安妮日记英文版(安妮日记好句英文翻译 安妮日记经典语录中英文翻译)
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- 安妮日记英文读后感
- 电影,安妮日记,观后感,英文版,80词
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安妮日记好句英文翻译 安妮日记经典语录中英文翻译
我的快乐都是微小的事情。 My happiness is all about some tiny things. 任何一件事情,只要心甘情愿,总是能够变得简单。 Anything you willing to do, is simple. 容易伤害别人和自己的,总是对距离的边缘模糊不清的人。 those who subject to hurt others and whom-self, is whom obscure about the edge of distance. 渴望占有愈多而愈脆弱。 More thirst for, more fragile. 没有欲望只能说是麻木不仁。 No desire means indifferent. 短暂的瞬间,漫长的永远。 Short moment,long permenant. 鸟的翅膀在空气里振动。那是一种喧嚣而凛冽的,充满了恐惧的声音。一种不确定的归宿的流动。 Winges of bird vibrate in the air, thats blatant and chilly, a sound full of fear. a flow of uncertainty. 人的寂寞,有时候很难用语言表达。 Longness is hard to be expressed by words sometimes. 总是需要一些温暖,哪怕是一点点自以为是的纪念。 Warm is always needed, even some self-comfort souvenir. 感情有时候只是一个人的事情,和任何人无关。爱,或者不爱,只能自行了断。 Sometimes love is about oneself. it has nothing todo with anyone else. love or not love , decide it yourself.
1、一想到远处低沉的嗡嗡声,我就发抖,因为这是毁灭的信号。 I tremble at the thought of a distant hum, for it is a signal of destruction. 2、希望停战,希望和平。 Hope truce, hope peace. 3、我现在心乱如麻,一片迷茫。 I am now a confused The mind is very confused.. 4、我想活下去,即使在我死后!所以我感谢上天给了我这样的天赋,这种可以发展我自己,可以写作,可以表达一切潜藏于我内心深处的东西的可能性。 I want to live, even after I die! So I thank God for giving me such a gift, the possibility that I can develop myself, write, and exPss what is hidden in my heart. 5、我尽情享受生活,有意无意中想尽办法用各种乐趣填补内心的空虚。 I enjoy the life in the way, naturally or half unconsciously to fill the emptiness inside with a variety of fun. 6、我谴责自己有时候可以达到这样的程度,那就是特别渴望别人哪怕一句安慰话,渴望有人能给我可信的忠告,还能对那个真实的我作出有益的分析和评价。可是天哪,我一直在寻找,但至今还没有找到那个人。 I blame myself sometimes can reach this level, it is particularly eager to others even a words of comfort, for someone can give me a credible advice, but also make the analysis and eva luation of benefit to the real me. But God, I’ve been looking for it, but I haven’t found it yet. 7、通过这事,我明白了:只有在争吵后,才能真正看清一个人。这时候,才能清楚他们的真实性格。 Through this, I understand: only after the quarrel, to really see a person. Only then can they know their true character. 8、假如某件事情就是想让我笑,我难道就非要立刻忍住并为自己的快活而感到羞耻吗?难道我就该整天哭丧着脸吗?不,我不能那么做。再说了,也总会有愁苦消散的时候的。 If something is going to make me laugh, do I have to hold back and be ashamed of my own happiness? I don’t have all day long face? No, I can’t do it. Besides, there are always when sorrow dissipate. 9、打起精神,振作起来,事情一定会好转。 Cheer up, cheer up, things will get better. 10、为什么有些人一定要饿死,而在世界的其他地方却有吃不掉的东西搁在那儿烂掉?噢,为什么人们如此疯狂? Why do some people have to starve to death, and in other parts of the world but can not afford to eat the stuff in there to rot? Oh, why are people so crazy? 11、那就是成长岁月中的艰难:我们在内心深处油然升起种种理想、美梦和希望,到头来好像只是为了让它们破灭,让它们迎接可怕的真实。 That is the growth in the years of the difficult: we in the heart was rising, all sorts of ideal dreams and hope, in the end only seemed to make them burst, let them meet the terrible truth. 12、工作,友爱,勇气和希望支撑着我,助我向善。 Work, love, courage and hope to support me, help me to. 13、我还发觉,在我快乐、肤浅的表面之下,隐藏着幸福。 I also found that, in my happy, superficial surface, hidden happiness. 14、走出去,走进乡间田园,享受自然美景、阳光;走出去,试着重新寻找幸福。想想你内心的美、周围蕴藏的美,高兴起来吧。 Go out, into the countryside, enjoy the natural beauty of the sun, go out and try to find happiness. Think of the beauty within you and the beauty that lies around you. 15、还是想想那条金法则吧:笑对一切,莫为他人自寻烦恼!