- 英语图表作文范例50篇
- 图表作文怎么写
- 图表作文的模板句型
- 英语图表作文怎么写
- 大学英语四级图表类作文模板分享
- 图表类英语作文范文
- 高中英语图表作文范文
- 如何进行图表式作文写作
- 高考英语满分作文:图表作文(附翻译)
- 写作文的表格
一、图表作文写作常识 1、图形种类及概述法: 泛指一份数据图表:a data graph/chart/diagram/illustration/table 饼图:pie chart 直方图或柱形图:bar chart / histogram 趋势曲线图:line chart / curve diagram 表格图:table 流程图或过程图:flow chart / sequence diagram 程序图:processing/procedures diagram 2、常用的描述用法 The table/chart diagram/graph shows (that) According to the table/chart diagram/graph As (is) shown in the table/chart diagram/graph As can be seen from the table/chart/diagram/graph/figures, figures/statistics shows (that)…… It can be seen from the figures/statistics We can see from the figures/statistics It is clear from the figures/statistics It is apparent from the figures/statistics table/chart/diagram/graph figures (that) …… table/chart/diagram/graph shows/describes/illustrates how…… 3、图表中的数据(Data)具体表达法 数据(Data)在某一个时间段固定不变:fixed in time 在一系列的时间段中转变:changes over time 持续变化的data在不同情况下: 增加:increase / raise / rise / go up …… 减少:decrease / grow down / drop / fall …… 波动:fluctuate / rebound / undulate / wave …… 稳定:remain stable / stabilize / level off …… 最常用的两种表达法: 动词+副词形式(Verb+Adverb form) 形容词+名词形式(Adjective+Noun form) 二、相关常用词组 1、主章开头 图表类型:table、chart、diagramgraph、column chart、pie graph 描述:show、describe、illustrate、can be seen from、clear、apparent、reveal、represent 内容:figure、statistic、number、percentage、proportion 2、表示数据变化的单词或者词组 rapid/rapidly 迅速的,飞快的,险峻的 dramatic/dramatically 戏剧性的,生动的 significant/significantly 有意义的,重大的,重要的 sharp/sharply 锐利的,明显的,急剧的 steep/steeply 急剧升降的 steady/steadily 稳固的,坚定不移的 gradual/gradually 渐进的,逐渐的 slow/slowly 缓慢的,不活跃的 slight/slightly 轻微的、略微地 stable/stably 稳定的 3、其它在描述中的常用到的词 significant changes 图中一些较大变化 noticeable trend 明显趋势 during the same period 在同一时期 grow/grew 增长 distribute 分布,区别 unequally 不相等地 in the case of adv. 在……的情况下 in terms of / in respect of / regarding 在……方面 in contrast 相反,大不相同 government policy 政府政策 market forces 市场规率 measure n.尺寸,方法,措施v.估量,调节 forecast n.先见,预见v.预测 三、考研英语图表写作套句精选 1.the table shows the changes in the number of……over the period from……to…… 该表格描述了在……年之……年间……数量的变化。 2.the bar chart illustrates that…… 该柱状图展示了…… 3.the graph provides some interesting data regarding…… 该图为我们提供了有关……有趣数据。 4.the diagram shows (that)…… 该图向我们展示了…… 5.the pie graph depicts (that)…… 该圆形图揭示了…… 6.this is a cure graph which describes the trend of…… 这个曲线图描述了……的趋势。 7.the figures/statistics show (that)…… 数据(字)表明…… 8.the tree diagram reveals how…… 该树型图向我们揭示了如何…… 9.the data/statistics show (that)…… 该数据(字)可以这样理解…… 10.the data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that…… 这些数据资料令我们得出结论…… 11.as is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table…… 如图所示…… 12.according to the chart/figures…… 根据这些表(数字)…… 13.as is shown in the table…… 如表格所示…… 14.as can be seen from the diagram,great changes have taken place in…… 从图中可以看出,……发生了巨大变化。 15.from the table/chart/diagram/figure,we can see clearly that……or it is clear/apparent from the chart that…… 从图表我们可以很清楚(明显)看到…… 16.this is a graph which illustrates…… 这个图表向我们展示了…… 17.this table shows the changing proportion of a & b from……to…… 该表格描述了……年到……年间a与b的比例关系。 