earth song歌词(夏家三千金上有一个歌曲,我记得歌词是:是你飞向了天空,后面的我记不住了,这首歌叫什么名)

2024-06-03 08:50:20 :45

earth song歌词(夏家三千金上有一个歌曲,我记得歌词是:是你飞向了天空,后面的我记不住了,这首歌叫什么名)



1. don’t cry--guns n’ roses我所认真听完的第一首摇滚,这首歌曾唱哭了千万人。总是能够触痛了心底最软的地方,心抽痛着,眼圈红了,却没有眼泪渗出,每多听一次就多一次的依恋... 2. fade to black--metallic金属乐队也有很经典歌曲,我相信国内有好多人都是听了这首歌的前奏才去学吉他的!METALLICA经典中的经典,也是METALLICA饱受争议的作品,因为当时有乐迷自杀就是出于这首歌,胆小别听哦~ 3. dreaming my dream--cranberries有着王菲一样变幻倚俪的唱腔,高雅离开了原本浩渺的苍穹来到人间,它带着冷漠的美艳,但又说着人身上的变动和永恒,爱尔兰的卡百利乐队就这样汲取了精灵与传说的浩渺气质,沟通了人间和天空的美,把人的故事,爱情,历史,死亡,社会都融进那飘忽而真切的女声中...(卡百利,本是蔓声浆果的藤蔓) 4. dying in the sun--cranberries不断地重复着放这首歌,简短迂回的旋律,简短迂回的歌词。我就平躺在这样的歌里,晕乎乎的,渴望在阳光下睡死... 5. never grow old--cranberries 最近常听朋友们说时间过得好快~! 感觉自己在一天一天的虚度光阴! 不由得想起了这支歌~! 6. far away from home--groove coverage德国新晋乐队,这首歌已被众多知名DJ誉为当今舞曲最为精华的传世之作,听了不下几百遍了,旋律好的很,女声好的很... 7. knocking on heaven’s door--guns n’ roses(“野蛮师姐”主题曲)艾薇儿翻唱的和枪花版的都给人一种爽歪的感觉,当然女生版的更加恬静,睡觉之前我都要听的。 8. imagine--john lennon约翰列侬是全世界最成功的摇滚乐队“甲壳虫”(beatles)的灵魂人物,死于1980年12月8日,是被一名狂热的歌迷开枪打死的,他的死震惊了世界,他在六十年代吸毒,目无宗教和go-vern-ment,在七十年代致力研究东方宗教和宣扬童话般的爱(有一颗小星星是以他的名字命名的),这声音听来象预言者的祈祷,而歌词依然是固执的理想,或许列侬所要求的泰国绝对,太过纯洁,但作为梦,难道你我就不曾有过吗? 9. yesterday--beatles这么经典的还说什么呢,电台点播率已经超过一亿次了,没听过的太逊了。 10. let it be--beatles昔日创下了榜史纪录,也是Beatles解散时成员们的心态写照。有时候生命的意义在于过程,至于结果就让它Let it be... 11. it’s my life--bon jovi我比较早喜欢的一首歌..曾用来做CS的MTV背景音乐。 12. that’s why(you go away)--meachael learns to rock半路在一家美发店的门前听到了that’s why (you go away)的钢琴版!!! 感觉很好,这样听起来That’s why就更经典了! (放的声音越大越有感觉哦) 13. you can’t say(韩剧"爱上女主播"主题曲)相信大家对这首歌不会感到陌生了哦!!!我是不会歌词的,但每旋律一起就能体会其中的柔情... 14. yesterday yes a day 温柔醇厚的声音,静静地用心体会,很舒服的21岁的挪威女孩marlin,自己写歌自己唱,一首充满浪漫气息的法国歌曲,就像爱人在你耳 边轻轻呢喃,超好听的... 15. heal the world--meachael kjackson他是疯狂热爱和不羁职责的承受者,年轻的巨富,心理怪异而各声纯洁的奇人,他富于创造,不向任何一个流派*拢,虽然,杰克逊现在的形象不好,但他曾经为世界的慈善事业作了很大的贡献,这首歌也正是他心意的表现吧...最起码他在音乐方面的高度是谁都无法否认的。 16. the girl is mine--meachael jackson.纯洁的仿佛童话,干净的让人不敢呼吸... 17. delicious way--仓木麻衣。我本人也十分仇恨日本人的,但是听到这么纯洁的歌曲感觉到音乐真的是没有国界的哎~~ 18. under the sea小美人鱼(the little mermaid)插曲,可总感觉张邵晗唱的更有活力。再听听原唱的,就知道东西方文化的差异在哪里了。 19. fighter--Christina 厚重有力的嗓音穿透着我的耳膜,装饰着闪亮碎钻的眼眸冲击着我的视网膜...希望有一天,我能够成为那个fighter... 蛮有爆发力的一首歌。 20. without you--mariah carey我喜欢的歌星!因为她在唱功方面显得极为细腻,而且她的声线真的是性感迷人而且非常有爆发力和感染力...~~这是高音上唯一可与i will always love you媲美的歌,下面还有一首两人合唱的,绝对体现唱功哦~~ 21. when you believe--mariah carey n’ whitney houston不多说了,任何人都唱不成这样的。 22. Crying in the Rain大概算的上是欧美最具生命力的情歌之一了,这首出自民谣女歌手Carole King的作品对原来舒缓深情的作品来了一次颠覆性的改造... 23. never say goodbye--Hayley Westenra充满曼陀铃和竖琴声音的歌曲当中透显出一个宁静而美丽的少女形象,歌曲是从爱尔兰传统歌曲中改编过来,Hayley Westenra的声音如同丝线一般,在演唱技巧上更已达到完美的境地,而嗓音天生的优美更是让人不得不赞叹和艳羡。 