这听起来有点自私,但对于任何想要寻求内心宽慰的人来说实在是唯一的解药。 Think of the golden rule: smile to everything, don’t bother others! This sounds a bit selfish, but for anyone seeking inner relief to the people who really is the only antidote. 16、不管大人们犯了多少错,也不管他们如何天马行空、凭空杜撰,像安妮这样的孩子是绝不能纠正大人的错误的。 No matter how many people make a big mistake, no matter how they are a powerful and unconstrained style, fiction, children like Anne is not correct an error. 17、那是我的头脑被情绪左右,只能从自己的角度看待一切,却没能心平气和地想过他人——那些被反复无常的我冒犯或伤害的人——说了些什么,只会自以为是。 Is that my mind is the mood around, only from their own perspective on everything, but didn’t thought about others who are in a calm mood, I play fast and loose to offend or hurt people, what has been said, will only be opinionated. 18、走自己的路,看看会走向哪里,别无选择。 Go your own way, and see where you’re going. 19、我向她发誓,不管什么事,我都会坚持到底,不流眼泪,找到自己的路。 I swear to her, no matter what, I will stick to the end, no tears, find their way. 20、只要你能无谓地看着天空,你就会知道,自己的内心一片纯净,幸福也会再次到来。 As long as you can look at the sky senseless, you will know that their hearts a pure, happiness will come again. 21、有时我在想,或许是上帝在考验我,不管是现在还是未来。我一定要让自己变得越来越优秀。就算没有榜样也没有人给我建议,可最终我还是会变得更坚强。 Sometimes I wonder if God is testing me, now or in the future. I must let oneself become more and more outstanding. No one can give me advice, but eventually I will be stronger. 22、我很镇定,对骚乱毫不在乎,已经将生死置之度外。没了我,地球还会继续转动。既然没办法改变任何事,那就让一切顺其自然吧。我只剩下专心学习了,希望一切都有个好结果吧。 I was very calm, did not care for the unrest, has been indifferent to life and death. Without me, the earth will continue to rotate. Since there’s no way to change anything, just let it be. All I have to do is concentrate on my study. I hope everything works out well. 23、拥有信仰的人应该是快乐的,因为并不是每个人都具备信仰天堂里的事情的天赋的。 People who have faith should be happy, because not everyone has the talent to believe in heaven. 24、人性本善,混战和苦难终将结束。 Human nature is good, melee and suffering will end. 25、你甚至都没有必要担心死后的惩罚。炼狱、地狱和天堂是许多人无法接受的东西,但一种信仰,无论它跟什么有关,总能让人走在正确的道路上。那并不是对上帝的恐惧,而是对一个人自身荣誉和良知的坚持。 You don’t even have to worry about the death penalty. Purgatory, heaven and hell is that many people can not accept things, but a kind of faith, no matter what it, always can let a person on the right path. It is not the fear of God, but the insistence of one’s own honor and conscience. 26、告诉你吧,我正竭尽全力的帮助他人,待人和气,与人为善,尽量将暴风骤雨般的指责转为微微小雨。 Let me tell you, I was trying to help others, polite and amiable, kind and try to be like to blame the mighty storm rain slightly. 27、我要坚持,我不能想象自己将来过类似妈妈,凡·达恩太太以及所有那些干完了活就被人遗忘的女人们的生活。除了丈夫和孩子以外,我一定还要有些什么,有些可以将自己奉献给它的东西! I want to insist, I can’t imagine my future like mother, Mrs. van Dagen and all the work done on the forgotten women’s life. I must have something to do with my husband and children, and something I can give myself to! 28、在大事上我们是正确的,但是聪明人应该掌握更多与人相处的技巧。 We are right on the big things, but smart people should learn more about people. 29、希望和期待带来紧张,恐惧亦如此。 Hope and expectation bring tension, and so is fear. 30、我心中有个小小的安慰:我的钢笔被火化了,恰如我希望有一天自己也能这样! I have a small consolation: my pen was cremated, as I hope that one day I can do! 31、只要这些还在——原本就该永远存在——不管身在何种境地,我都明白,所有的悲伤都会得到慰籍。我相信大自然能抚平所有人的伤痛。 