english writing(中考英文书信写作English Letter Writing)
中考英文书信写作English Letter Writing
.1 Introduction Letter writing tests the English letter writing skill of the examinees.In this unit,we are going to focus on different types of letter writing,their form and language.We will also give you some advice on how to write an effective English letter. .2 Type of letters(信的类型) English letters are generally divided into two types: a.personal letters个人书信 b.business letters事务书信 .3 Form(格式) An English letter usually consists of six parts:heading(信头),inside address(收信人地址),salutation(称呼),body(信主体),complimentary close(结尾客套语)and signature(署名)。 1)Heading:In the upper right hand corner of the first page,write your full address and the date. 2)Inside Address:On the left side,above the salutation,put the name and full address of the addressee.However,this is often omitted in personal letters. 3)Salutation:The greeting to the addressee,written flush with the left margin,two spaces below the inside address.A comma follows the salutation in a personal letter;in a business letter,it is followed by a colon(:)。Besides,in personal letters,first names are usually used,while in business letters,the surnames are used.
writing English
writing English是某人现在正在写英文的意思,它只能存在于一句话当中。这里的writing就是write的现在分词形式,前面或后面应该有人称代词和系动词的,如果缺省的话,就不对了,而且也不可以省去的,省去的话就是个病句。如,This little boy is writing a poem about war, 或者,Writing poem is one of his hobbies.系动词或人称代词缺一不可。而且因为这里的write是个动词,又是个及物动词,它只能放在名词的前面。再者,英语写作,从中文字面上就可以知道它是个名词性的短语。按照英文的习惯,这里的write(写)只能用它的动名词形式,也就是writing,记住它是名词,只不过是从动词演化而来的,它和现在分词是有区别的。所以只能放在english这个名词的后面。希望对你有点帮助。

2024年6月4日 15:20