24. Sugar Ray’s Someday。Sugar Ray(据说应该翻译作“拔丝”乐队-_-bbb),他们的音乐风格用一个字就可以形容——Summer,他们只在夏天出片,歌儿一听就让人想起夏天——总是阳光明媚、活泼愉快。与此相反的,他们的歌词却是比较深的,那个身上有着13个纹身、英俊得完全不像个rock band主唱的Mark McGrath经常用很夸张的肢体语言在MTV中摇摆,加上十分十分正宗的传统摇滚式配器,恐怕在今天活着的乐队中找不出第二个这样的band。 25. Iris-- Goo Goo Dolls清脆急促的吉他solo,John Rzeznik饱含沧桑的低沉嗓音,对世事、爱情满腹的疑问,后面的爆发,“And I don’t want the world to see me, ’Cause I don’t think that they’d understand. When everything’s made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am!” 这是有着无穷韵味的箴言。 26. Mystical Machine Gun--Kula Shaker比较难得的是,Kula Shaker的音乐受了很多东方思想的影响,这一点同时表现在歌词、音乐和配器之中。乐队唯一真正意义上的专辑就是《Peasants, Pigs & Astronauts》专辑干净的声音,迷幻的吉他,如印度梵音般的和声,充满现场感的录音,总之在当时背景下,属于绝对的异类。 27. Elemental--tears for fears.其实只是主唱oland Orzab一个人而已,整张专辑所有词曲、每一轨录音(器乐、主唱、和声)全部出自这家伙一人之手(口),真是吓了一跳(原来世界上真的有全才啊)! 28. gone away--the off spring是一个比较有争议的乐队。跟99%的美国摇滚乐队一样,也是来自学校同学的组合,经过很长时间的地下活动,终于走到地上,给人留下最深刻印象就是主唱Bryan Holland的十分金属化的硬朗狂放的唱腔,歌词有着对世事无情的玩弄和嘲讽。 29. A Question Of Lust--peche Mode很容易和“冷”这个字联系起来,冷冰冰的纯电子音乐,冷冷的唱腔,冷僻的歌词,似乎特别适合目前这个季节来听... 30. this is how we do it蛮欢快的一首现代英文混音dj舞曲,偶个人比较喜欢。 31. boom boom boom各位爱跳舞的朋友,这就是你们的音乐,做为音乐和舞蹈的信徒,你们起床要放的音乐。 32. Earth song--meachael jackson请保护大自然!~ 崇高的敬意!~ 看过mv后真的感觉心里堵堵的... 33. everybody dance now相信看过韩国综艺节目情书的朋友不会陌生吧~里面好多背景音乐就是用的这个,尤其是uncle shin的抖动dance甩你的双手,很简单的一个步骤,音乐炸进你的头,活着就要开心些嘛!!!顺便说一下, 我超级喜欢那个张英兰~~~~ 34. the day you went away--M2M是当之无愧的小甜甜咯,相信谁都不会忍心伤害这样的女生,不过歌词有点伤感,我们从来都不知道珍惜所拥有的直到永远的失去它,将如何承受这种痛苦,现在,我不得不说,我是真的真的失去了你... 35. when you say nothing at all--Krauss多次被评为世界最美的女声,坐拥11座格莱美奖,被无数人翻唱过... 男孩地带的也同样也是不可错过的哦! 36. hero--enrique iglesias出生在马德里,有着西班牙人独有的深邃的双眸,冷峻而又性感的脸庞,富有磁性的嗓音,再加上他那令人神魂颠倒的外表... 37. god is a girl--groove coverage从个人角度看sweetbox和groove coverage是给我印象最深的两个女唱乐队,下面还有几首歌都是她们的,很喜欢女主唱有些慵懒而很清脆的声音,他们的风格...喜欢听这种节奏感强,比较热闹的歌曲。觉得这个乐队的风格还是挺新鲜的,也比较大众化,应该会有不少朋友会喜欢,因为大众不等于庸俗。 38. she--groove coverage 39. can’t get over you--groove coverage 40. 7 years and 50 days--groove coverage 41. encore une fois--helene segara一首抒情法语歌,哀而充满无奈的歌,你能体会到它的忧伤,也许有一天 我会离开你,途跋涉寻找真的自己也许有一天...也许有一天... 42. je m appelle helene--helene rolls听了首法语歌后觉得法语太美了,让人感觉说法语的人嘴上摸了奶油,...于记忆深处,要我找到简单的爱情,于我的爱情,歌词中有着淡淡的伤感... 43. here i am--bryan adams那是布赖恩亚当斯的作品,我想大家应该都听过他那首绝对经典的歌“( Everything I Do )吧,这个帅帅的沧桑男人的声音是谁都无法抗拒的哦。 44. Everything i do--bryan adams不多说了,绝对经典中的经典。 45. all that you can’t leave behind--毫无疑问,U2是80年代英国最受欢迎的摇滚乐团,不过我个人只喜欢这一首,具体也说不出为什么,可能感觉声音和旋律搭配的很棒吧~~ 46. big big world--Emilia看上去是一个爱整洁的乖女孩,尤其在唱“Big,Big World”这样的慢歌时,她显得十分纯情而古典。目前Emilia的唱片在瑞典已卖过了3白金的数量。而首支单曲“Big,BigWorld”则成为了瑞典历史上流行速度最快的一支... 47. right here waiting--rachard max这是一首很经典的老歌,歌唱了刻骨铭心的爱情... 