As long as these are originally should forever no matter in what position, I understand that all the sadness will comfort. I believe that nature can heal all wounds. 32、我只想感受到爸爸对我的疼爱,不是因为我是他的孩子,而是因为我便是我,安妮。 I just want to feel my father’s love for me, not because I am his child, but because I am me, Anne. 33、飞翔的海鸥和其他鸟儿闪耀着银光,光秃秃的栗树上露珠闪闪发亮。 The seagulls flying and other birds silvery bright, bare dew shining on the tree. 34、我想活下去,即便在我死后! I want to live, even after I die! 35、有时候当我夜里躺在床上的时候,我特别强烈地想抚摸自己的胸,想倾听我的心安静地有节奏地跳动。 Sometimes when I’m lying in bed at night, I want to touch my chest so strongly that I want to hear my heart beating in a quiet, rhythmic manner. 36、我希望能,我非常希望,因为当我写作的时候我能重新捕捉一切,我的思想、我的理想和我的幻想。 I hope I can, I hope very much, because when I write, I can capture everything, my mind, my dream and my dream. 37、我希望,我能完全信任你,我还从来没有能这样信任过谁。我也希望,你将给我最大的支持。 I hope I can trust you completely, I have never trusted anyone so. I also hope that you will give me the greatest support. 38、一夜之间天翻地覆。指责,争吵,我实在受不了。我毫无防备,只有用顶嘴维护尊严。 Overnight. Blame, quarrel, I really can not stand. I am defenseless, only with back dignity. 39、只要我还活着,能看到这阳光,这无云的天空,我就不可能不幸福! As long as I live, can see the sunshine, the cloudless sky, I would not be happy! 40、我偎依着他,感觉到情感的波澜从心中涌起,泪水夺眶而出,左侧的泪水落在了他的工作服上,右侧的泪水滑落到鼻子上,滴落到地面上。他注意到了吗? I clung to him, feel the waves of emotion through my heart, tears tears fall on the left brim over with tears, his clothes on the right side of the tears fall into the nose, dropping to the ground. Did he notice? 41、我把自己隐藏在内心深处,从未想过他人,心里只有自己,在日记里平静地记录下我的喜怒哀乐。 I hide in my heart, never thought of others, only their own heart, calm down my the passions in a diary. 42、愚蠢的人一般是不能容忍别人做得比他好的。 Stupid people generally can not tolerate others do better than him. 43、再多的财富都会消失,但你内心深处的幸福只会暂时被蒙蔽,只要你活着,它就终有一天会回到你心里。只要你能无所畏惧地仰望苍穹,只要你晓得你心里是纯洁的,那你就一定能找到幸福。 No amount of wealth will disappear, but the happiness in your heart will only be temporarily blinded, as long as you live, it will come back to you someday. As long as you can fearless look to the sky, as long as you know your heart is pure, you can find happiness. 44、只有改变自己,我才不用听那些让我失落的指责。 Only change myself, I don’t have to listen to those who let me down. 45、人们可以叫你闭上嘴巴,但绝不可能阻止你拥有自己的看法。 People can tell you to shut your mouth, but you can never stop. 46、假如每个夜晚入睡前人们能在他们内心深处回顾一天里发生的事情,并认真地思量什么是善什么是恶,那么一个人可能会变得多么崇高和优秀啊。 If every night before going to bed, people can look back on what is happening in one’s heart and think seriously about what is good and what is evil. 47、**带来的痛苦我还可以没完没了地讲下去,但要真那样的话我恐怕连自己也不想活了。我们能做的仅仅是静静地等待,等着悲惨的结束。犹太人和基督徒在等待,全世界在等待;还有许多人等待的是死亡。 I can talk endlessly about the pain of the war, but I’m afraid I don’t even want to live that way. All we can do is wait for the end. Jews and Christians are waiting, the world is waiting, and many are waiting for death. 48、因为在其最深处青春比老年寂寞。 Because in the depths of its youth than the old lonely. 49、我必须咬紧牙关,让自己显得勇敢些。 I have to bite the bullet and make themselves appear to be brave. 50、我不认为自己的看法是愚蠢的,别人的就是聪明的;所以最好把什么想法搁在心里。 I don’t think my opinion is stupid, others are clever; so it is best to put what ideas in mind. 51、干嘛她非要强迫我也虔诚呢,就像强迫她自己一样? Why does she have to force me to be religious, just as she does herself? 52、勇气和幸福是第一需要! Courage and happiness are the first needs! 53、我们全都活着,但我们并不知道为什么活着,不知道去向何方,我们活着的目的都是要幸福,我们的生命千差万别却又没什么两样。 