
2024-04-02 20:50:05 :42






Which day is the Labor Day in Modern China?


May first is a Sunday.


Today is the second day of the holiday for Labout day, there was warm sunshine everywhere.


1、国际劳动节又称“五一国际劳动节”“国际示威游行日”(英语:International Workers’ Day,May Day),是世界上80多个国家的全国性节日。定在每年的五月一日。它是全世界劳动人民共同拥有的节日。



Today is may day. Mom and dad and I are going to have a big cleaning.


We have prepared cleaning tools, such as dustpan, broom, duster, etc. The first task is to clean up the room and sundries. We take out all the books in the bookcase, classify them and put them in the bookcase in turn. Oh, the bookcase is much cleaner than before.








【 #英语资源# 导语】五月,除了带来这明媚的阳光,冰凉的雪糕,还有那一股劳动精神的风,也跟着吹了过来!说道五月,就首当其冲的想到了五一劳动节,毕竟它是五月的第一天,是勤劳的节日,是劳动人民的节日。以下是 整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  "May Day" is coming. I think of a sentence Gorky said: the best things in the world are created by the smart hands of people who love labor. Therefore, I decided to do a labor at home to show my performance.

  As soon as I saw that other parts of the house were cleaned by my mother, only my study was a little messy, so I decided to clean my study. First, I tidy up my desk. I take out the things in the drawer, then take out the fragments and garbage in the drawer and throw them into the dustbin, and then sort out the things in it by category. I took a rag to wipe the dust inside and outside the desk seriously, and wiped the window glass in the study by the way.

  After finishing the desk, I went on to tidy up the bookcase. The books in it were scattered and thrown there after being read by me. It looked really untidy.

  So I took out all those books, and then arranged them regularly from large to small. I also classified them, arranged the catalogue and serial number, and wrote them down in a small notebook like the librarian in our class. In this way, when you want to find books in the future, you won’t turn them around aimlessly.

  Finally, I began to clean the ground. I brought a broom to clean the dust on the ground, and then brought a mop from the bathroom. I followed my mother’s usual way of mopping the floor and dragged it from the inside to the outside in order. Finally, I drew two small paintings to decorate my study!

  After all this, I felt a little exhausted, but when I saw my new study, I didn’t feel tired, but I was very happy. Labor has exercised our abilities in all aspects and enriched our life. I will love labor more in the future.


  Labor Day is coming, but I see that my home is still very dirty.

  One day, my mother asked the boss for leave to go home for cleaning. That day happened to be Sunday. I rested at home and just helped my mother work at home. Mom went to do the laundry. I cleaned it up in my room.

  When I first started working, I was still nagging: "today is over, I will be dragged to death by my mother. I have to do so much work! I hope someone will call my mother to work quickly, so I don’t have to work and can go to play with my friends." But my mother didn’t leave and she was working, so I had to work obediently.

  I spread the sheets first, pull the corners of the sheets and pat off some dust. Then I fold the quilt. When I fold it, I turn it upside down and put it on the bed. I’ll open the window again, open the curtains, let the sun shine on the bed and kill bacteria to the quilt. After about ten minutes, I flattened the quilt and folded one side of the quilt to the middle. Then, I folded the other side of the quilt to the middle. Then, I folded both ends of the folded quilt to the middle and folded it again. At this time, the quilt became a square piece like dried tofu. Then I’ll tidy the clothes on the bed. I folded the clothes neatly. Then I put the folded clothes in the cabinet. Then I looked and the bed was clean and tidy. I think we can come to an end. However, I thought again, things have just started, and there are still many things to do later! Mom’s room hasn’t been tidied up yet. There was no sweeping or dragging on the ground... But I felt a little tired at this time. I want to have a rest, but I think my mother may come back from washing clothes when she sees that I’m not doing housework and will criticize me again. Alas, I’d better keep doing it!

  I had to resist fatigue and went to my mother’s room to continue working. When my mother was too tired to eat for five minutes, I sat on the quilt and felt a little tired. Then I went on. I cleaned my mother’s room. Then I picked up the broom and swept the floor, and then mopped the floor.

  When I did some housework, my mother just washed the clothes and came home. When she saw the clean and tidy room and the smooth and clean floor, she smiled happily at me and said, "you are so capable!" I also smiled, but my heart was saying, "I’m going to cry!" On second thought, I think my home has become so clean. I also owe it to me. I shouldn’t cry, I should laugh! It’s really labor and happiness!


  Hard working people are everywhere in the streets. Today is labor day, which belongs to them.

  I stood on the balcony and felt the warmth of the sun. Suddenly, a burst of machine sound cut through the silence of the morning. I looked down at the downstairs discontentedly - it turned out that it was a gardener trimming branches and leaves.

  "What noise!" I went back to my room impatiently, closed the window and turned on the TV.