18.the graph,presented in a pie chart, shows the general trend in…… 该图以圆形图形式描述了……总的趋势。 19.this is a column chart showing…… 这是个柱型图,描述了…… 20.as can be seen from the graph,the two curves show the flutuation of…… 如图所示,两条曲线描述了……的波动情况。 21.over the period from……to……the……remained level. 在……至……期间,……基本不变。 22.in the year between……and…… 在……年到……期间…… 23.in the 3 years spanning from 1995 through 1998…… 1995年至1998三年里…… 24.from then on/from this time onwards…… 从那时起…… 25.the number of……remained steady/stable from (month/year) to (month/year)。 ……月(年)至……月(年)……的数量基本不变。 26.the number sharply went up to…… 数字急剧上升至…… 27.the percentage of……stayed the same between……and…… ……至……期间……的比率维持不变。 28.the figures peaked at……in(month/year) ……的数目在……月(年)达到顶点,为…… 29.the percentage remained steady at…… 比率维持在…… 30.the percentage of……is sightly larger/smaller than that of…… ……的比例比……的比例略高(低)。 31.there is not a great deal of difference between……and…… ……与……的区别不大。 32.the graphs show a threefold increase in the number of…… 该图表表明……的数目增长了三倍。 33……decreased year by year while……increased steadily. ……逐年减少,而……逐步上升。 34.the situation reached a peak(a high point at) of. ……的情况(局势)到达顶(高)点,为……百分点。 35.the figures/situation bottomed out in…… 数字(情况)在……达到底部。 36.the figures reached the bottom/a low point/hit a trough. 数字(情况)达到底部(低谷)。 37.a is ……times as much/many as b. a是b的……倍。 38.a increased by…… a增长了…… 39.a increased to…… a增长到…… 40.high/low/great/small/ percentage. 比低高(低) 41.there is an upward trend in the number of…… ……数字呈上升趋势。 42.a considerable increase/decrease occurred from……to…… ……到……发生急剧上升。 43.from……to……the rate of decrease slow down. 从……到……,下降速率减慢。 44.from this year on,there was a gradual declinel reduction in the……,reaching a figure of…… 从这年起,……逐渐下降至…… 45.be similar to…… 与……相似 46.be the same as…… 与……相同 47.there are a lot similarities/differences between……and…… ……与……之间有许多相似(不同)之处 48.a has something in common with b a于b有共同之处。 49.the difference between a and b lies in…… a与b之间的差别在于…… 50……(year)witnessed/saw a sharp rise in…… ……年……急剧上升
1 要认真解读图表,切勿疏漏重要的数据信息和细节提示,有时不必每个数据都涉及,但重要数据必须提到。
2 对图表中的内容分析、数据说明一定要简明扼要,尽量使用简单句,因为复杂的句式往往起不到清晰表达的效果,这有悖于图表作文的考查目的。
3 结论性的表达要按部就班地从图表信息分析或数据归纳而来,这样才能使得语言有说服力,切忌主观判断,更不能主观臆造,避免“I think/believe…”等类似句式的使用。4 图表型作文是同学们在中考最后冲刺阶段必须重点备考的作文类型。既然是图表作文,那么第一段的对图表的描述就对作文的得分有最大的影响。
也正是因为有一定的难度,有的命题者会将第一段的首句给出。还要注意一些常用词汇,如:table; chart; graph; column chart; show; describe; can be seen from; clear 等。 柱形图形式要求考生通过宽度相等的柱形的高度或长度差别来判断事物的动态发展趋势,因此考生应密切关注坐标线上的刻度单位及图表旁边的提示说明与文字。
As can be seen from/in the chart/diagram/table/graph...从表格/图形中我们可以看到……The table shows a three times increase over that of last year.表格显示比去年上升了3倍。According to /As is shown in the Table /Figure/Chart...如表格/图表中显示……The number is 5 times as much as that of...此数字是……的5倍。It has increased by three times as compared with that of ...同……相比,增长了3倍。It can be seen from the chart/diagram/table/graph/figures/statistics that...从表格/图表/数据中我们可以看到……From the table/figures/data/results/information above, it can/may be seen/concluded/shown/estimated/calculated/inferred that...