We are all alive, but we do not know why to live, do not know where to go, the purpose of our life is to be happy, our lives vary widely, but there is no two. 54、对于孤单、惊恐、悲伤的人来说,最佳良药就是出去走走,去一个只有天空、自然和上帝的地方,一个无人的地方。只有这样,才能感受到本来的样子,感受到上帝希望人们在淳朴和自然的美景中幸福快乐。 For those who are lonely, scared and sad, the best medicine is to go out and go to a place where there is nothing but sky, nature and god. Only in this way can we feel what we are, and feel that God wants people to be happy in the simple and natural beauty. 55、时间是治愈伤口的良药。 Time is the best medicine to cure wounds. ;
i wonder if it’s because i haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that i’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with natrue.i can well remember there was a time when deep blue sky,the song of birds,moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.that’s changed since i came here. ...for example,one evening when it was so warm,i stayed awaked on purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself.bt as the moon gave far too much light,i didn’t dare open a window.another time five months ago,i happened to be upstairs at dusk when the window was open. i didn’t go downstairs until the window had to be shut.the dark,rainy evening,the wind,the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power.it was the first time in a year and a half that i’ve seen the night face to face. ...sadly,i am only able to look at natrue through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows.it’s no pleasure to looking through these any longer because natrue is one thing that really must be exprienced. 你好! 安妮日记 英文版 THE DIARY OF A YOUNG GIRL : THE DEFINITIVE EDITION BOOK FLAP Anne Frank 打字不易,采纳哦!
相信不少同学都已经读过安妮 日记 ,那么你知道安妮日记英文 读后感 要怎么写吗?下面我为大家带来安妮日记英文读后感,供大家参考学习!
I just finished reading the English "Annie diary. This is my first time to see the book. The first time I see in elementary school, English. At that time, still can’t read, feel nothing. And now, it seems, has deep deep feeling.
Anne frank a jewish girl. She could and ordinary girl live a happy life, but her parents to be hiding in the attic. Little Annie all hide in the attic of dark, avoiding the Nazi’s killing. She couldn’t close to nature, and friends to play like before. In the shadow of death, Annie only a diary to a torrid every day. For her diary as her friends, she can only rely on and talk to a friend. She is in her diary written a lot of racial discrimination, silent, more is to the outside world, to nature yearning, for life.
From her diary, I could imagine that she was helpless, fear, but more calm and calm. This is a great girl.
After reading the "Annie diary, my heart is very heavy. The Nazi racism, destroying much like Anne as innocent lovely child. War is abhorrent, it lets the human experience is destined unscathed.
Thanks to "Annie diary, let people see war, let people to think ugly, go for unfortunate people mourn.
Let history repeat, don’t ever ask world peace.
安妮日记英文读后感二:Not long ago I just read the English version of "Diary of Anne Frank." In fact, this is not the first time I read this book. When I first read it in elementary school, and read the Chinese version. Then still small, still can not read, that means nothing. Now it seems there feeling very deeply.
