- 初中中考英语作文经典
- 中考优秀英语作文500字范文+译文
- 中学英语作文
- 中考优秀的英语作文范文400字
- 中考英语满分作文70词精选
- 中考英语作文 零分
- 中考英语作文开头素材三篇
- 中考英语作文阅读素材事例三篇
- 中考英语作文:要忍耐(to be patient)
We all know that water is very important for human beings, while rainwater is also very important for plants.
Their mother gives their first life, but rainwater provides them the second life.
Without rainwater, the plants, especially the wild plants will thirst to die.
As living in the wilderness, they can’t get the attention from human beings.
So they have to drink the natural water, which is from the rainwater.
We all know that we can bear hunger for a short time, but we couldn’t stand thirsty.
So do the plants. So, you can see how important rainwater is to plants.
To build a conservation-oriented society is the new concept for our country.
How to make it? I think to build a conservation-oriented society can from two sides.
Firstly, saving energy would be the first thing. We need to save all resource that we use in our daily life.
We need to change our habit of extravagance and waste.
Secondly, we had better try our best to recycle something so that we can have more resource to use.
For example, the water that we have used to wash vegetable can be used to wash toilet again.
If we can do these, I believe building a conservation-oriented society is not a difficult thing.
【 #中考# 导语】中考是学习生涯中承上启下的阶段,初中阶段的作文训练尤为重要,是以后写作功底的基础,所以一定要找对方法,多写多练多看,以下是 为大家整理的《中考优秀英语作文500字范文》供您查阅。
(1) When was …invented?
(2) It was invented…
(3) They are used for…
Computers are becoming more and more important in our daily life. Do you know when the computer was invented?
The computer was invented in 1946. At that time, it was huge. With the development of science and technology, the computer has grown smaller. Now there are many kinds of computers, such as personal computers and laptops. The computer is a very useful tool in our life. For example, it can send some messages to foreign friends by email. What’s more, it can share information with others through the World Wide Web. We can also listen to music or play the game on computers. It makes us relax.
It’s hard to imagine what our life would be like without computers. I think computers will be more convenient and they are going to change our life completely in the near future.
Last weekend, I wanted to swim in the river that I usually wen in the childhood. When I went there, I was shock. The river is no longer like before. It was full of rubbish. It seemed that the rubbish is from the villagers themselves. In order to put the rubbish nearer, they put all of them into the river. Not only the water is not clean any more, the river also smelt bad. I real touched. Why human and the environment couldn’t live harmonious? Long time ago, they could get along with each other. Why not now? People have to stop their behavior to harm the environment. Otherwise, it would cause destruction to both sides。
When I was in primary school, my parents had paid special attention to the English education, they thought it was the necessary language to learn. So I had access to the English movie and the relatived books. I fell in love with learning English, because speaking English made me stand out. Later I found an English club in my school, it was a place for the English learner to improve their speaking skill and gain their interest. I was so excited and we talked in English all the time, I learned a lot. When other students complain about the difficulty to learn the language, I have passion to learn it.
中考英语作文范文: 4.MyopinionsonvolunteeringWearemiddleschoolstudentsandwearebusywithourlessons.Sosomepeoplethinkweshouldconcentratemoreonourstudies.Ifwevolunteertohelpothers,it’sawasteoftime.ButIthinkvolunteeringisgreat.InotonlyfeelgoodabouthelpingothersbutalsogettospendtimedoingwhatIlovetodo.AndfromvolunteeringIhavelearnedmanythingsthatIhaveneverlearnedinclass.SoifIhaveanoppoutunity,I’dliketovisitoldpeople’shometocleanupforthem.I’dalsoliketohelpsickkidsinhospital.IlovekidsandIplantoputmylovetogoodusebyworkinginhospital.Inaword,I’dliketohelppeoplewhoneedhelp.Ifeveryonehelpsoutabit,theworldwillbemorecolorful.
【 #中考# 导语】不管是中考语文还是高考语文,作文都是受人关注的,同时也是试卷中分值的一个项目。 整理了中考优秀的英语作文范文400字三篇供大家鉴赏。
My name is Zhang Dan. I have a pen pal.
My pen pal is a girl. She is 12 years old. She is from Toronto, Canada. She is tall and she is thin. She has short curly hair. She wears funny glasses. She is a little bit quiet and shy. She can speak English and French. She speaks English very well. Her favorite subject is math. Because she thinks math is interesting. She likes reading and playing chess. She is a good student.
Everyone likes her very much because she is friendly.