从以上的表格/图表/数据/结果/信息中,我们可以看到/总结/预测/计算/得出……A has the highest sales figure in the three departments, followed by B and C.在3个部门中,A的销售额最高,其次是B和C。The figure of A is about twice as much as that of B.A的数字是B的两倍。The rise lasted for two weeks and then began to level off in August.上升两个星期后,8月份开始平稳。It accounts for 30% of the total population.占到总人口的30%。The number of students has reached 500, indicating a rise of 20%, compared to last semester.学生人数达到500人,与上个学期相比上升了20%。It picked up speed at the end of this month.这个月底加快了速度。The pie charts show the changes on... in some place in 2000.此饼形图显示了2000年一些地方……的变化。from this year on,there was a gradual declined reduction in the..., reaching a figure of...从这年起,……逐渐下降至……There are a lot of similarities/differences between...and...……与……之间有许多相似(不同)之处It can be drawn from the chart that the proportions of A and B are going down, though the falling level of the latter is a lot lower/higher than that of the former.尽管B的下降速度比A要慢/快,从表中我们可以看到A和B的比例都在下降。The increase/decrease is more noticeable during the second half of the 5?year period.在5年期限的后半段,增长/降低比较明显。It falls from 50% in 2000 to 30% in 2004, and then the trend reverse, finishing at 58% in 2005.从2000年的50%降到2004年的30%,然后形势逆转,2005年达到了58%。The table shows the changes in the number of...over the period from...to...该表格描述了在……年之……年间……数量的变化。As can be seen from the graph, the two curves show the fluctuation of...如图所示,两条曲线描述了……的波动情况。
例:Title: Changes in people’s diet。State the changes in people’s diet in the past five years. Give possible reasons for the changes。Study the following table carefully and your composition must be based on the information given in the table。
(注:多数辅音的读音与拼音差别不大,可以通过拼音来进行谐音;还有一部分辅音没有对应的拼音字体,这里我们主要是针对/θ ð ʃ ʒ/这四个辅音)其中,/θ/和/ð/这两个音标,它们并没有相近似的拼音来对应,主要是靠嘴形来记忆。
It seems to me that the cartoon / drawing is sending a message about ____________(图画内容),which reveals ____________(稍作评价).In my perspective of view, ____________ (表明个人观点)。
Apparently, ____________(将个人观点和图片内容相结合,得出观点。)For one thing, ____________(从社会角度论证). For another thing, ____________(从个人角度说明). For example, ____________(自己、朋友或他人,只要自己知道或听过的例子).Last but not least, ____________(从反面角度谈论). As a result, the drawer of the illustration is urging us to _____________(建议或措施).Only in this way can we ____________(展望结果).
In conclusion / To my understanding, ____________(再次表明观点或态度). We should ____________(进一步说明个人的观点).
According to the bar chart / pie chart / line graph displays the changes in the number of____________(图表整体趋势). There was an increase in ____________(图表细节).
At the point of ____________, ____________reaches its peak value of ____________(数据或变化). What has caused these changes? There are mainly three reasons. Firstly, ____________ (原因一).Secondly, ____________(原因二). The number of ____________ increased over the period. ____________ rose by _________ from ________ to ________________. And there were____________. Finally, ____________(最后一个原因).
In conclusion / We can safely draw the conclusion that ____________(结论). Therefore, ____________(进一步谈论更多个人想法).更多大学英语四级内容,环球青藤将及时与你分享,助你备考,尽请关注!