  The cheerful music came out from the stereo, which was the song "the most glorious labor". "The sun is golden and the cock sings three times. The flowers wake up and the birds are busy dressing up. The little magpie builds a new house and the little bee is busy collecting honey..." I also hummed unconsciously. Although it is a very old children’s song, it sounds different today.

  My heart gradually indulged in the music, and those vivid characters jumped out of my mind. I suddenly remembered the gardener. That’s an old man. I’ve seen him before. He comes every three or four months. His hair is gray and his face is covered with wrinkles, but he has been working at his post.

  I came to the balcony again. At this time, I suddenly felt that the sharp machine sound was no longer harsh, but became pleasant in my ears. I summoned up my courage and shouted to the grandfather of the gardener below, "Grandpa, happy Labor Day!"

The old man stopped his work, looked up at me and smiled kindly.

  This smile reminds me of grandma and grandpa in the countryside. Grandma and grandpa are farmers. They work in the fields for many years. They have a thick calluses on their hands, but they don’t know how to rest. They still work day and night. Every summer vacation, when I came to the countryside, my grandmother always smiled kindly and took out all the delicious food. I just enjoyed the food carefree. I never thought about the hardships of my grandmother and grandfather hoeing in the hot sun. At that moment, my eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of clouds, with a little glittering and translucent, reflecting the scene of grandma sweating in the scorching sun

  I also think of those people who silently contribute at the lowest level of society. Without them, would we have a comfortable life now? The answer is yes - no! Although they are humble, they have a great heart. They are not bound by money. They are only willing to work for a happy life and create a happy life for others.

  Today is labor day. Let’s sincerely wish workers a happy Labor Day with gratitude! Unknown people, thank you! It is because of you that we can live a happy life. Thank you!


  On labor day, I helped my mother work at home and experienced the hardships and fun brought by labor.

  When I got up in the morning, my mother assigned me tasks, such as sweeping the floor, mopping the floor, cleaning the TV, cleaning the table... And so on. The mother said, "all of your children are spoiled and have no ability to take care of themselves. Today’s may day brings you a good taste of the hard life before. You can’t clean up. How can you get a foothold in society in the future? The long march of the Red Army was much more difficult than you." I thought to myself: Yes, I can’t give in. So I began to sweep the floor. Unexpectedly, my room was so messy and the floor was so dirty that I began to feel tired before sweeping. But thinking of the difficulties of the Red Army in those years, these are nothing. So I worked hard and swept the floor clean in a few minutes. Then I brought a mop and dragged the ground clean, as if it could be used as a mirror. Then I wiped the TV and desk clean. When I stopped, I felt backache, which made me think that my mother must have been more tired than me when she worked. But at that time, my mother’s clean room turned into a monkey’s nest as soon as I went in. When I think of it now, I really feel a little naughty and make my mother sad.

  Through this labor, I understand how hard my mother used to be. In the future, I will not let my mother be so tired. I will help my mother do more housework. I also get happiness from my work. When I see my work in exchange for a clean and tidy room, it’s really beautiful! It’s really "labor creates beauty"!


  In the twinkling of an eye, "May Day" Labor Day is coming. I began to think about how to spend this labor day. Finally, I thought of a good idea, that is, cleaning.

  At noon today, we started the cleaning.

  I picked up a dry rag to wipe the TV, because my mother told me that if I didn’t use a dry rag to wipe the TV, the TV would be easy to break; There are switches, computers... And other things with electricity should be wiped with a dry rag.

  I have to clean some furniture and glass, even the door. I carefully and conscientiously wiped the house from beginning to end and from top to bottom with a rag and mop. After dragging it again, the rag was covered with dust. I’m exhausted now. I’m sweating and out of breath. But I thought, "I’m going to surprise my mother. Besides, the cleaning is supposed to work hard. If I can’t insist now, what I did just now is in vain?" Do things from beginning to end. So I started sweeping the floor again. I didn’t even let go of the corner. I finally finished sweeping it. When I think about it carefully, I forgot to sweep the room. I went in, skillfully picked up the broom and swept it slowly. Then I filled a bucket of water, washed the mop, dried the water and began to mop the floor. Holding a heavy mop, I slowly dragged it from side to side.

  After this cleaning, I learned: "as long as you pay, you will gain."


  On May Day, which I have been looking forward to for a long time, I came to my grandmother’s house with joy. As soon as I entered the door, I saw grandma, her amiable face, lowering her head and concentrating on sweeping the floor. Seeing me coming, he raised his head with a smile and asked me something about me.