Today was my father’s birthday, which was such a big day for me, so I wanted to give him a surprise. My father always gave me what I wanted, because he was busy and tried to do something for me. Actually, he was a great father for me. I told my mother that I wanted to make a dish for my father and she was very happy to teach me. So when I went home after school, I rushed to the kitchen and prepared for the food. With my mother’s help, I was very confident. When my father went home, he was very happy and praised me a lot. He said thiswas the biggest present.
I think healthy habits are very important for us.
All of us want to be healthy. First, we should get enough sleep during the night. We can go to bed early and get up early. Staying up late is bad for our health. Second, we must have the right kinds of food. We should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat. We should drink a lot of water. We should have healthy eating habits. Third, we should do more exercise to build up our bodies. Finally, we should wash hands before meals and brush our teeth twice a day. If we don’t feel well, we should go to see the doctor at once.
Dear Peter,
I’m glad to receive your email. As it is required,you are supposed to hand in the poster before next Friday.
Being your close friend,I am extremely willing to share some ideas about designing the poster with you.First and foremost,the basic safety rules are of great importance,which should be included in your poster.In the second place,following the safety rules is so meaningful and crucial that you had better remind your readers of its significance and advise them to be careful both in and out of school.Last but by no means least,if I were you,I would add a few suggestions about safety awareness,considering that better safe than sorry.In addition,it is a good idea for you to draw a few pictures on your poster so as to make it more lively and acceptable.
If there is anything more that I can help with, please let me know.
Li Hua
My Low-carbon Life
The environmental pollution is worse and worse today. Many trees are cut down, and water and air are polluted. As a student I try to have a low-carbon life to save energy and reduce pollution.
Firstly, I often walk to school. It can reduce air pollution. Secondly, I always turn off the lights and fans when leaving the classroom. Thirdly, I always make full use of paper and other school things and never waste water.
I wish more students to join me and make the earth more and more beautiful.
What are friends? We often talk about the topic with others.
I think friends are those people who can help you when you are in trouble. Don’t forget the saying, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” Friends can tell you your mistakes, though what they say is hard for you to listen to. You can share your happiness, trouble and worry with friends. Someone also says, “You can’t walk any step without a friend.”
So I think friends are very important to us. I would like to make as many friends as possible.
中考英语作文 零分
书面语言表达一般分为三个过程:思维、组织、表达。先是思维,把要写的东西在脑中思考,这往往是个别的,孤立的一些素材,很凌乱琐碎;因此要对此进行组织,把这些思维作出整理,使其条理、系统化,但这还是较粗糙的,可能还有一些用词不当或语言错误;最后才是表达,把组织过的材料仔细推敲,确无问题了再落笔成文。写作文时要注意主谓语一致,时态呼应,用词贴切等,这就是写作。 上述的三个过程,最难的就是第三个过程,这需要我们有较好的语法。英语写作是中考英语试卷中最后一道题,它是同学们最感困惑和失分比例较高的大题。写作是考察语言综合运用能力的项目,它要求考生能熟练运用学过的词汇、句型等,并且能良好地进行谋篇布局。由于作文难度较高,导致很多考生望“文”兴叹。 从历年的考题来看,中考英语写作涉及的内容和主题一般都贴近中学生的生活,命题人希望考生在面对这些题目时有感而发、有话可说,是广大考生现有的语言水平和生活经历所能掌控的。 2004年的作文题为“LeavingSchool”,让考生以“离校”为题写一篇文章,这篇文章应该从考生自己的角度出发,写出离校时对于原来学校、老师和同学的留恋以及对未来的打算。 2005年的“Growing Pains and Gains”,同样也是应该结合自身,阐述pains和gains两方面内容。 