图表类型的 英语写作 如果不擅于观察漫画的话, 作文 写出来可能会偏题。下面是我给大家带来图表类 英语作文 ,供大家参阅! 图表类英语作文 范文 篇1 第一段:说明图表 开篇句:As the bar chart shows, ____ during the years of ____to____. 扩展句:1、As early as _____. 2、Then _____ years later, ____. 3、And arriving in the year ____, ____. 第二段:解释图表变化原因 主题句:Several factors contribute to _____. 扩展句:1、______. (原因1) 2、And ______.(原因2) 3、Furthermore, ______ (原因3) 4、All these result in ____. 第三段:提出解决办法 结尾句: However, ____ is faced with some problems. 扩展句:1、With _____, ____, the effect of which is not only discouraging, but also challenging. 2、So my principle is to pay due attention to ___, but not justto____. 示范 第一段:说明图表 开篇句:As the bar chart shows, the number of people below the poverty line decreased dramatically during the years of 1978 to1997. 扩展句:1、As early as 1978, about 250 million people were under the poverty line. 2、Then seven years later, the number became three fifths thatof1978. 3、And arriving in the year 1997, the number was reduced to50millions. 第二段:解释图表变化原因 主题句:Several factors contribute to the sharp decrease of the below-poverty population. 扩展句:1、The reform and opening following 1978 enabled the peasants to become much better off. (原因1) 2、And with the development of Chinese economy, that policy also improved city dwellers lives greatly. (原因2) 3、Furthermore, the high-tech introduced made it possible for the countrys economy as a whole to take off. (原因3) 4、All these result in the great fall of the Chinesepopulationbelow the poverty line. 第三段:提出解决办法 结尾句: However, a further decrease in the number of poverty-stricken people is faced with some problems. 扩展句:1、With quite few employees being laid off, the effect of which is not only discouraging, but also challenging. 2、So my principle is to pay due attention to the newcomers, but not just to care for the poor, say, in remote mountain areas. 范文 As the bar chart shows, the number of people below the poverty line decreased dramatically during the years of 1978 to 1997. Asearly as 1978, about 250 million people were under the poverty line.Then seven years later, the number became three fifths that of 1978.And arriving in the year 1997, the number was reduced to 50 millions. Several factors contribute to the sharp decrease of the below-poverty population. The reform and opening following 1978 enabled the peasants to become much better off. And with the development of Chinese economy, that policy also improved city dwellers lives greatly. Furthermore, the high-tech introduced made it possible for the countrys economy as a whole to take off. All these result in the great fall of the Chinese population below the poverty line. However, a further decrease in the number of poverty-stricken people is faced with some problems. With quite few employees being laid off, the effect of which is not only discouraging, but also challenging. So my principle is to pay due attention to the newcomers, but not just to care for the poor, say, in remote mountain areas. 图表类英语作文范文篇2 The past years have witnessed a mounting number of Chinese scholars returning from overseas. As is lively illustrated by the column chart, the number of returnees climbed from a mere 69.3 thousand in 2008 to over 272.9 thousand in 2012, at an annual increase rate of around 50%. A multitude of factors may have led to the tendency revealed by the chart, but the following are the critical ones from my perspective. First and foremost, along with the development of Chinese economy and society, the number of Chinese studying abroad has been soaring in the past years, which has provided an expanding base for the number of returnees. In the second place, the government has enacted a series of preferential policies to attract overseas Chinese scholars back home. Last but not least, the booming economy, science and technology in this country have generated more attative job opportunites for scholars returning from overseas. The waves of returnees will definitely contribute to this nation’s development, since they have brought back not only advanced science and technology but also pioneering concepts of education and management. With more scholars coming back from overseas, and with the concerted efforts of the whole nation, we have reasons to expect a faster rejuvenation of this country. 图表类英语作文范文篇3 一、图表类型基本单词 图表类型:table(表格)、chart(图表)、diagram(图标)、graph(多指曲线图)、column chart(柱状图)、pie graph(饼图)、tree diagram(树形图)、 饼图:pie chart、直方图或柱形图:bar chart/histogram、趋势曲线图:line chart/curve diagram、表格图:table、流程图或过程图:flow chart/sequence diagram、程序图:processing/procedures diagram 二、图表描述基本词语 1、描述:show、describe、illustrate、can be seen from、clear、apparent、reveal、represent 2、内容:figure、statistic、number、percentage、proportion 三、常用的描述句型 The table/chart diagram/graph shows (that) According to the table/chart diagram/graph As (is) shown in the table/chart diagram/graph As can be seen from the table/chart/diagram/graph/figures, figures/statistics shows (that)…… It can be seen from the figures/statistics We can see from the figures/statistics It is clear from the figures/statistics It is apparent from the figures/statistics table/chart/diagram/graph figures (that) …… table/chart/diagram/graph shows/describes/illustrates
Reading Interests of Senior Middle School Students
Recently,a survey has been done to find out the reading interests of senior middle school students. In this survey,one thousand senior middle school students from ten schools in Hubei Province were interviewed. They were asked which they liked reading most among the four categories of English articles,news,stories,popular science articles and articles about learning methods.
The survey shows that more than half of the students like to read news most. Twentysix percent of the students say that English stories are their favorite. Only seven percent of the students are most interested in reading articles about learning methods. However, the number of students who enjoy reading popular science articles doubles that of those who prefer reading articles about learning methods.