Anne Frank was a Jewish girl. She could and ordinary girl, living a happy life, but she was not hiding different parents attic. Anne all day hiding in dark little attic to escape the Nazi’s killing. She could not get close to nature, can not be friends like before play. In the shadow of the shadow of death, Anne only keep a diary to get through tough every day. For her, the diary as her friends, her only friends can rely on and talk. She wrote in her diary a lot, there are silent on the racial discrimination complaint, more of the outside world, the natural yearning for thinking about life.
From her diary, I can imagine she was helpless, fear, but a more leisurely and calm. This is a great girl.
After reading the "Diary of Anne Frank", my heart is very heavy. Nazi racial discrimination, maiming and killing innocent pretty much the same as Anne’s children. War is always nasty, it makes human experience is a market catastrophe.
Thank you "Diary of Anne Frank" and let people see the ugliness of war, to get people to think about and condolences for the unfortunate people.
Do not like history repeating itself, pray for world peace forever.
安妮日记英文读后感三:Anne Frank was a Jewish girl. She could and ordinary girl, living a happy life, but she was not hiding different parents attic. Anne all day hiding in dark little attic to escape the Nazi’s killing. She could not get close to nature, can not be friends like before play. In the shadow of the shadow of death, Anne only keep a diary to get through tough every day. For her, the diary as her friends, her only friends can rely on and talk. She wrote in her diary a lot, there are silent on the racial discrimination complaint, more of the outside world, the natural yearning for thinking about life.
After reading the "Diary of Anne Frank", my heart is very heavy. Nazi racial discrimination, maiming and killing innocent pretty much the same as Anne’s children. War is always nasty, it makes human experience is a market catastrophe.
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4. 安妮日记有感3篇
Anne Frank was a Jewish girl. She could and ordinary girl, living a happy life, but she was not hiding different parents attic. Anne all day hiding in dark little attic to escape the Nazi’s killing. She could not get close to nature, can not be friends like before play. In the shadow of the shadow of death, Anne only keep a diary to get through tough every day. For her, the diary as her friends, her only friends can rely on and talk. She wrote in her diary a lot, there are silent on the racial discrimination complaint, more of the outside world, the natural yearning for thinking about life. 安妮日记英文读后感After reading the "Diary of Anne Frank", my heart is very heavy. Nazi racial discrimination, maiming and killing innocent pretty much the same as Anne’s children. War is always nasty, it makes human experience is a market catastrophe.Do not like history repeating itself, pray for world peace forever. 安妮·弗兰克(Anne Frank)是德籍犹太人。她留上去的日志使她名噪一时。一六岁死于贝尔根─贝尔森会合营,她的日志成为二次大战期间纳粹清除犹太人的最佳见证,日志中显现了惊人的勇气与毅力。 安妮出生于德国的法兰克福,是奥托·弗兰克(Otto Frank)一家的小女儿,家中另有母亲艾迪斯·弗兰克(Eddis Frank)姐姐玛格特(Margot Frank)。由于其时纳粹德国排挤犹太人风气日盛。父亲 奥托便保持于德国的事业而将家庭移至荷兰阿姆斯特丹。一家过着较为平顺的生存;但是一九四零年五月后,荷兰为德国攻占之后,荷兰的新统治者英夸特也将排犹法律于荷兰执行,一九四一年夏天安妮姐妹也因此转入犹太人学校就读。这段期间安妮开端写日志。 安妮日记英文读后感但是在一九四四年八月四日,安妮一家由于有人密告的原因此被德国警员拘捕。数日后全部人被转送到荷兰的威斯第包克会合营,一个月后隐秘之家的八个人被转送到奥斯威辛会合营。