这是我曾经最爱的一首老歌,相信每个人也都听过无数遍,但依然是... 48. stay--williams(野蛮师姐主题曲)特别特别特别的欢快,每次不知道为了什么一心烦就不由自主想听这首歌,连我们宿舍一个平时不怎么愿意听歌的哥们也喜欢上了这首... 49. live forever--Oasis 是近十年来英国最受欢迎和最受评论家承认的乐队之一;live forever是我朋友推荐给我的,听过后感觉真的很不错呢... 50. life for rent--dido清爽的时节,清爽的女孩儿,清爽的音乐。Life for rent,把整个生命都出租出去,不属于任何人,无根地飘荡,听起来有一些伤感。 51. promise don’t come easy跟着CD慢慢的哼着,记不清楚是什么时候第一次听了,若有若无的思绪缠绕着自己,象梦一样。 52. lonely--nana是一首黑人说唱歌曲,同时加入了R&B和Blues的曲风,歌曲的当中还有女声的伴唱,旋律非常优美。不会再有第二首歌可以超越...歧视,家庭的破碎... 53. dilemma--kellyrowland与饶舌巨星nelly搭档演唱的歌曲,这首歌曲虽然风格老套,但仍然在全美电台创下近两个月蝉联冠军宝座的纪录。 54. you took my heart away舒缓的节奏,简洁的编曲,十足的优美旋律,都展现了mltr最擅长的迷人功力。 55. helene segara-encore une fois一首经典法语歌,同样将法国浓郁的浪漫气息,法国当红歌手helene segara 专辑,她的音乐和她的人一样别有风情。她的嗓音并不是十分突出,但声音中有一种魅惑迷离的特质。 56. sealed with a kiss 以吻封缄,经典美国乡村音乐,一首极具浪漫色彩的老歌,叙离别情,但不伤感;道分手苦,但不低沉。饱尝相思之苦的恋人们听来,肯定别有一番滋味... 57. only time--enya无由的哀愁随着Only Time的歌声涌上心头。而当爱情灭绝、心泣莫名、欲盖弥彰的绝望凄清,却只有时间为唯一的目击者... 58. i will be missing you记得第一次听它的时候,只记得旋律很HIP-POP,直到后来无意中才知道了它的来历。于是找来下载,听,一遍又一遍。 59. civil war--guns n’ roses在美国这样一个国度,一支摇滚乐队创作出这样一首忧国忧民(当然也可以理解成激愤)的歌曲,这不是对摇滚乐的反判,恰恰是对摇滚更好的诠释。我想,摇滚乐在国外之所以有那么高的地位正是由于国外的很多摇滚乐队有着对社会、对国家的主人精神以及对音乐的深入理解和精彩绝伦的演绎。国内呢?只有流行乐泛滥罢了,摇滚不光是非主流,几乎成末流了...悲哀啊... 60. sunny came home1998年葛莱美大奖获奖作品,现在已很难找得到这样动听的旋律了. 61. the one--Mr big每首歌曲中都有一段经典耐听的吉他SOLO。我想有这一首歌就足以流芳百世了,即使多少年以后,这首歌也会引起人们无限的共鸣。 62. to be with you--Mr big几乎所有的吉他教材都可以看到这首《与你同在》,这首歌用木吉他超越了轰鸣,用随便超越了夸张,用一群拍着首合唱的小伙子超越了舞台上的超级巨星...时间总会流逝,浪漫和现实,究竟哪一个会与你同在呢? 63. stop crying your heart out--oasis称不上经典,但是也总能给人一种疲倦到不想说什么的地步,如过明天我死了... 64. cinderella太鄙视SHE的媚日情节,所以只好听英文版的这首半糖主义,不过发现比她们唱的好听一百倍!!! 65. the sound of silence是奥斯卡最佳电影《毕业生》的主题歌,是美国流行音乐大师保罗西蒙的代表...我相信,一百个人当中会有一百个人喜欢听这歌的。 66. should it matter--sissel kyrkjeb我喜欢这个低调又华美的女子,淡淡的感觉,仔细听可以听出性感哦! 67. stuck in my heart旋律很优美,中间有一段很完美的合声。 68. utopia--sweetbox下面三首歌都是出自sweetbox的,丢失了以后心疼到现在呢,哪位哥哥姐姐能知道哪里下的到一定告诉小弟哦,谢谢咯!!!他们的歌曲都巧妙地融合Pop、摇滚音乐,行云流水的律动带出女主唱Jade戏剧性的歌声,不仅开启歌迷的想像空间,而且扣人心弦,真的不动心都不行啊... 69. alright--sweetbox 70. one kiss--sweetbox 71. dreams come true--ses被无数个电台做过无数次的背景电乐,旋律响起你就知道你肯定听过的... 72. sweet dream很喜欢的一首歌了,张娜拉长的实在是太可爱了,有条件的朋友可以去找下这个MV看下,相当不错哦~~ 73. back to you--bryan adams不多说了,布莱恩.亚当斯的每一首歌都那么经典... 74. forever and ever-because i love you。绝对好听,因为dido就是因为这首歌红的。 75. Say It Isn’t So--bon jovi硬汉唱的柔情歌曲也蛮感人的嘛~~ 76. now and forever--richard max可能大家很少听他的歌吧`~`其实他的歌真的很不错!希望能和大家一起分享啊! 77. angle of mine一个很老的乐队唱的,具体名字我忘了,超好听。 78. dream cranberries就是大名鼎鼎的卡百利乐队 ...这首《Dream》选自他们第一张专辑 王菲曾经翻唱过,翻唱得...我都听不出真假...可惜每次出去唱王菲的歌都感觉在糟蹋音乐哎~~ 79. faint--lincoln park林肯公园,乐队名字是因为每天乐队的例行练习结束回家时,他都会驾车路过林肯公园,重要的是,他们的平均年龄不过二十出头哦...