最近,你参加了高三年级组织的“你最重视哪科作业”的调查,结果见下面的饼状图。请据此写一篇短文, 介绍调查结果,并根据其中两个数据谈论自己的看法。
注意:1. 短文的开头已为你写好。
2. 词数不少于60。
Recently, a survey on homework preference has been conducted among senior three students. The results are as follows:
Recently, a survey on homework preference has been conducted among senior three students.
The results are as follows: more than half of the students, about 54%, usually put their math homework in the first place while only 7% would rank Chinese as the most important. Meanwhile, English is regarded as most significant by 18% of the participants, and the other subjects attract the attention of 21% of the students.
There is a profound difference between math and Chinese. Without doubt, some students hold the view that math is most interesting and challenging, and it seems easier for us to have a sense of achievement in it. However, each subject has its unique charm and they are of the same value. Therefore, I think we should take every subject seriously and improve our studies in a balanced way.
1. As can be seen from the chart,... As is shown in the chart,...
2. The chart shows that about 60 percent of students want to go to college...
3. From the graph/data/results/information above,it can be seen/concluded/show/estimated...
4.The graph shows the changes in the number of...over the period from...to...
5.Compared with...,the number of the students of...
图表作文至少包含描述图表与解释原因两个部分,而当前的图表作文大多还有第三个段落。图表作文的规律性很强,不像图画式作文那样富于变化。1.首段的写作图表作文有表格(table)、柱形图(bar chart)、饼状图(pie chart)和折线图(diagram)之分,后三种都属于图表的范畴(chart)。不管是chart还是table,都需要进行描述,一般放在文章的第一部分,长度宜适中。描述数据我们要首先看看是几个变量(A),每个变量有几个数据(B),不妨以A*B表示。如果只有一个变量,有三个数据,可以描述如下:From the chart we can see clearly that the average number of hours a student spends on Internet per week has increased from less than two hours in 1998 to nearly four hours in 2000, and then to 20 hours in 2004.如果是最常见的是2*3的情形,可以描述如下:From the chart, we can see clearly that in a big city in China, state?owned houses declined from 75% in 1990 to 60% in 1995 and then to 20% in 2000, while private houses rose from 25% to 40% and then to 80% during the same period.这里用了while引起从句来突显对比,是一种非常好的办法,如果用两句话来描述,也完全可以。如果是1*n(n》3)的情形,将头与尾描述出来即可,比较好的方法就是在句中描述最后一个与第一个相比变化了多少。碰到多变量、每个变量多数据的情形,大家应首先进行分类,分成上升、下降两类,或者上升、下降、不变三类,这样问题就迎刃而解了。2. 第二段的写作第二段是解释原因的段落。我们谈谈两个问题。首先是过渡句这个问题。这里不大可能放在第一段,因为第一段不可能像某些命题作文那样简洁(如只有一句)——例如提纲式作文中的批驳类文章中除第二段首句批驳之外还有首段末句批驳,效果很强烈。其次就是此段的主题句(topic sentence)的问题。此句或主观或客观,并无拘束,只要上下文风格统一即可。主观:We believe that three reasons can account for this phenomenon.I believe that three reasons can account for this phenomenon.In my mind, the reasons why the overseas students are on the rise are as follows.主观之变体(使用插入语,突显主语):Three reasons, we believe, can account for this phenomenon.Three reasons, I believe, can account for this phenomenon.Three reasons, I firmly believe, can account for this phenomenon.注意:插入语的使用属于看似平淡却极富功力的技巧,可以达到很好的效果。主观之变体(使用插入语):Three reasons, in my mind, can account for this phenomenon.客观:Several reasons can account for this phenomenon.在主题句之后,可以使用连接词分两个、三个或四个方面来写,其中分三个方面来写最为常见。这里就与普通的说明文与议论文一样了——可以由最重要的到最不重要的,也可以由最不重要的到最重要的,也可能平行分布,依具体情况而定,不一而足。3. 第三段的写作第三段直接写结论的情况已基本没有了。如果这篇文章讲的是一个令人担忧的问题,那么这一段写解决办法的可能性最大。如果这篇文章讲的是一个好的变化,那么这一段很可能是两种情况——可能写负面的影响或存在的问题,或者写未来趋势或发展方向。上述均根据具体情况而定。