2006年的 “IHave aDream”,2007年的 “Things IHate toDo”, 2008年的 “Love aroundme”,2009年的 “Iwant to do something formy school(我想为学校做一件事)”,无一例外的都需要考生从自身出发,结合学校、家庭和社会进行写作。 由此可知,中考命题人的思路是让我们针对身边的事情和现象进行写作,并且最重要的是能结合自身,从“我”的角度出发来创作。中考作文18分,内容7分,语言8分,组织结构3分。内容分,要求考生主题明确,内容紧扣主题,结构条理清晰,表达清楚、完整;语言分,要求考生能正确、端正、熟练地书写字母、单词和句子,注意大小写和标点符号;组织结构分,考察考生熟练正确地运用所学的单词、词组和句型的能力。广大考生应尽可能地留出20分钟的时间来写作文,从容地抓住命题人的脉搏,书写规范,保持卷面整洁,尽量不出或少出拼写错误,放松心情,沉着应对。 写作中容易出现的四大问题 文章主题不突出 很多同学忽视了写作最初也是最重要的步骤——审题,导致写出来的文章要么偏题跑题,要么内容没有很好地紧扣主题,写作中要紧扣中心,不离提示,切勿随意发挥,离题万里。一般常见的低分和零分的文章就出于此,还有的同学作文分数时高时低也是因为这个原因。建议考生一定不要急于动笔,仔细审题和构思,围绕主题,列出提纲。全面准确地把握题目所给予的信息,加以分析、整理,列出要点。注意题目所要求的人称、时间、地点、人物等信息,避免用错。审题时首先要明确文章的主题是什么,也就是核心话题。其次,文章的文体是什么,根据文体确定写作选用的时态,比如记叙文常用一般过去时;通知告诉的是将要发生的事情,应以将来时为主;说明文阐明的是事实,应以现在时为主。再次,确定要写的内容,比如2008年的“Love aroundme”就应该写生活中你受到的爱并举例说明,写出你对爱的感受,以及对爱的回馈。以上几个方面缺一不可。 格式和语言不够规范 英文作文都有自己的格式,尤其是应用文,如:日记、书信、通知、便条等。因此,开始动笔之前,一定要搞清楚题目的要求,以便根据不同的体裁,写出不同格式的文章。考试的时候由于时间紧迫以及心态等问题,考生通常会犯很多低级错误,诸如时态运用不当、主谓不一致、漏用冠词、介词搭配错误、拼写错误等问题层出不穷,导致了直接的失分。另外,简单句用逗号分隔后漏用连词等现象也是屡见不鲜,一个and,but,so,yet这样简单的连词在这时候就能助你一臂之力。考生在语言规范方面另外一个大问题就是把中文的使用习惯放到了英语表达中,诸如 “I very liked playing foot-ball。”学生在平时练习写作的过程中应着重注意这些方面的问题,完成作文后进行仔细的检查和修改不符合表达习惯 表达习惯也是写好英语作文的重要环节,如“我的理想是做一名建筑师”,很多同学写成“My ambition isto do/make an architect”,“to do”表示“做”或者“干”,“tomake”表示“制作”,而“做一名建筑师”则表示“成为一名建筑师”应该用 “be/become anarchitect”;又如 “看书、看报”应用“read a book/newspaper”,而不是“seea book/newspaper”。因此,平时应该注意不同语言的表达习惯,望文生义或一味生搬硬套只会闹出笑话。 表达单一 行文流畅、语言准确、用词得当是中考作文得高分的关键。在写作过程中,考生要尽量使用自己熟悉的词汇、句式表达。遇到自己不熟悉的词、短语时,要学会变通,变难为易。很多考生由于怕犯语法错误,通篇文章都使用几乎没有任何修饰的简单句。造成文章乏味,语言平淡,结构感差。针对此现象,希望考生能够尽可能地丰富自己的句式,将一些熟练掌握的宾语从句、主语从句、表语从句、定语从句、状语从句等运用到文章中,同时还可以采用不定式、分词短语、介词短语、同位语、插入语等,或者使用一些并列句,让句子有一定的长度。另外,一些被动句、倒装句和强调句在文章中适当的运用也是相当闪光的元素。考生应避免用词平凡和用词单一,比如good,可以用great,excellent,outstand-ing,wonderful这样的词来代替;在文章中多用些词组代替简单的单词,比如表示“喜欢”,除了用like,love,prefer之外,我们还可以用be fond of,bekeen on,be crazy about等,避免以good,nice,bad这样模糊化的词走遍天下。 文章衔接不当 很多考生的文章就是一些句子的简单堆砌,句子与句子之间缺乏关联,读起来相当散乱,给人的感觉就是条理不清。行文连贯是中考作文评分的一个重要标准。要使文章连贯,巧用连词是关键。如果根据各句之间的关系,适当地加上一些连词,可以使得文章行文自然流畅。针对这个问题,我们可以用一些过渡词和词组,比如,表示三层意思或三个观点,我们可以用firstof all, in addition, last but not least;也可以用in the first place, besides,what’smore等;表示相反的两个观点,我们可以用on the other hand,however, on the contrary, in spite of,despite等,来使文章句子之间的联系更加紧密,结构更加高效。
1. For all that…对于这一切…… In spite of the fact that…尽管事实……
2. Further, we hold opinion that… 此外,我们坚持认为,…
3. However , the difficulty lies in…然而,困难在于…
4. Similarly, we should pay attention to… 同样,我们要注意…
5. not(that)…but(that)…不是,而是
6. In view of the present station鉴于目前形势
7. As has been mentioned above…正如上面所提到的…
8. In this respect, we may as well (say) 从这个角度上我们可以说
9. However, we have to look at the other side of the coin, that is… 然而我们还得看到事物的另一方面,即 …
1. It’s hardly too much to say that… 它几乎没有太多的说…
2. What calls for special attention is that…需要特别注意的是
3. There’s no denying the fact that…毫无疑问,无可否认
4. Nothing is more important than the fact that… 没有什么比这更重要的是…
5. what’s far more important is that… 更重要的是…
6. A case in point is … 一个典型的例子是…
7. As is often the case…由于通常情况下…
8. As stated in the previous paragraph 如前段所述
9. But the problem is not so simpleTherefore 然而问题并非如此简单,所以……
10. But it’s a pity that… 但遗憾的是…
1. I will conclude by saying… 最后我要说…
2. Therefore, we have the reason to believe that…因此,我们有理由相信…
3. All things considered,总而言之 It may be safely said that…它可以有把握地说……
4. Therefore, in my opinion, it’s more advisable…因此,在我看来,更可取的是…
5. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that…通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论…
6. The data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that…通过数据我们得到的结论是,…