他们的音乐给人蛮另类的感觉 80. somewhere i belong--lincoln park节奏蛮快然后有点另类的歌。 81. *****--meredith brooks开朗轻快的曲风很讨人喜欢,名字(妖精)是不好听了一点点,但整首歌却是有一点我行我素,特立独行并不会为任何人改变。 82. westlife有一段时间,很喜欢Westlife的歌,每天在他们的歌声中吃饭,看书,入睡。 83. the power of love--celion dion提起席琳迪翁(Celine Dion),大家都知道她的演唱以倾情投入而闻名于世,她的音色极具表现力,声域宽广,很有张力,最喜欢的歌曲,,完美的歌曲。 84. a new day has come--celion dion她以满腔的爱与希望蕴育出另一个炽热的生命,她歌唱生涯中第八张英文专辑「a new day has come真爱来临」,在细腻悠扬、情感丰沛的歌声中,感受到旺盛的生命能量,热烈地传送到世界每个角落。 85. more than words--extreme被翻唱了无数遍的歌,只用一把木吉他伴奏,但他高贵的气质却随着真情流露,胜过了有着华丽织体的热闹声音,当然,这首歌最迷人的,还是天衣无缝的合声部分--那轻轻的,起伏的,隐现并滑翔而逝的伴唱,只有真正胸怀开阔,品位脱俗的人才能这样写情歌,也只有真正温柔可爱的人才值得被这样的歌声围绕。 86. killing me softly with his song--roberta flack 由于年代久远,这首歌不可避免地带上了留声机时代遗留下来的贵族味道,一遍遍地重复“killing me softly with his song”,她已经醉了,已经无力逃脱了,她更象是自言自语,捧着胸口喃喃自语而脑子里眼睛里全是他全是他全是他啊... 87. can you feel the love tonight--Elton joh工整清晰的吐字,彬彬有礼的抒情,不紧不慢的钢琴,只能有那些拥有严谨文化传统的中老年英国人来展现。 88. lemon tree--fool’s gardon5个得国小伙子组成的“傻子花园”乐队,可根本没想过要写一首叫做《柠檬树》的英文歌,给一个台湾女孩子(苏慧伦)翻唱成中文版,在这个东方大国漂起!“ i wonder how, i wonder why, yesterday you tell me about the blue blue sky...” 89. vincent--don mclean这位歌词有着诗一样已经的青年为人了精神殉道者,荷兰后印象派画家,伟大的疯子文森特梵高献上了感人的一曲,这首歌唱到了艺术家的孤独和世人的不义,唱到了崇高的痛苦和爱,唱到了内心矛盾,唱到了神,宁静和永远... 90. one love--bob marley他用歌声带给人快乐,并为公正而斗争,这样的一生足以使任何一位歌者在死神面前保持尊严,牙买加总统参加了他的葬礼。 91. careless whisper--wham威猛是中国改革开放以来最早接受的西方流行音乐,现在听来真的是别有一番滋味。 92. don’t cry for me, argentina--maonna她卖弄性感,出售神圣?可是她并不比任何人虚伪,当她撕开人们的虚伪时,我们听到的是一副越唱越好的嗓子,和一种越来越真实的性格。阿根廷前总统夫人依维塔确有一生传奇的经历--寒门女子最终身居国母,用圣洁的博爱感动了整个国家,她为穷人所做的一切,她的真诚和无私,在歌声得到了永生。 93. two steps behind--defleppardKB海峡拥有高超的不鲁斯吉他技巧,低沉嗓音的半说半唱,成熟睿智的歌词,以及难以言表的宽厚情怀,整个八十年代,不知多少人依*他们的音乐,完成了由青春向成年的过渡,不知多少人被那悠远延绵的意境带走,超脱于现实的无聊纷争... 94. no more i love you--annie lennox此人于1995年推出了专辑“Medusa”(《美杜莎》)美杜莎,是希腊女神中最狰狞古怪的一个,把超人的魔力给了这个歌手,让她有力,跌宕起伏,在我们想象之上拖曳高音,延续着从唯美派文学到新古典音乐的影响,也徘徊在艺术和商业之间,沟通着尘世的想象。 95. my heart will go on--celine dion我深信,这是即使小学生也听过而且非常喜欢的一首歌。 96. missing you now--meachael bolton这个男人具有轻易征服听众的才能,曾是美国电台播放给“面的”司机听的最佳人选,可以用最直接的方法来美化我们的听觉,而且,我们根本无须费心去听,只要跟着,哼着,忙自己的,快乐就产生了。 97. yesterday once more唱者卡伦卡彭特被称为美国的邓丽君,当她死于神经性厌食症时,人们突然发现,在所有那些包装精良,华美诱人的热门金曲中,可能只有卡伦卡彭特的声音值得被收藏,她把悠长的旋律唱得光芒耀眼,即使怀旧,都充满了对生活的感恩,她的歌声始终在呼唤人们热爱的本能。 98. goodbye--air supply 80年代最受欢迎的一对组合,他们高低的配合优美的歌词动听的旋律令人难以抗拒。喜欢这样凄美华丽的声音,唱出那句痛彻心肺的“There\\\’s no other way than to say goodbye” 99. your song--Elton john平滑流畅的钢琴和Elton john淡淡柔情的演唱,似乎就是和爱人相拥坐在黄昏中的木屋顶,看远处夕阳西下,与世上最最甜美的双眸对望,任似水年华静静流淌,这时不用很多钱,不用大房子,只要有一首由爱人所唱,但却只属于自己的歌就足够了... 100. hotel california--Eagles我喜欢那充满磁性的嗓音,木吉他弹奏出简单幽怨的调子外,我想,喜欢它的另一个理由便是对回忆的孤独感受。这样的曲子,适合一个人听,一遍又一遍地重听,随乐韵飘荡到广袤却寂寥的...▆