1、从内心深处来讲,相比成年人,年轻人显得更寂寞。 Deep down, young people are more lonely than adults. 2、我尽情享受生活,有意无意中想尽办法用各种乐趣填补内心的空虚。 I enjoy life, intentionally or unintentionally trying to fill the emptiness in my heart with all kinds of fun. 3、在这个世界上,所有真性情的人,想法总是与众不同。 In this world, all people with true temperament always have different ideas. 4、一般的人是根本不懂书籍对我们这些关起来的人的意义的。读书、学习和听广播就是我们的乐趣。 Ordinary people simply don’t understand the meaning of books to those of us who are locked up. Reading, studying and listening to the radio are our fun. 5、一夜之间天翻地覆。指责,争吵,我实在受不了。我毫无防备,只有用顶嘴维护尊严。 It turned upside down overnight. I can’t stand accusations and quarrels. I was unprepared and had to talk back to maintain my dignity. 6、我的世界是寂静无声的,容纳不下别人。 My world is silent and can’t hold others. 7、炎热加上悬疑,使我们充满了畏惧而又沉默不语。 The heat and suspense filled us with fear and silence. 8、外面听不到一声鸟叫,一种死一般的寂静到处弥漫,牢牢地抓住我,好像要把我深深地拖进地底下。 There was no sound of birds outside. A dead silence pervaded everywhere, holding me firmly, as if to drag me deep underground. 9、任何一件事情,只要心甘情愿,总是能够变得简单。 Anything, as long as willing, can always become simple. 10、我想活下去,即便在我死后! I want to live, even after I die! 11、我希望,我能完全信任你,我还从来没有能这样信任过谁。我也希望,你将给我最大的支持。 I hope I can trust you completely. I’ve never trusted anyone like this. I also hope that you will give me the greatest support. 12、我还发觉,在我欢乐、肤浅的表面之下,隐藏着幸福。 I also found that under the surface of my joy and superficiality, there was happiness. 13、我只想感受到爸爸对我的疼爱,不是因为我是他的孩子,而是因为我便是我,安妮。 I just want to feel my father’s love for me, not because I am his child, but because I am me, Anne. 14、干嘛她非要强迫我也虔诚呢,就像强迫她自己一样? Why does she have to force me to be religious, just like herself? 15、时间是治愈伤口的良药。 Time is a good medicine for healing wounds. 16、无论身处怎样的环境,每一个悲伤的灵魂都能找到属于它的安慰。我坚信大自然会给一切磨难带来慰藉。 No matter what the environment, every sad soul can find its comfort. I firmly believe that nature will bring comfort to all suffering. 17、喜欢的就要拥有它,不要害怕结果。 What you like is to have it. Don’t be afraid of the results. 18、唯一让人不去想这一切的办法就是学习,而这我可做了不少。 The only way to keep people from thinking about all this is to study, which I have done a lot. 19、伤口是别人给与的耻辱,自己坚持的幻觉。 The wound is the disgrace given by others and the illusion of persistence. 20、温柔的雨下了一整天,好像要抚慰我受到创伤的灵魂一样。 It rained gently all day, as if to soothe my wounded soul. 21、短暂的瞬间,漫长的永远。 A short moment, a long forever. 22、感情有时候只是一个人的事情。和任何人无关。爱,或者不爱,只能自行了断。 Feelings are sometimes just a person’s thing. It has nothing to do with anyone. Love, or do not love, can only end by itself. 23、管是谁,只要他幸福,他也能令别人幸福。拥有勇气和真诚的信念的人是永远不会在不幸中消亡的! No matter who he is, as long as he is happy, he can make others happy. People with courage and sincere faith will never die in misfortune! 24、做,只是静静地等待苦难结束。犹太人和基督教徒一同等待着,全世界都在等待着;可是有很多。 Do, just wait quietly for the suffering to end. Jews and Christians are waiting together, and the whole world is waiting; But there are many. 25、不管大人们犯了多少错,也不管他们如何天马行空、凭空杜撰,像安妮这样的孩子是绝不能纠正大人的错误的。 