  I saw a few drops of sweat on Grandma’s head running down grandma’s cheek. At this moment, I quickly took grandma’s broom and said, "grandma, let me help you sweep it." grandma said, "it doesn’t matter. Nephew, let’s do his homework!" But I must insist: "today is labor day, let me have a chance to show!" While asking grandma to rest, I carefully swept the floor. Where’s grandma? Sitting on the sofa and looking at me, it seems that Chen Kan has grown up! We brought him up in vain. After doing this, I did another job. Grandma couldn’t close her mouth with a smile. Although cleaning is tiring, my heart has always been sweet. After that, I walked on my way home. The sky seemed bluer and the flowers were more energetic. A white cloud floated from the sky, like a smiling face, as if saying to me: "help others, good boy, help others, good boy." I heard it from my mouth to my heart.

  Ah! This may day is so meaningful. It let me know a truth - labor is happy, so we should all work well! Although I have only done some trivial work, labor has brought me unparalleled happiness.


  Labor Day is coming, so we have a long Labor Day holiday. On the night of the Labor Day holiday, I casually said to my parents: take me to work.

  It is in accordance with the old saying that "the speaker is careless and the listener is intentional". As they said that night, they sent me to the countryside the next morning. When I first arrived here, my heart was full of boredom. On the one hand, I’m angry, but on the other hand, the environment here is really terrible. One day later, I was attracted by the loveliness of this place.

  At more than five o’clock every morning, the rooster began to crow. It was as loud as the soldiers in the military camp who got up and whistled in the morning. The strangest thing is that the chickens, ducks and geese also screamed, just like the students of the rooster. It’s fun for the rooster to sing one sentence if it hurts them. After the rooster crows, the hen will always lead a group of chickens around the house. It seems that they are walking. What about the rooster? He walked around his wife and children as if he were protecting them.

     Most people in the countryside put up a fruit rack in front of the door, which is covered with melons and green melon leaves. It is much more lovely than the stone lion in front of the city building, because the stone lion looks very fierce and makes people afraid to approach.

  In rural areas, the kitchen stoves of ordinary people are built against the corner of the wall, and because most of them use firewood as fuel, the surrounding walls are smoked black, and the chimney is above the kitchen stoves, against the corner of the wall, against two of the walls, made of short bricks, about half a meter higher than the roof. I remember a song "see the smoke rising again, the twilight shines on the earth..." people who have been busy all day began to prepare dinner. In the evening, the smoke curled up from the chimneys of every household. I saw the graceful posture of the smoke rising slowly and then fading away gradually.

  Ah! I think the life of country people is really interesting.


  Today, I had a happy Labor Day.

  In the morning, after I had breakfast with my mother, my mother was busy. Sweep and mop the floor. Mother was so tired that she was sweating profusely. I couldn’t help but go up and say, "Mom, do you want me to do some work for you?" The mother said happily, "OK! My daughter has grown up! Go and wash those clothes!" After listening to my mother, I hurried to the bathroom, took a chic and exquisite plastic basin, took a full basin of water, completely immersed my clothes in the water, and then took a small stool to sit in front of the plastic basin and began to wash. It’s not easy to wash a dress! To wash the clothes up and down, there are those naughty dead corners. They always hide and don’t seem to want me to "catch".

  If I rub hard, I don’t believe it can’t be cleaned! But my hands hurt when I rubbed them. It seems that I haven’t washed off any stains. You see, the stains are still smiling at me! I was so angry that my little mouth was so high that I could hang some oil pots. At this time, my mother came over. When she saw my funny appearance, she couldn’t help laughing: "what’s the matter? It was fine just now. It was like this all at once?"

  I said angrily, "I can’t wash these clothes." My mother smiled and said, "so it is! Wash clothes carefully and rub them hard when you find the dirty place. It’s useless if you don’t find the right place." I heard it, suddenly enlightened, and quickly washed it according to the method taught by my mother. Soon, I finished washing these clothes easily. My mother praised me for growing up and being sensible, and I smiled heartily.


  After the May Day holiday, our parents and we drove back to Hangzhou. On the way home, there are mountains and green everywhere. There are many long tunnels on the road. Among them, huwuling tunnel is 4.1km long. The longest tunnel is Shuangfeng tunnel, which is 6.2km long. Compared with huwuling tunnel, it is 2.1km longer. I found that the names of many tunnels have the word "ridge". I think it is because there are mountains on the mountains!

  At one o’clock in the afternoon, my father said, "we have to drive for more than two hours." The first service area we stopped was Pan’an service area. We bought two bottles of "scream" in the supermarket. My mother said that although drinking drinks is bad for our health and we should drink less at ordinary times, it’s still not important to taste them. Mom always says that you must try something new, as long as you don’t always "try". yeah! I love mom! I thought to myself, "next time I’ll try screaming." Later, we had a rest in Zhuji service area. Then I slept and got home in an hour.

  Because we brought a lot of potatoes we dug from Grandma’s house, we simply didn’t cook at night and ate a potato feast! We ate salt and pepper potatoes and mixed ketchup. After the potato feast, we also watched TV for a while.