我是歌手巅峰会张杰《earth song》现场版在线试听歌词

Earth Song(地球之歌),是美国流行音乐巨星迈克尔·杰克逊音乐专辑《HIStory》中的一首歌曲,并制作了MTV,这是《HIStory》专辑中第三支进行世界范围发行(除美国本土)的单曲。在英国,该曲于95年12月初发行,首周即勇夺冠军位置并蝉联6周NO.1,成为英国单曲榜历史上最重要的圣诞档期冠军曲。

Earth Song 地球之歌

原唱:Michael Jackson


What about sunrise 日出呢

What about rain 雨呢

What about all the things 还有你说过

That you said we were to gain... 我们会得到的一切呢......

What about killing fields 土地在减少呢

Is there a time 有没有结束的时候

what about the things 还有你说过

That you said was yours and mine... 属于你和我的一切呢......

Did you ever stop to notice 你是不是忘了

All the blood we’ve shed before 我们曾挥洒下的血汗

Did you ever stop to notice 你有没有看到

The crying Earth the weeping shores? 地球在流泪海岸在哭泣

Aaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah 啊--------

What have we done to the world 我们对世界做错了什么

Look what we’ve done 看看我们做错了什么吧

What about all the peace 还有你向独子许诺过的

That you pledge your only son... 一切和平呢

What about flowering fields 鲜花遍布的田野呢

Is there a time 有没有结束的时候

What about all the dreams 还有你说过

That you said was yours and mine... 属于你和我的所有梦想呢

Did you ever stop to notice 你是不是忘了

All the children dead from war 战争中死去的那些孩子

Did you ever stop to notice 你有没有看到

The crying Earth the weeping shores? 地球在流泪海岸在哭泣

Aaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah 啊---------

I used to dream 我曾经梦想

I used to glance beyond the stars 我曾经遥望群星之上

Now I don’t know where we are 如今不知我们身在何方Althouge I know we’ve drifted for 尽管我明白我们漂泊了太远

Aaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah 啊-----------

Hey,what about yesterday (what about us) 嘿,昨天呢(我们呢)

What about the seas (what about us) 海洋呢

The heavens are falling down (what about us) 天堂跌落

I can’t even breathe (what about us) 我不能呼吸

What about the bleeding Earth (what about us) 流血的地球呢

Can’t we feel its wounds (what about us) 我们难道不能感受到它的伤痕

What about nature’worth (ooo,ooo) 宝贵的自然呢

It’s our planet’s womb (what about us) 那是我们地球的孕育地

What about animals (what about us) 动物呢

We’ve turned kingdoms to dust (what about us) 我们把他们的王国化为灰烬

What about elephants (what about us) 大象呢

Have we lost their trust (what about us) 我们是不是已失去它们的信任

What about crying whales (what about us) 鲸鱼呢

We’re ravaging the seas (what about us) 我们污染了海洋

What about forest trails (ooo,ooo) 森林小径呢

Burnt despite our please (what about us) 给我们违心的烧毁了

What about the holy land (what about us) 神圣的土地呢

Tron apart by creed (what about us) 被四分五裂了

What about the common man (what about us) 普通人呢

Can’t we set him free (what about us) 我们可以给予他自由吗

What about children dying (what about us) 奄奄一息的孩子呢

Can’t you hear them cry (what about us) 你有没有听到他们的哭声

Where did we go wrong (ooo,ooo) 我们走错了何方

Someone tell me why (what about us) 有没有人告诉我原因

What about babies (what about us) 婴儿呢

What about the days (what about us) 岁月呢

What about all their joy (what about us) 他们所有的欢乐呢

What about the man (what about us) 人类呢

What about the crying man (what about us) 哭喊的人们呢

What about Abraham (what about us) 亚伯拉罕呢

What about death again (ooo,ooo) 再问一次,死亡呢

Do we give a damn 我们有没有注意

Aaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah 啊----------


Earth Song 地球之歌 演唱:Michael Jackson What about sunrise 日出呢 What about rain 雨呢 What about all the things 还有你说过 That you said we were to gain... 我们会得到的一切呢...... What about killing fields 土地在减少呢 Is there a time 有没有结束的时候 what about the things 还有你说过 That you said was yours and mine... 属于你和我的一切呢...... Did you ever stop to notice 你是不是忘了 All the blood we’ve shed before 我们曾挥洒下的血汗 Did you ever stop to notice 你有没有看到 The crying Earth the weeping shores? 地球在流泪海岸在哭泣 Aaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah 啊-------- What have we done to the world 我们对世界做错了什么 Look what we’ve done 看看我们做错了什么吧 What about all the peace 还有你向独子许诺过的 That you pledge your only son... 一切和平呢 What about flowering fields 鲜花遍布的田野呢 Is there a time 有没有结束的时候 What about all the dreams 还有你说过 That you said was yours and mine... 属于你和我的所有梦想呢 Did you ever stop to notice 你是不是忘了 All the children dead from war 战争中死去的那些孩子 Did you ever stop to notice 你有没有看到 The crying Earth the weeping shores? 地球在流泪海岸在哭泣 Aaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah 啊----------- I used to dream 我曾经梦想 I used to glance beyond the stars 我曾经遥望群星之上 Now I don’t know where we are 如今不知我们身在何方Althouge I know we’ve drifted for 尽管我明白我们漂泊了太远 Aaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah 啊----------- Hey,what about yesterday (what about us) 嘿,昨天呢(我们呢) What about the seas (what about us) 海洋呢 The heavens are falling down (what about us) 天堂跌落 I can’t even breathe (what about us) 我不能呼吸 What about the bleeding Earth (what about us) 流血的地球呢 Can’t we feel its wounds (what about us) 我们难道不能感受到它的伤痕 What about nature’worth (ooo,ooo) 宝贵的自然呢 It’s our planet’s womb (what about us) 那是我们地球的孕育地 What about animals (what about us) 动物呢 We’ve turned kingdoms to dust (what about us) 我们把他们的王国化为灰烬 What about elephants (what about us) 大象呢 Have we lost their trust (what about us) 我们是不是已失去它们的信任 What about crying whales (what about us) 鲸鱼呢 We’re ravaging the seas (what about us) 我们污染了海洋 What about forest trails (ooo,ooo) 森林小径呢 Burnt despite our please (what about us) 给我们违心的烧毁了 What about the holy land (what about us) 神圣的土地呢 Tron apart by creed (what about us) 被四分五裂了 What about the common man (what about us) 普通人呢 Can’t we set him free (what about us) 我们可以给予他自由吗 What about children dying (what about us) 奄奄一息的孩子呢 Can’t you hear them cry (what about us) 你有没有听到他们的哭声 Where did we go wrong (ooo,ooo) 我们走错了何方 Someone tell me why (what about us) 有没有人告诉我原因 What about babies (what about us) 婴儿呢 What about the days (what about us) 岁月呢 What about all their joy (what about us) 他们所有的欢乐呢 What about the man (what about us) 人类呢 What about the crying man (what about us) 哭喊的人们呢 What about Abraham (what about us) 亚伯拉罕呢 What about death again (ooo,ooo) 再问一次,死亡呢 Do we give a damn 我们有没有注意 Aaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah 啊----------

Earth Song的中文歌词

《Earth Song》




What about sunrise


What about rain


What about all the things 


That you said we were to gain... 


What about killing fields 


Is there a time 


what about the things 


That you said was yours and mine... 