【例文】 The average family income in our Kangming City increased from 8,000 yuan per year in 1998 to 20,000 yuan in 2008. In the meantime, the structure of the average family expenses has changed, too. These graphs show the change clearly. The biggest part of the average family expenses is housing. In 1998, the average family spent 25 percent of its income on housing. In 2880, expenses on housing rose to 42 percent. Food and drink are the second biggest part of the average family expenses. In 1998, about 18% of the average income was spent on this item. In 2008, the figure grew to 30%. As a result of such increase in the expenses on housing and food, expenses on other items have been reduced from 57% in 1998 to 28%in 2008. Thus, a conclusion can be drawn that as income increases, people can improve their living step. But still the average family has to spend a large part of income to meet the basic needs. 【译文】 在我们康明城市家庭平均收入从8000元,每年1998至2008年的20,000元。在此期间,平均家庭支出结构也发生了变化。这些图形显示了明显的变化。 而一般家庭开支的部分是住房。 1998年,平均每个家庭花费了其对房屋的收入百分之25。在2880,关于住房支出上升到百分之42。食品和饮料是平均家庭开支第二大的一部分。 1998年,大约18%的平均收入是用于这一项目。 2008年,这一数字增长到30%。由于在费用等增加住房和食物,结果在其他项目的费用已经减少到1998年的57%,至2008年的28%。 因此,可以得出一个结论,随着收入的增加,人们可以改善他们的生活步骤。但仍是一般家庭要花费很大一部分收入,以满足基本需要。
1. 图表写作作文模板有哪些
一、图表写作 As is shown in the chart / graph / diagram / table above, __________ has charged drastically in the past _________。
While ___________,now the percentage of__________ is __________。 Meanwhile, the number of _________ has soared up to ________。
There are mainly o possible reasons contributing to the rapid changes。 The first is that _________。
Secondly,__________。 In my point of view, the changes have a great influence on _________。
At the same time,_______。 To sum up ,_________。
二、求职信模板 Dear___________, I am _______and I would like to apply for the position of___________posted on________。 I have attacheda copy of my resume for consideration。
I believe my qualifications are ideal match for your requirements。 I am a major in_______,and I will graduate in___________。
In addition to my experience of_____________,I_____________。I believe my education and experience__________。
You will find me to be____________。 I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please feel free to contact me。
It would be great if you give me an opportunity to meet you for interview。 Best regards。
2. 怎么写图表作文
3. WORD文档中的表格和图片如何上传至“发表文章”