  Today, I tasted all the things I don’t usually eat and watched TV I don’t usually watch. I also saw a lot of tunnels and learned a lot of knowledge. I’m so happy and fun!


  At about five o’clock this afternoon, I was watching TV when suddenly my uncle called my father and invited us to his house for dinner. My father and I promised that we would go out at 5:30. I got on the bus but my father’s car. My father started the engine, but he didn’t drive after a long time. I asked, "why doesn’t my father drive?" my father said, "because it’s hot." I understand. After a while, I drove. Along the way, I saw many tall buildings with advertising lights on. It’s really beautiful. Our car drove faster than usual. My father told me that because today is may day, many people have traveled, so there are very few cars on the road, so we soon arrived at my uncle’s house.

  As soon as I entered the door, I saw many uncles, uncles, aunts and sisters arrive. Dad and I sat down quickly and began to eat. I ate a lot of dishes. My uncles and uncles were drinking. They were celebrating May Day. I finished it soon. People are still watching TV after 20 minutes. When my father finished eating, I listened to my father chatting with my uncles and uncles. After a while, because I have to have class tomorrow and write back today’s diary, my father proposed to go. All of us said goodbye one by one and left my uncle’s house. Today, I celebrated labor day with so many adults. I’m so happy!


51 of cause


51 international Labor Days call 51 sections, May 1 in everyyear.It is the whole world labor common festival of the people.


As for"51 causes of the section"s are such:


This stanza comes from the worker’s big strike of AmericanChicago.On May 1 in 1886, Chicago of 20 in order to fight for practicing eighthours to work to make but hold the big strike, many ten thousand workerses passby hard of bloodshed conflict, acquired the victory finally.For memorial thistime the socialist that the worker’s one who exercise, July 14 in 1889, fromall countries Marxist call represents the conference, Parisian solemn andimpressive open in France.On the conference, attend meeting to represent theconsistent approval:Common festival that May 1 settles for the internationalproletariat.This resolution gets the international community, the worker respondsto actively.On May 1 in 1890, the working class of Euro-American all countriesleads off to go into the street, holding the grand demonstration and holding ameeting, fighting for the legal rights.From now on, every time round thisinternational community labors the people to all want the catcall, parade, toshow to celebrate.

此节源于美国芝加哥的工人大罢工。1886年5月1日,芝加哥的20 多万工人为争取实行八小时工作制而举行大罢工,经过艰苦的流血斗争,终于获得了胜利。为纪念这次工人运动,1889年7月14日,由各国马克思主义者召集的社会主义者代表大会,在法国巴黎隆重开幕。大会上,与会代表一致同意:把5月1日定为国际无产阶级的共同节日。这一决议得到世界各国工人的积极响应。1890年5月1日,欧美各国的工人阶级率先走上街头,举行盛大的示威游行与集会,争取合法权益。从此,每逢这一天世界各国的劳动人民都要集会、游行,以示庆祝。

The Chinese people celebrate the activity of the Labor Dayand can trace back to to 1918.Is a year, etc. of some knowledge members ofrevolution at Shanghai, Suzhou ground sends forth to introduce towardcrowd"51" of handbill.On May 1 in 1920, worker’s crowd of etc. ofPeking, Shanghai, Guangzhou city goes into the street to hold the huge paradeof threatening force and hold a meeting.After new China establish, our countryin December of 1949 .









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班上好几个男生做我的作文(作文我们班的男生 我们班的男生作文600字)

班上好几个男生做我的作文(作文我们班的男生 我们班的男生作文600字)

本文目录作文我们班的男生 我们班的男生作文600字我们班的男生作文我的男同桌写作文六年级我的小伙伴作文以《我们班的好多事》写作文关于我的好同桌为题写的精选优秀作文5篇我的男同桌作文500字同桌的动作描写作文作文我们班的男生 我们班的男生作文

2024年6月2日 06:30



本文目录天使爱美丽观后感800字急!翻译一下这个《天使爱美丽》影评!谢谢拉跪求法国电影《天使爱美丽》的法语影评,大概两分钟的样子,请附中文翻译~merci beaucoup!不需要太复杂天使爱美丽到底要讲什么,说实话所说的深层次含义没有看出

2024年3月1日 23:30



本文目录组织工作座谈会主持词结束语教师团员自我评议【三篇】为什么保育先于教育教师存在问题与整改措施方案组织工作座谈会主持词结束语 【篇一】   请大家坐好,现在开会。这次全县旅游工作会议,是县委、县政府研究决定召开的。会议的主要议题是,

2024年3月12日 18:10




2024年3月11日 03:50




2024年3月22日 21:30




2024年6月25日 11:20




2024年3月3日 20:40




2024年4月14日 06:30