Did you ever stop to notice 


All the blood we’ve shed before


Did you ever stop to notice 你有没有注意到

The crying Earth this weeping shores?


Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh

What have we done to the world


Look what we’ve done 


What about all the peace 


That you pledge your only son... 


What about flowering fields 


Is there a time 


What about all the dreams 


That you said was yours and mine... 


Did you ever stop to notice 


All the children dead from war 


Did you ever stop to notice 


This crying Earth this weeping shores? 


Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh

I used to glance beyond the stars


Now I don’t know where we are


Although I know we’ve drifted far 


Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh

Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh

Hey,what about yesterday (what about us


What about the seas (what about us) 


Heavens are falling down (what about us) 

天堂正在堕落I can’t even breathe (what about us) 


What about lost again (what about us)


I leaded the woe!(what about us) 


What about nature’worth (ooo,ooo)


It’s our planet’s womb (what about us) 


What about animals (what about it)


We’ve turned kingdoms to dust (what about us) 


What about elephants (what about us) 


Have we lost their trust (what about us)


What about crying whales (what about us)


We’re ravaging the seas (what about us) 


What about forest trails (ooo,ooo)


Burnt despite our please (what about us) 


What about the holy land (what about it) 


Torn apart by creed (what about us) 


What about the common man (what about us) 


Can’t we set him free (what about us) 


What about children dying (what about us) 


Can’t you hear them cry (what about us) 


Where did we go wrong (ooo,ooo) 


Someone tell me why (what about us) 


What about baby boy (what about it) 


What about the days (what about us)


What about all their joy (what about us) 


What about the man (what about us) 


What about the crying man (what about us) 哭喊的人们呢

What about Abraham (what about us)


What about death again (ooo,ooo) 


Do we give a damn 


Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh




“Earth Song”的首次表演是在1995年德国的流行音乐电视节目“Wetten Das”。之后在该单曲在英国大获全胜后,Michael Jackson在96年的英国音乐奖的颁奖典礼上现场表演了该曲。同年的世界音乐颁奖典礼上也有该曲的现场表演。

Michael Jackson的《Earth Song》 歌词

歌曲名:Earth Song歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:New Years Eve in BruneiWhat about sunriseWhat about rainWhat about all the thingsThat you said we were to gain.. .What about killing fieldsIs there a timeWhat about all the thingsThat you said was yours and mine...Did you ever stop to noticeAll the blood we’ve shed beforeDid you ever stop to noticeThe crying Earth the weeping shores?Aaaaaaaaaah AaaaaaaaaahWhat have we done to the worldLook what we’ve doneWhat about all the peaceThat you pledge your only son...What about flowering fieldsIs there a timeWhat about all the dreamsThat you said was yours and mine...Did you ever stop to noticeAll the children dead from warDid you ever stop to noticeThe crying Earth the weeping shoresI used to dreamI used to glance beyond the starsNow I don’t know where we areAlthough I know we’ve drifted farHey, what about yesterday, what about usWhat about the seas, what about usThe heavens are falling down, what about usI can’t even breathe, what about usWhat about the bleeding Earth, what about usCan’t we feel its wounds, what about usWhat about nature’s worth, ooo,oooIt’s our planet’s womb, what about usWhat about animals, what about itWe’ve turned kingdoms to dust, what about usWhat about elephants, what about usHave we lost their trust, what about usWhat about crying whales, what about usWe’re ravaging the seas, what about usWhat about forest trails, ooo, oooBurnt despite our pleas, what about usWhat about the holy land, what about itTorn apart by creed, what about usWhat about the common man, what about usCan’t we set him free, what about usWhat about children dying, what about usCan’t you hear them cry, what about usWhere did we go wrong, ooo, oooSomeone tell me why, what about usWhat about babies, what about itWhat about the days, what about usWhat about all their joy, what about usWhat about the man, what about usWhat about the crying man, what about usWhat about Abraham, what was usWhat about death again, ooo, oooDo we give a damn***隐藏网址***

请高手吧迈克尔杰克逊的Earth Song 的歌词用中文相近的音帮我标注下 我英文不好 不是翻译哦 是用中文相近

Earth Song 地球之歌 演唱:Michael Jackson What about sunrise 日出呢 沃特 恶报特 三 入艾 斯 What about rain 雨呢 沃特 恶报特 瑞恩What about all the things 还有你说过 沃特 恶报特 凹 的 姓思That you said we were to gain... 我们会得到的一切呢...... 在特 有 塞得 威 窝 吐 给What about killing fields 土地在减少呢沃特 恶报特 q令 费哦字 Is there a time 有没有结束的时候一字 得(dei)儿 额 太母 what about the things 还有你说过沃特 恶报特 的 姓思 That you said was yours and mine... 属于你和我的一切呢...... 在特 有 塞得 我思 幼儿司 俺的 买恩Did you ever stop to notice 你是不是忘了低得 有 哎乌尔 四到普 凸 no忒斯 All the blood we’ve shed before 我们曾挥洒下的血汗凹 的 不老的 围 晒得 比faoDid you ever stop to notice 你有没有看到 低得 有 哎乌尔 四到普 凸 no忒斯 The crying Earth the weeping shores? 地球在流泪海岸在哭泣的 克入爱婴 而死 的 卫平 少死 Aaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah 啊-------- 累(雷)死我了……