如何在博客文章里插入图片: 两种主要方法: 1,网络上已经有的图片:需要先得到完整的图片URL地址(一般在图片上单击右键,选“属性”,在“地址”部分复制全部内容),在“发表文章”区域的上面菜单中,选择几个对齐方式右边的那个“插入图片”按钮,然后在请输入图片链接框中选择全部后,作“粘贴”操作; 2,你自己电脑上的图片:需要先在“发表文章”区域的下面,点击“图片剪切板”,打开可贴图片的区域,然后按“浏览”选择图片,在需要插入图片的地方点一下鼠标,然后按“插入图片”即可;你还可以上传八张后,点击存入草稿箱,再打开草稿箱,继续上传,直到你满意为至; 温馨提示:新浪博客只支持上传。
jpg和。gif两种图片格式;请将每张图片的大小控制在300Kb以内; 如果想把自己BLOG页面装饰的漂亮点,我这里有装饰代码,和详细的使用方法,以及数千张背景图片素材供你选择,希望能对你有所帮助; 欢迎光临我的博客: 。
4. 请教写雅思writing task 1的表格图作文和扇形图作文的方法
但并不是你每一个细节都要说 要抓住重点 要发现不同 还要会描述数字学会比较信息
步骤大致是 1 花3~4分钟看清题目认真观察图 找出你的突破点(一定要看清 我考得时候就没好好看 慌里慌张的就过了)2 就是开始写啦 一般第一段就是描述一下图大致是为了说明什么的 不要用题目里的原句来描述就好了 第2段就描述图里的数据 结尾就找出这些数据和图要说明的东西的关系 有的时候如果给你的是两副图的话就可以不写结尾了
给你一些用的上的套话 希望你能用的上 如果你有了就更好啦~如果你觉得这些套话不太够用 那你就在网上直接搜雅思小作文的套句 会有很多不错的
1.(25% a quarter of /a *** all percantage of/a minority of)
2.(33.33% one/a third of/a significant number of/a considerable number of)
3.(50% half the/most/many)
4.(66.66% o thirds of)
5.(75% three quarter of /a large percentage of/a majority of)
一 不一样的数字进行比较
A is a lot/significantly/considerably/a little 。er than B
二 一样的数字和相似的数字
1 an equal/similar amount/percentage/number of
2 A is same with B
A and B are the same
3 A is similar to B
A and B are similar
there is no/little/not a big/a great deal of difference beeen A and B
4 倍数法
A is ice time as。as B
5. 论文格式是怎样的
1. 一定要使用样式 , 除了Word原先所提供的标题、正文等样式外,还可以自定义样式。如果你发现自己是用选中文字然后用格式栏来设定格式的,一定要注意,想想其他地方是否需 要相同的格式,如果是的话,最好就定义一个样式。对于相同排版表现的内容一定要坚持使用统一的样式。这样做能大大减少工作量和出错机会,如果要对排版格式 (文档表现)做调整,只需一次性修改相关样式即可。使用样式的另一个好处是可以由Word 自动生成各种目录和索引。
2. 一定不要自己敲编号,一定要使用交叉引用 。如果你发现自己打了编号,一定要小心,这极可能给你文章的修改带来无穷的后患。标题的编号可以通过设置标题样式来实现,表格和图形的编号通过设置题注的编号来完成。 在写“参见第x章、如图x所示” 等字样时,不要自己敲编号,应使用交叉引用。 这样做以后,当插入或删除新的内容时,所有的编号和引用都将自动更新,无需人力维护。并且可以自动生成图、表目录。公式的编号虽然也可以通过题注来完成,但我另有建议,见5。
3. 一定不要自己敲空格来达到对齐的目的。 只有英文单词间才会有空格,中文文档没有空格。所有的对齐都应该利用标尺、制表位、对齐方式和段落的缩进等来进行。如果发现自己打了空格,一定要谨慎,想想是否可以通过其他方法来避免。同理,一定不要敲回车来调整段落的间距。
6. 参考文献的和管理。如果你在写论文时才想到要整理参考文献,已经太迟了,但总比论文写到参考文献那一页时才去整理要好。应该养成看文章的同时 就整理参考文献的习惯。手工整理参考文献是很痛苦的,而且很容易出错。Word没有提供管理参考文献的功能,用插入尾注的方法也很不地道。我建议使 用 Reference Manager,它与Word集成得非常好,提供即写即引用(Cite while you write,简称Cwyw)的功 能。你所做的只是像填表格一样地输入相关信息,如篇名、作者、年份等在文章中需要引用文献的的方插入标记,它会为你生成非常美观和专业的参考文献列表,并 且对参考文献的引用编号也是自动生成和更新的。这除了可以保持格式上的一致、规范,减少出错机会外,更可以避免正文中对参考文献的引用和参考文献列表之间 的不匹配。并且从长远来说,本次输入的参考文献信息可以在今后重复利用,从而一劳永逸。类似软件还有Endnote和Biblioscape。 Endnote优点在于可以将文献列表导出到BibTeX格式,但功能没有Reference Manager强大。可惜这两个软件都不支持中文,据说 Biblioscape对中文支持的很好,我没有用过,就不加评论了。
上述都是关于排版的建议,还是要强调一遍,作者关心的重点是文章的内容,文章的表现就交给Word去处理。如果你发现自己正在做与文章内容无关的繁琐的排版工作,一定要停下来学一下Word的帮助,因为Word 早已提供了足够强大的功能。
8.使用子文档 。 学位论文至少要几十页,且包括大量的图片、公式、表格,比较庞大。如果所有的内容都保存在一个文件里,打开、保存、关闭都需要很长的时间,且不保险。建议 论文的每一章保存到一个子文档,而在主控文档中设置样式。这样每个文件小了,速度快,而且就算文档损坏,也只有一章的损失,不至于全军覆灭。建议先建 主控文档,从主控文档中创建子文档,个人感觉比先写子文档再插入到主控文档要好。
9.及时保存,设置自动保存,还有一有空就ctrl s。
10.多做备份,不但Word不可靠,windows也不可靠, 每天的工作都要有备份才好。注意分清版本,不要搞混了。Word提供了版本管理的功能,将一个文档的各个版本保存到一个文件里,并提供比较合并等功能 。不过保存几个版本后文件就大得不得了,而且一个文件损坏后所有的版本都没了,个人感觉不实用。还是多处备份吧

2024年6月27日 02:40

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2024年6月26日 14:20

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