7. It can be concluded from the discussion that…从中我们可以得出这样的结论
8. From my point of view, it would be better if…在我看来……也许更好
9. Let’s take…to illustrate this
10. let’s take the above chart as an example to illustrate this
【 #中考# 导语】让时间在知识的枝条上、智慧的绿叶上、成熟的果实上留下它勤奋的印痕!想要作文写的好,作文素材是必不可少的 。以下是 为大家整理的《中考英语作文阅读素材事例》供您查阅。
Water is the basis of life.Animals and plants need water. So do we. Without food, we can live for a week,but we can’t live for three days without water.
Water also plays an importantpart in our daily life, because we have to clean our teeth, wash our faces andtake a shower every day. In addition, water is needed in cooking as well.
Even though our earth is rich inwater resource, there are still many places lack of water, because of the waterpollution. It’s a great pity that few people have realized the importance ofwater protection. If we continue to pollute the water, we will have no water todrink and die of thirst. So we must cherish the water resource.
London, the capital of British is afamous city with a long history and colorful cultures. There are some greatwonders in London, such as Buckingham Palace, the British Museum, Big Ben,Tower Bridge, the Tower of London, Stonehenge, and so on. They are so wonderfuland great.
Buckingham Palace is the placewhere the Queen lives in. There you can always see the guards.
The British Museum is a museumwith human history and culture. There is a great deal of objects from all overthe world in it.
Big Ben is one of the most famousclocks in the world. It’s the symbol of London. It’s 150 years old and it stillworks well.
Tower Bridge is a famous bridgeover the River Thames in London. It’s close to the tower of London. Every daythousands of people use it to cross the river.
The Tower of London was once aprison for kings, queens and some important people, many of whom were executedhere. But now, it’s just a historical site. Every day, many people come hereand take pictures of it.
Stonehenge dates back to aboutfive thousand years ago. The usage of it still remains a mystery.
What interesting sites in London.If I have a chance to go abroad, I’ll travel to that city. I am sure I will bejoyous there.
The Five Goat Statue that is thesymbol of both the mountain and the city stands on the stone stair of YuexiuMountain. Every year, many people come to see it.
The legend dates back to long longago. Five gods together with their five goats came to save the people from thefamine disaster. After doing that, they went back to heaven, but the five goatsdidn’t go together with them. Instead, they joined together and turned to a bigstone, in order to protect this land.
Owing to the legend, the statuehas become the landmark of the city, showing the brilliance of Guangzhou. Nexttime you go to Guangzhou, you can see this statue at first. Maybe the fivegoats will bless you forever.
中考英语作文:要忍耐(to be patient)
when someone disagrees with you or offends you, don’t lose your temper. why? because it is of no use to do so. you ought to (should) be patient and keep calm lest you should quarrel with him. you must know that patience is not cowardice, but a virtue. i hope that everybody practices it. in addition, patience will also bring us success. when you meet with difficulties in your work, it is no use losing heart. you must keep on fighting until (till) the final victory belongs to you. "要忍耐"英语作文译文: 当有人和你意见不同或开罪你的时候,你切不可发脾气。为什么?因为这样做是无用的(用of no use)。你应当忍耐并且保持冷静,唯恐和他争吵。你必须知道忍耐不是弱而是一种美德。我希望人人都实行它。 另外,忍耐也会带给我们成功。当你在工作中遭遇到困难的时候,灰心是无用的。你必须继续作战直到最后胜利属于你为止。

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