求Earth Song (by Michael Jackson) 的歌词和中文翻译

  Earth Song  地球之歌  What about sunrise  日出呢  What about rain  雨呢  What about all the things  还有你说过  That you said we were to gain...  我们会得到的一切呢......  What about killing fields  土地在减少呢  Is there a time  有没有结束的时候  what about the things  还有你说过  That you said was yours and mine...  属于你和我的一切呢......  Did you ever stop to notice  你是不是忘了  All the blood we’ve shed before  我们曾挥洒下的血汗  Did you ever stop to notice  你有没有看到  The crying Earth the weeping shores?  地球在流泪海岸在哭泣  Aaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah  啊--------  What have we done to the world  我们对世界做错了什么  Look what we’ve done  看看我们做错了什么吧  What about all the peace  还有你向独子许诺过的  That you pledge your only son...  一切和平呢  What about flowering fields  鲜花遍布的田野呢  Is there a time  有没有结束的时候  What about all the dreams  还有你说过  That you said was yours and mine...  属于你和我的所有梦想呢  Did you ever stop to notice  你是不是忘了  All the children dead from war  战争中死去的那些孩子  Did you ever stop to notice  你有没有看到  The crying Earth the weeping shores?  地球在流泪海岸在哭泣  Aaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah  啊-----------  I used to dream  我曾经梦想  I used to glance beyond the stars  我曾经遥望群星之上  Now I don’t know where we are  如今不知我们身在何方Althouge  I know we’ve drifted for  尽管我明白我们漂泊了太远  Aaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah 啊-----------  Hey,what about yesterday (what about us)  嘿,昨天呢(我们呢)  What about the seas (what about us)  海洋呢  The heavens are falling down (what about us)  天堂跌落  I can’t even breathe (what about us)  我不能呼吸  What about the bleeding Earth (what about us)  流血的地球呢  Can’t we feel its wounds (what about us)  我们难道不能感受到它的伤痕  What about nature’worth (ooo,ooo)  宝贵的自然呢  It’s our planet’s womb (what about us)  那是我们地球的孕育地  What about animals (what about us)  动物呢  We’ve turned kingdoms to dust (what about us)  我们把他们的王国化为灰烬  What about elephants (what about us)  大象呢  Have we lost their trust (what about us)  我们是不是已失去它们的信任  What about crying whales (what about us)  鲸鱼呢  We’re ravaging the seas (what about us)  我们污染了海洋  What about forest trails (ooo,ooo)  森林小径呢  Burnt despite our please (what about us)  给我们违心的烧毁了  What about the holy land (what about us)  神圣的土地呢  Tron apart by creed (what about us)  被四分五裂了  What about the common man (what about us)  普通人呢  Can’t we set him free (what about us)  我们可以给予他自由吗  What about children dying (what about us)  奄奄一息的孩子呢  Can’t you hear them cry (what about us)  你有没有听到他们的哭声  Where did we go wrong (ooo,ooo)  我们走错了何方  Someone tell me why (what about us)  有没有人告诉我原因  What about babies (what about us)  婴儿呢  What about the days (what about us)  岁月呢  What about all their joy (what about us)  他们所有的欢乐呢  What about the man (what about us)  人类呢  What about the crying man (what about us)  哭喊的人们呢  What about Abraham (what about us)  亚伯拉罕呢  What about death again (ooo,ooo)  再问一次,死亡呢  Do we give a damn  我们有没有注意  多感人的歌词呀 这是我心中的天使MICHAEL JACKSON的歌呀 大家也喜欢他吗??太好了!又发现知己了!!  永远支持我们的迈迈!!爱他爱他!

迈克尔杰克逊的地球之歌(earth song)表达了什么思想 请用1234一条条列出来,并且说出哪些歌词体现了它们


What about sunrise What about rain


What about killing fields Is there a time


This crying Earth its weeping shores



What about all the peace


All the children dead from war


What about the holy land


orn apart by creed



What about animals Turned kingdoms to dust


What about elephants Have we lost their trust


What about crying whales



What about the common man


Can’t we set him free



《earth song》是一首由迈克尔·杰克逊谱曲,填词,演唱的歌曲,完整歌词

What about sunrise What about rain


What about all the things


That you said we were to gain


What about killing fields


Is there a time What about all the things


That you said was yours and mine


Did you ever stop to notice


All the blood we’ve shed before


Did you ever stop to notice


The crying Earth the weeping shores


Aaaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh


What have we done to the world


Look what we’ve done


What about all the peace


That you pledge your only son


What about flowering fields


Is there a time What about all the dreams


That you said was yours and mine


Did you ever stop to notice


All the children dead from war


Did you ever stop to notice


The crying Earth the weeping shores


Aaaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh


I used to dream


I used to glance beyond the stars


Now I don’t know where we are


Although I know we’ve drifted far


Aaaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh


Hey, what about yesterday (What about us)


What about the seas (What about us)


The heavens are falling down (What about us)


I can’t even breathe (What about us)


What about lost again (What about us)


I leaded the woe (What about us)


What about nature’s worth (Oooooo)


It’s our planet’s womb (What about us)


What about animals (What about it)


We’ve turned kingdoms to dust (What about us)


What about elephants (What about us)


Have we lost their trust (What about us)


What about crying whales (What about us)


We’re ravaging the seas (What about us)


What about forest trails (Oooooo)


Burnt despite our pleas (What about us)


What about the holy land (What about it)


Torn apart by creed (What about us)


What about the common man (What about us)


Can’t we set him free (What about us)


What about children dying (What about us)


Can’t you hear them cry (What about us)


Where did we go wrong (Oooooo)


Someone tell me why (What about us)


What about babies (What about it)


What about the days (What about us)


What about all their joy (What about us)


What about the man (What about us)


What about the crying man (What about us)


What about Abraham (What was us)


What about death again (Oooooo)


Do we give a damn Aaaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh


sergey lazarev的《Earth Song》 歌词

Earth Song




What about sunrise日出呢

What about rain雨呢

What about all the things还有你说过

That you said we were to gain我们会得到的一切呢?

What about killing fields杀戮的土地呢?

Is there a time有没有结束的时候

What about all the things还有你说过

That you said was yours and mine属于你和我的一切呢......

