the falling leaves and wild animals.7.记住穿一些暖和的衣服,因为天气非常冷 Remember to wear more clothes,because the weather is so cold.8.最好的计划是在冬天到达海南 The best plan is to arrive in Hainan in winter.It is the best plan to arrive in Hainan in winter.9.与中国的许多河流相比,黄河是一条大河 Compared with most of the rivers in China,the Yellow River is a really long one.10.与其他孩子相比,TONY擅长弹钢琴Compared with other children,Tony is fond of/is good at/does well in piano.嗯…………尽力翻译了,不知您是否满意。

2024年4月3日 12:10

2025年2月17日 22:50