No matter how many mistakes adults make, and no matter how wild and fabricated they are, children like Annie can never correct adults’ mistakes. 26、缘分叵测,我们无从得知下一刻会发生一些什么。 Fate is unpredictable. We don’t know what will happen next. 27、他头上围了条大围巾晃来晃去,就好像脖子梗着了一样。 He put a big scarf around his head and swayed around as if his neck was tied. 28、如果他的手指是热的。她是谁对我其实已经并不重要。 If his fingers are hot. It doesn’t really matter to me who she is. 29、但是快乐太单纯,所以容易破碎。 But happiness is too simple, so it is easy to break. 30、他今天可能吃错药了,对我的态度比蜜还甜。 He may have taken the wrong medicine today. His attitude towards me is sweeter than honey. 31、你一定想听听我对躲起来过日子的想法。这个嘛,我只能说我还不是很清楚。我想我在这幢房里。 You must want to hear my thoughts about living in hiding. Well, I can only say that I’m not very clear. I think I’m in this house. 32、不管怎样,我始终相信这个世界是美好的。 Anyway, I always believe that the world is beautiful. 33、我爱你,没有什么目的。只是爱你。 I love you for no purpose. Just love you. 34、爱的,不爱的。一直在告别中。 Love, don’t love. I’ve been saying goodbye. 35、那些美丽的小鱼,它们睡觉的时候也睁着眼睛。不需要爱情,亦从不哭泣。它们是我的榜样。 Those beautiful little fish, they sleep with their eyes open. Don’t need love and never cry. They are my role models. 36、告诉你吧,我正竭尽全力的帮助他人,待人和气,与人为善,尽量将暴风骤雨般的指责转为微微小雨。 Let me tell you, I’m trying my best to help others, be kind to others, and try to turn the storm like accusations into a slight rain. 37、总是需要一些温暖。哪怕是一点点自以为是的纪念。 Always need some warmth. Even a little self righteous commemoration. 38、通过这事,我明白了:只有在争吵后,才能真正看清一个人。这时候,才能清楚他们的真实性格。 Through this, I understand that only after a quarrel can I really see a person. Only then can we know their true character. 39、一旦他开始读书了就会头也不抬一下,也不会东张西望,只会时不时地傻笑两声,死活要妈妈来分享某个有趣的情节。 Once he started reading, he would not lift his head or look around. He would only giggle from time to time and ask his mother to share an interesting plot. 40、我从来不自欺欺人。我只看真实。 I never deceive myself. I only look at the truth. 41、我希望能,我非常希望,因为当我写作的时候我能重新捕捉一切,我的思想、我的理想和我的幻想。 I hope, I hope very much, because when I write, I can recapture everything, my thoughts, my ideals and my fantasies. 42、只要我还活着,能看到这阳光,这无云的天空,我就不可能不幸福! As long as I am alive and can see the sunshine and the cloudless sky, I can’t be unhappy! 43、我心中有个小小的安慰:我的钢笔被火化了,恰如我希望有一天自己也能这样! I have a little comfort in my heart: my pen was cremated, just as I hope I can do the same one day! 44、我不认为自己的看法是愚蠢的,别人的就是聪明的;所以最好把什么想法搁在心里。 I don’t think my opinion is stupid, others are smart; So it’s best to keep your thoughts in mind. 45、我也不知道这愤怒我能憋多久,总有一天我会火山爆发的。 I don’t know how long I can hold this anger. One day I will erupt. 46、走自己的路,看看会走向哪里,别无选择。 Go your own way and see where you will go. You have no choice. 47、也许爱情只是因为寂寞。需要找一个人来爱。即使没有任何结局。 Maybe love is just because of loneliness. Need to find someone to love. Even if there is no ending. 48、我相信我爱你。依然。始终。永远。 I believe I love you. Still. throughout. Forever. 49、我把自己隐藏在内心深处,从未想过他人,心里只有自己,在日记里平静地记录下我的喜怒哀乐。 I hid myself in my heart, never thought of others, only myself, and calmly recorded my joys, sorrows and sorrows in my diary. 50、你的头发美丽而哀愁。就象你的灵魂。 Your hair is beautiful and sad. Like your soul.