Did you ever stop to notice你是不是忘了

All the blood we’ve shed before我们曾挥洒下的血汗

Did you ever stop to notice你有没有注意到

The crying Earth the weeping shores地球在流泪,海岸在哭泣

Aaaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜

What have we done to the world我们对世界做错了什么

Look what we’ve done看看我们做错了什么吧

What about all the peace还有你向独子许诺过的

That you pledge your only son一切和平呢

What about flowering fields百花争艳的大地呢

Is there a time有没有结束的时候

What about all the dreams还有你说过

That you said was yours and mine属于你和我的所有梦想呢

Did you ever stop to notice你是不是忘了

All the children dead from war战争中死去的那些孩子

Did you ever stop to notice你有没有注意到

The crying Earth the weeping shores地球在流泪,海岸在哭泣

Aaaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜

I used to dream我曾经梦想我曾经遥望群星之上

I used to glance beyond the stars我曾经遥望群星之上

Now I don’t know where we are如今不知我们身在何方

Although I know we’ve drifted far尽管我明白我们漂泊了太远

Aaaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜

Hey, what about yesterday (What about us)嘿,昨天呢

What about the seas (What about us)海洋呢

The heavens are falling down (What about us)天堂正在堕落

I can’t even breathe (What about us)我简直不能呼吸

What about lost again (What about us)再次失去呢

I leaded the woe (What about us)我造成了这灾难

What about nature’s worth (Oooooo)宝贵的自然呢

It’s our planet’s womb (What about us)那是我们地球的孕育地

What about animals (What about it)动物呢

We’ve turned kingdoms to dust (What about us)我们把他们的王国化为灰烬

What about elephants (What about us)大象呢

Have we lost their trust (What about us)我们是不是已失去它们的信任

What about crying whales (What about us)鲸鱼呢

We’re ravaging the seas (What about us)我们污染了海洋

What about forest trails (Oooooo)森林呢

Burnt despite our pleas (What about us)被我们用恶意的借口烧毁了

What about the holy land (What about it)神圣的土地呢

Torn apart by creed (What about us)被四分五裂了

What about the common man (What about us)普通人呢

Can’t we set him free (What about us)我们难道不给予他自由吗

What about children dying (What about us)奄奄一息的孩子呢

Can’t you hear them cry (What about us)你有没有听到他们的哭声

Where did we go wrong (Oooooo)我们到底哪一步走错了

Someone tell me why (What about us)有没有人告诉我原因

What about babies (What about it)小孩子呢

What about the days (What about us)这个时代怎么办

What about all their joy (What about us)他们所有的欢乐呢

What about the man (What about us)人类呢

What about the crying man (What about us)哭喊的人们呢

What about Abraham (What was us)亚伯拉罕呢

What about death again (Oooooo)再一次灭亡会怎样

Do we give a damn我们都不在乎吗

Aaaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜


sergey lazarev翻唱了这首地球之歌。

Earth Song(地球之歌),是美国流行天王迈克尔杰克逊于1995年发行的个人单曲,收录于专辑《HIStory(历史)》中。



earth song歌词对不起来

  What about sunrise 想想日出吧  What about rain 雨呢  What about all the things 所有的东西呢  that you said we were to gain你说过我们会得到的  What about killing fields 想想那死寂的大地  Is there a time 有没有那一段时光  What about all the things 所有的东西呢   that you said was yours and mine 属于你和我的一切  Did you ever stop to notice 你是否曾停下去关注  All the blood we’ve shed before 我们曾经流出的鲜血  Did you ever stop to notice 你是否曾停下去关注  This crying Earth its weeping shores? 哭泣的地球和她流泪的海岸  Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh  What have we done to the world? 我们对地球做了些什么  Look what we’ve done. 看看我们都做的  What about all the peace 你对你仅有的儿子  that you pledge your only son?保证的和平  What about flowering fields? 鲜花开遍的田野呢  Is there a time? 有没有那么一段时光  What about all the dreams 你说过  that you said was yours and mine? 属于你和我的一切梦想  Did you ever stop to notice, 你是否曾停下去关注  All the children dead from war? 所有在战争中死去的孩子  Did you ever stop to notice, 你是否曾停下去关注  This crying Earth its weeping shores? 哭泣的地球和她流泪的海岸  Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh  I used to dream 我过去常常幻想  I used to glance beyond the stars 我过去常常向群星远望  Now I don’t know where we are 现在我不知道身在何方  Although I know we’ve drifted far 尽管我知道我们已经漂泊得太远  Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh  Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh  Hey  what about yesterday!往昔呢!(What about us)  What about the seas! 海洋呢!(What about us)  Heavens are falling down!天堂在陨落!(What about us)  I can’t even breathe! 我甚至不能呼吸!(What about us)  What about lost again!再次失去呢!(What about us)  I leaded the woe! 我造成了这灾难!(What about us)  What about nature’s worth! 大自然的财富呢?(ooo, ooo)  It’s our planet’s womb! 它是我们星球的生命摇篮!(What about us)  What about animals! 动物们呢!(What about it)  Turned kingdoms to dust!它们王国被夷为废墟!(What about us)  What about elephants!大象呢!(What about us)  Have we lost their trust? 我们已失去他们的信任了吗?(What about us)  What about crying whales?哭泣的鲸鱼呢!(What about us)  We’re ravaging the seas!我们正在污染海水!(What about us)  What about forest trails!森林的小径呢!(ooo, ooo)  Burnt despite our pleas! 我们用借口烧毁了!(What about us)  What about the holy land!神圣的土地呢!(What about it)  Torn apart by creed 被宗派四分五裂了! (What about us)  What about the common man! 平民百姓呢!(What about us)  Can’t we set him free! 我们不能让他们自由吗!(What about us)  What about children dying!奄奄一息的孩子呢!(What about us)  Did you hear them cry!你听到他们在哭吗!(What about us)  Where did we go wrong!我们在哪里走错了!(ooo, ooo)  Someone tell me why!有人能告诉我吗!(What about us)  What about the baby boy!小孩子呢!(What about it)  What about the days!这个时代怎么办!(What about us)  What about all their joy!他们的快乐呢!(What about us)  What about the man!人类呢!(What about us)  What about the crying man!!哭泣的人群呢! (What about us)  What about Abraham!亚伯拉罕呢!(What was us)  What about death again!!再次灭亡吗!(ooo, ooo)  Do we give a damn!!! 我们就不在乎吗!!!  Aaaaaaaaah Ooooooooh

earth song歌词(夏家三千金上有一个歌曲,我记得歌词是:是你飞向了天空,后面的我记不住了,这首歌叫什么名)






2024年4月21日 13:00



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2024年5月4日 13:00



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