安妮日记 英文版 THE DIARY OF A YOUNG GIRL : THE DEFINITIVE EDITION Anne Frank Edited by Otto H. Frank and Mirjam Pressler Translated by Susan Massotty -- : -- BOOK FLAP Anne Frank’s The Diary of a Young Girl is among the most enduring documents of the twentieth century. Since its publication in 1947, it has been read by tens of millions of people all over the world. It remains a beloved and deeply admired testament to the indestructable nature of the human spirit. Restore in this Definitive Edition are diary entries that had been omitted from the original edition. These passages, which constitute 30 percent more material, reinforce the fact that Anne was first and foremost a teenage girl, not a remote and flawless symbol. She fretted about, and tried to copie with, her own emerging sexuality. Like many young girls, she often found herself in disagreement with her mother. And like any teenager, she veered between the carefree nature of a child and the full-fledged sorrow of an adult. Anne emerges more human, more vulnerable, and more vital than ever. Anne Frank and her family, fleeing the horrors of Nazi occupation, hid in the back of an Amsterdam warehouse for two years. She was thirteen when the family went into the Secret Annex, and in these pages she grows to be a young woman and a wise observer of human nature as well. With unusual insight, she reveals the relations between eight people living under extraordinary conditions, facing hunger, the ever-present threat of discovery and death, complete estrangement from the outside world, and above all, the boredom, the petty misunderstandings, and the frustrations of living under such unbearable strain, in such confined quarters. A timely story rediscovered by each new generation, The Diary of a Young Girl stands without peer. For both young readers and adults it continues to bring to life this young woman, who for a time survived the worst horror of the modern world had seen -- and who remained triumphantly and heartbreakingly human throughout her ordeal. For those who know and love Anne Frank, The Definitive Edition is a chance to discover her anew. For readers who have not yet encountered her, this is the edition to cherish. ANNE FRANK was born on June 12, 1929. She died while imprisoned at Bergen-Belsen, three months short of her sixteenth birthday. OTTO H. FRANK was the only member of his immediate framily to survive the Holocaust. He died in 1980. MIRJAM PRESSLER is a popular writer of books for young adults. She lives in Germany. Translated by Susan Massotty. -- : -- FOREWORD Anne Frank kept a diary from June 12, 1942, to August 1, 1944. Initially, she wrote it strictly for herself. Then, one day in 1944, Gerrit Bolkestein, a member of the Dutch government in exile, announced in a radio broadcast from London that after the war he hoped to collect eyewitness accounts of the suffering of the Dutch people under the German occupation, which could be made available to the public. As an example, he specifically mentioned letters and diaries.
Anne diary" this book is about the Second World War: thirteen years later, the Jewish girl Anne Frank with his family to hide in his father’s company in the chamber of secrets in the attic, they lived for twenty-five months. This time, Anne uses her pen, recorded in a narrow space your growth. In the face of the fear of death, she began to think about war, nature, religion, and gradually grow into a mature, life has the very deep sentiment.就这样了
求高一英语必修一那篇安妮日记的课文,要英文的后面日记是 I wonder it’s because I have’t那篇
i wonder if it’s because i haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that i’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with natrue.i can well remember there was a time when deep blue sky,the song of birds,moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.that’s changed since i came here. ...for example,one evening when it was so warm,i stayed awaked on purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself.bt as the moon gave far too much light,i didn’t dare open a window.another time five months ago,i happened to be upstairs at dusk when the window was open. i didn’t go downstairs until the window had to be shut.the dark,rainy evening,the wind,the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power.it was the first time in a year and a half that i’ve seen the night face to face. ...sadly,i am only able to look at natrue through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows.it’s no pleasure to looking through these any longer because natrue is one thing that really must be exprienced.
我的快乐都是微小的事情。My happiness is all about some tiny things.任何一件事情,只要心甘情愿,总是能够变得简单。Anything you willing to do, is simple.容易伤害别人和自己的,总是对距离的边缘模糊不清的人。those who subject to hurt others and whom-self, is whom obscure about the edge of distance.渴望占有愈多而愈脆弱。More thirst for, more fragile.没有欲望只能说是麻木不仁。No desire means indifferent.短暂的瞬间,漫长的永远。Short moment,long permenant.鸟的翅膀在空气里振动。那是一种喧嚣而凛冽的,充满了恐惧的声音。一种不确定的归宿的流动。Winges of bird vibrate in the air, thats blatant and chilly, a sound full of fear. a flow of uncertainty.人的寂寞,有时候很难用语言表达。Longness is hard to be expressed by words sometimes.总是需要一些温暖,哪怕是一点点自以为是的纪念。Warm is always needed, even some self-comfort souvenir.感情有时候只是一个人的事情,和任何人无关。爱,或者不爱,只能自行了断。Sometimes love is about oneself. it has nothing todo with anyone else. love or not love , decide it yourself.

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